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  for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

Archives of the Hotline

Topics/Threads 46000 to 46999

The Hotline includes more than 60,000 Shop Problems, Q&A's and RFQs about metal finishing. This page is an archive of a thousand of those discussions. You may prefer to start at our Home page, view the most recent threads, or search the site.

pub people

46000. Hard anodizing of extrusions gives necessary chem resistance, but will cast aluminum?
46002. Powder Coating C-Hooks Opening Under Load
46006. Rough and lumpy finish on galvanized parts
46009. The electroless nickel plater smoked my tool steel extrusion head
46017. Why is my prestige aluminium autoclave corroding adjacent to the external heating element?
46018. What is most accurate "referee" method for composition analysis of aluminum alloys?
46020. Need a nickel nitrate solution analysis faster than EDTA titration
46023. Should chrome be plated constant voltage or constant current?
46024. What determines required thickness for different chroming applications?
46026. Heavy grease removal
46030. Can you send me the history and founder of chrome plating?
46032. Hardening a "brush hog" mower blade to retain its strength and edge
46033. What is blackened steel?
46041. 430 series stainless steel electropolishing
46042. Specific Purpose of UF Membrane
46044. MIL-C-5541 aka MIL-DTL-5541 specification questions
46048. Aluminum is oxidizing/pitting during the barrel tumbling process
46049. Formulating a rust preventative spray for hot axles during cool down
46055. I get mini scratches when I try to do stainless steel mirror finish
46056. Cycle of problems in sulphamate nickel plating of Nickel Silver 770 alloy
46057. Black oxide on brass problem
46060. Electrocoating nickel over electrogalvanized steel
46065. Acceptable pH range for rinse bath between pickling and flux?
46068. Masking during powder coating
46069. 7075-T6 Chromate Conversion
46070. Restoring over-cleaned Roman billion/copper coin
46072. Hairline finish on flat stainless steel sheet components
46074. We need conductive finish on polyester resin for copper electroplating
46075. Finishes on stainless steel
46076. How to get gold bathroom faucets to darken to a bronze-like finish?
46077. Need to waterproof my chrome table and chairs
46078. Silk screen painting on aluminum blanks for pots and pans
46081. Prepping chrome wheels for powder coating
46082. I want oil rubbed bronze electrical switch plates and outlets
46084. Comparing bright nickel plating to electroless nickel plating
46085. Polishing copper alloy (BeCu)
46086. Corrosive effect of A-B-C fire extinguisher on aluminum
46092. Strips of Phosphor Bronze turn dark red or black
46094. Procedure to hobby copper plate 40 cm long x 100 mm dia pipe?
46095. Cleaning brass railings with muriatic acid
46096. Seeking a reference on patinas for steel
46101. Copper plating my laptop
46103. Hooks corrosion in Powder Coating conveyor
46106. Copper plating (Thick 40-50 micron) on Nickel Iron Wires-Core wire of Welding Rods
46108. Problems with Pickling and Passivating 304 Stainless Steel
46109. How long for the passive film to form?
46116. Treated Cyanide waste affect on main waste stream
46120. New Chrome on Old Chrome
46121. Phosphating of CS pipe used for Oxygen Service
46122. Can corrosion pit be created in Zinc Phosphated springs?
46124. How to remove electrochemical etched marking
46127. Stainless steel against galvanized steel
46130. How to gold plate on stainless steel metal (Watch)
46134. Gold plating soldered stained glass (lead and lead-free, tin)
46136. How can I paint my shiny brass fireplace doors for nice patina?
46138. citric acid passivation ...waste treatment
46139. Does cadmium plating on aluminum require a nickel strike first?
46140. Chloride limits for nickel sulfamate bath?
46141. Having some problems with copper corrosion products on silver plated copper parts
46142. Rack anodizing versus barrel anodizing
46143. Shot blasting to remove die-casting defects in aluminium heat-sink
46145. How to reduce Blistering for plating on Zinc Die Cast?
46146. Why not mix the chemicals and do 7-tank process in one tank? silly :-)
46153. Want to make boat anchors by blending mill scale with thermoplastic resin
46154. How to color the muffler system on my sport bike?
46156. How to prepare genuine gold powder from precipitated gold?
46157. Is there a way to remove chrome plating from aluminum at home?
46158. What is paintlok?
46159. How to remove Molykote coatings after their polymerization?
46160. Can we do powder coat on top of powder for rework
46161. Removing white spots / storage stain on galvanized metal
46162. 60/40 Tin/Lead plates very slow if agitation is turned on
46170. Teak refinishing Q&A's
46171. Anodizing a second color into a laser etched pattern
46173. How to re-surface stainless steel refrigerator
46174. Need to soften SS Type 304
46175. We need NADCAP certification
46180. Anodizing Racks: Titanium or Aluminum
46183. Residue from copper that has been patinated
46184. Need suggestion for non-Magnetic steel
46185. Standards for Cyclic Corrosion Testing
46186. How to increase the viscosity of 2-component Epoxy
46187. Pig iron high temperature (1000 C) resistance painting
46189. Supplemental Coating for Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Steel Components?
46192. Au plating on Kovar and Mo carrier
46195. Want info on Hanson-Van Winkle-Munning (HVWM) Nickel Plating Bath from 1950
46196. Hard chrome plating with colour
46197. Double sealing anodizing to stop DI water corrosion in fuel cells
46198. Etching Free Caustic Soda Limits
46205. Having problem finding foreign standards efficiently opinion!
46206. Power supply for nickel electroplating
46207. Hazards of hexavalent chromium in aluminum conversion coating
46208. Need a method to remove nickel acetate seal on anodized aluminum w/o damaging dye
46209. Need alternatives to galvanizing for power line bolts, nuts, lock washers
46211. How to powder coat or anodize soft steel in a food plant?
46215. Nonconductive coating for electroforming
46220. 320 grit-polished 316 stainless is rusting
46223. Jeweler sees bad color/streaks through nickel-gold plating at soldered areas
46225. How to dispose of 5% Sodium Dichromate bath?
46233. What is the chromatising internal reaction with aluminium components
46234. Differences between 303 and 303S stainless steel?
46236. Orthopedic mfgr. can't reconcile Ra numbers of satin finish vs. bright buff
46237. Electroplating isn't sticking -- a voltage issue?
46239. Health Risk of grinding trivalent chromated parts?
46240. City asks how anodized aluminum sculpture will hold up to salty environment
46241. How can I avoid over phosphating our parts?
46243. Yellow chromate coating comes off in our hot chemical rinse
46252. Chemically Polishing Fused Silica
46253. Cleaning of shielding oversprayed with Rhodium, Chromium, and Silver
46254. SEM/backscatter or XRF better to measure nickel gold on brass?
46257. Ultraseal vs. JS-500
46258. Clear Zinc Chromate coating on chassis is discoloring
46260. Hard Coat Pore Structure
46261. Large underwater vehicle chassis - to anodize or not to anodize?
46262. Our problem is anodizing aluminum sheet
46263. Best Coating for Gasoline/Salt Corrosion but Lower Cost than EN?
46264. Encountering variations discolorations on Inconel
46265. Coating for fitting in very aggressive acid bath
46266. How is a mirror finish to be called out
46268. Gold plating finish specification - bright or matte
46269. Tarnish-proofing copper jewelry
46270. What chemical reactions yield GaN film from Ga2O3?
46271. Changing yellow gold engagement ring band to silver
46281. How can I measure Fe in cleaning/acid tanks w/o an AA unit?
46283. How can I paint a brass drawer pull and get the paint to stick?
46287. Brazing on gun won't darken to match the iron barrel
46288. Hydrogen pick-up test failures
46289. A few questions about making best use of old powder coating powders
46291. Can't Rusted Fasteners Be Rejected?
46293. Silver anode now turns black during Silver Plating
46294. Want to get into photo chemical etching of stainless steel
46299. Is nickel and chrome recovery practical for small ABS plating plant?
46300. How do we label/manifest dried sulfuric acid?
46301. Removing copper and tin plating
46302. How to remove Polyurethane from metals
46303. Are chromates a poison to an Electroless Nickel bath?
46305. Our bright chrome tail pipes are fine but our brushed chrome ones fail salt spray
46307. Trying to plate gold onto copper tungsten, but getting poor adhesion
46308. Nickel Acetate vs. Nickel sulphate anodizing seals
46309. Problems with anodizing high zinc alloy
46310. What is burnished stainless steel and how to specify it?
46312. Why would springs be phosphatized?
46313. Corrosion of SS316 Tanker against 100 % NaCl and acetic acid
46316. Strip gold electroplating off a white gold base
46317. Practicality of copper plating steel or aluminum motorcycle gas tank and frame?
46318. Need procedure to PVDF line inside MS tank
46319. Has anyone added salts BACK into DI water to make it suitable for stainless steel?
46320. What high temperature clear coating to use for copper plated fireplace parts?
46321. CARC paint is blistering from aluminum parts
46324. Need help with acid copper bath maintenance / recovery
46325. Silver brightener - A and B formulation
46326. New anodizer needs info about water for 10% sulfuric acid solution
46328. Anticipating HCl vapor in carbon steel, stainless steel ducts
46335. Zinc electroplating turns to black
46336. Restoration of Vintage Soda Fountain
46337. How to compute the removed metal by electropolishing given the current and time
46339. Painter needs clear sealer for life size statues
46341. How to restore antique brass-plated steel light fixture
46344. Brushed nickel spray paint?
46345. Rust from Muriatic Acid Fumes
46349. Reducing chloride level in electroforming by high current treatment
46350. Having trouble acid copper plating polyester buttons in barrels
46351. How to implement an agitation pipe in cyanide zinc vat
46353. MSDS for hardcoat anodized parts?
46354. Is electropolishing of hard chrome plating possible?
46355. What is Zinc phosphating?
46356. Alternative to mechanical wheel buffing for stainless steel sheets?
46357. Best method for polishing of 304 stainless steel screws at very high volume?
46359. Conductivity question
46360. Cleaning - Pure Nickel
46361. Repairing concrete damaged by muriatic acid
46362. How to remove Teflon coated onto 0.6 to 0.9 mm thick CRCA strip?
46364. How much curing time before cross hatch scribing?
46365. Ultrasonic cleaning of musical instruments and chemicals
46366. Change refrigerator color from yellow to black
46370. Textured Black Finish on Mild Steel Sculptures for outdoor exposure?
46374. What happens to hardened steel surfaces if not baked for trapped hydrogen?
46377. Black Anodized 2024 T3 fails nitric acid dye test
46378. Looking for a UV curable plating resist which holds up in MSA Tin plating bath
46385. Cyanide Destruction ORP
46387. Verification of class 3 CCC on aluminum alloys using SEM EDS
46389. Removing Rust from Steel Axles
46399. What plating method is most suitable - Rhodium Electroplating or Ion Plating?
46400. Acid wash sheet metal covering for a fireplace and wood box
46403. Palladium-free direct plate technology for plating on plastic?
46409. Need to know the basics of 3rd layer of nickel plating
46411. Scratches on anodized aluminum "definition"
46412. Why is 316 Stainless Steel rusting?
46413. Hardened material becomes black after acid pickling
46414. Homemade patina recipes?
46415. Protecting polished steel motorcycle gas tank from corrosion
46416. Bioremediation of heavy metal contamination
46419. Media blinding and bad cake formation
46420. Remove powder coating from steel and aluminium
46421. What stainless steel can be used in chrome plating jigs?
46425. Nickel Phosphate precipitate removal by filtration
46428. Does anyone know what to use for a sealer on a freshly painted metal file cabinet?
46432. Corrosion impact on buried pipelines
46433. How to make a water solution of zinc phosphate
46434. How much coverage from a pound of fine texture Powder Paint Black?
46436. Cost calculation for hot dip galvanizing
46438. Corrosion on Tin Plated Zinc Part
46441. Must I do salt spray testing of chem film if it will be powder coated?
46442. Hard anodizing plus powder coating as a marine finish
46450. Hard chrome plating of different size diameters in one visit to chrome vat
46452. How can I preserve a "raw steel" look on my rifle?
46455. Bluing salts grow in blind holes of firearms during storage
46457. Mill Finish Part 2
46460. Rust powder formation in powder coated panels
46461. Anodic electroclean vs. cathodic electroclean vs. ?
46462. Deburring Chrome Moly 4140 on ID of small part with slots
46463. Hydrofluoric acid substitute
46467. Homemade browning agent for antique brass/bronze
46468. Problems in anodizing 7075-T6 / 7xxx
46470. Inconel 718 Hysteresis
46471. Looking to incorporate lettering into steel bicycle frame using media blasting
46472. Discolored Stainless Steel Flatware
46473. Nitric acid neutralization of Zinc plating before chromating
46476. Electroless Nickel Plating onto Aluminum
46478. Is this hard coat look and feel okay?
46481. "Frictionless Metal Co. Nickel Genuine St. Louis" - What have I found?
46482. Nickel Fluoborate solution making
46487. Finish on a stainless sculpture
46488. Raw aluminium material which withstands 500-700 hrs salt spray?
46489. Nickel Sulfamate safety issues
46490. Problem in making antique brass
46491. How to recognize/test for unpaintable galvanized steel?
46493. Are there any ways to the hard chromium coating hardness of the HV1000 above?
46494. Ideal type of mandrel to be used for photoelectroforming
46495. Stainless finishing after welding
46496. How to achieve satin / matte finish on SS304 pipe ?
46497. Rust Removal from Zn and Steel
46500. Corrosion of aluminium
46503. How to remove silica scale from faucets, etc.
46506. Composition details of chrome plating
46510. Easiest way to make Hard Chrome surface hydrophillic
46512. Water Stains on Rafters in Basement
46513. TiN, TiC, TiO2 practical problem
46515. Starting a small galvanizing plant
46519. Looking for an Int'l Std. spec for "High Corrosion Resistant Trivalent Blue Chromate"
46522. Molykote after nitriding
46525. How to calculate waste loadings from HF Etch Bath
46526. How to remove silica smut?
46532. What electrode material for nickel electrowinning?
46534. Gold plating on TiN?, What process to activate the TiN for gold plating?
46536. Need magnetic measuring cups
46537. Is there a standard zinc dichromate coating repair procedure that exists?
46540. Nickel Plating on Stainless Steel
46541. What is "Gold Iridite"?
46543. A rust inhibitive coating to replace galvanizing
46544. Latest equipments and methods for cleaning drill debris in high aspect ratio holes
46547. How do we continuously remove titanium from an etch tank
46552. Surface treatment for Cr-Fe alloy
46554. Need "Brass Guard" in white tube, for polishing brass, silver, gold
46556. 304 Stainless Steel Corrosion problems at vodka distillery
46561. Rust spots appearing through paint on NEW steel entry doors again!
46563. Which is best method to separate the chromium sediment from the treated effluent?
46565. Acid vs alkali zinc plating - which is more prone to hydrogen embrittlement
46572. Interpretation of ASTM B117 requirement
46573. Hex chrome on internal diameters
46576. Graphite as a cookware coating?
46577. Removing phosphating from the workpiece
46578. Removal of hex chrome in solid state
46579. Inconsistent adhesion of electroplated nickel to electroless nickel
46580. Water jet to Deburring, radiusing, polishing Stainless Steel (Tumbler?)
46581. Which is better for Chrome Plating, Zinc Die Cast or Aluminum Die Cast
46582. Steel wire being "eaten away" during hot dip galvanizing
46583. Stripping Electroless Nickel From Heavy Metal Sinter
46584. Analysis of nickel chloride in Barrett Nickel bath
46585. Startup Costs, anodizing and electrofinishing
46586. Anode Choice in Gold/Nickel Recovery
46587. Acid Zinc Cobalt v/s Alkaline Zinc Plating
46589. How much of chromium is in other planets?
46590. Prepping alum for powder coating
46591. Cleaning rusted zinc etching plates for museum
46592. Deburring ID of Niobium Sheet 14"x 4" x .013" thick
46593. Re-ionizing De-ionized water, necessary to prevent metal erosion?
46596. Speckled Granular appearance when Electropolishing Cast 316 (CF8M)
46597. Who pickles stainless steel in the US?
46600. 'Silver poisoning' a real threat
46601. Corrosion in SS304 tank used for potassium permanganate solution
46602. Need plastisol repair material for coated punched decks
46603. Making Plating Grow
46604. Looking for Info on Aluminum Finishing
46614. Jewelry designer wants to plate teeth as jewelry
46615. Making your own Anodes?
46616. Corrosion on BeCU
46617. Coloring and Blackening of Stainless Steel
46618. Passivating Stainless Steel with citric acid
46619. Machining on aluminum
46620. Is it 'safe' to use deionised water to wash a car?
46621. Removal of powder coat finish on aluminum patio furniture
46622. Restoring mirror finish on classic automotive stainless trim
46623. How to size DM plant and minimize regeneration waste
46629. Coloring zinc sheet to look copper
46630. Electroplating Kit under $50.00
46631. Dispute over damaged "Silver?" trays
46633. Rust Remover on Chrome/ Stainless Steel in Bath/ Kitchen
46634. Cooking with galvanized steel
46635. Dry film resist stripping issue from double treated copper surfaces
46636. Nickel acetate sealed part "weeping" yellow like liquid when heated to 250 degrees
46644. AMS 2410 silver plating problem
46646. Coating of aluminum injection mold tool
46647. Corrosion Properties of 6061-T6 in an Alkaline Environment
46649. Fluoborate nickel and activator analytical procedures
46652. Any drawbacks switching parts from Aluminized to G90 Galvanized Sheet metal?
46653. Bubble wrap stains tin plating?
46654. 2024 Burning Problems
46656. Seeking advice on reagent to etch 17-4 stainless steel
46657. Process/Procedure for Cross Hatch Adhesion Test
46658. Dacrotized vs HDG for the environment
46659. Zinc flake coating questions
46660. Effluent treatment of boiler cleaning waste
46661. To get mirror finish #1 / #2 finish in deep cavity
46662. Prepping beryllium nickel for plating
46668. Aluminum windows glass replacement and paint stripping
46669. Cabinet maker needs faster prep of new mild steel for lacquer
46670. Porcelain tub stained all over by gases from drain cleaner
46671. Knocking the shine off of new galvanized tin panels
46672. Need to restore a copper coal bucket damaged by fire
46673. Method for checking quality of zinc plated parts
46674. Spot test to detect quality and thickness of chromate passivation on zinc plated component
46675. Attack upon substrate from chrome stripping
46678. Preventing or reducing zinc leaching from galvanized steel fishways and grates
46679. What can cause porous tin layer during plating
46681. Do anodizing standards (e.g. MIL-A-8625) require cleaning and testing or is it optional?
46682. Passivation using phosphoric acid
46683. Chromate question
46684. Steam coil material for Acidulation tank
46685. Pull off problem while cobalt zinc plating
46687. Pumping zinc from one to the second baths
46688. I Don't Know What To Do!
46689. Motorcycle Chrome defects on Custom Exhaust System
46690. Electroplating of nickel on copper plate
46691. Passivation process in barrel line
46692. Removing surface rust from an automotive cam
46693. Iridite coating of brass
46695. Paint or something to make brass lamp shade less hot
46696. Restoring Red-Brown Finish On Solid Copper Sink
46699. Measurement of Acid Etch Coupons
46700. Dehumidification an answer for clear coating bare mild steel?
46702. Silver coating endotracheal tubes so deaf babies can be given artificial cochlea
46703. Electroless nickel on titanium
46704. Electroformed (nickel sulphamate) record stampers are breaking
46705. What plating for wear/corrosion resistance plus aluminum compatibility
46707. Copper Corrosion in condensate return boiler
46708. Rhodium electrodeposition in dull pieces
46709. Details about plating's redox reactions?
46710. Student asks what metal plates the fastest
46711. Nickel acetate seal issues ... surface is sticky
46712. Conductive Copper Paint/Spray for aluminum that is solderable
46715. Can I refinish my powder coated outdoor aluminum furniture without stripping?
46717. Expressing the uncertainty of a standard solution
46718. Hard chrome plating help!
46719. Need a finish for 480 hour salt spray requirement
46720. Is stainless steel 18-8 passivation RoHS compliant?
46721. 98% Sulfuric Acid and 316 Stainless Steel Piping - Flow Rate Question
46728. How to Distinguish / Confirm Electrophoretic Coating ?
46732. Mirror finish hard coating for machined aluminum
46733. Applying Surface Texture to Sheet Brass
46735. Painting white textured refrigerator door with rust bleeding through the textured surfaces
46739. Salt Spray Headache is back
46743. Dichromate seal goes pale gradually despite good concentration
46748. Electroless Tn on Cu
46751. Environmental Management class wants list of chemicals for nickel and chrome plating
46752. Zinc plating yellow passivation peel off while bonding with rubber in injection moulding
46753. Matte sandblasting finish
46755. Alochrome and etch primer
46760. How wet corrosion works
46763. C. B. Smith Model 1C-1 (or IC-I) Manual? - Chem Film Surface Resistance Testing (AMS 2477)
46765. Decorative gold plating
46769. Hot, Humid and Variable Corrosion
46776. Nickel plating Mic 6 tooling plate
46777. Zinc Chromate over steel having paint peeling problem
46780. Clear Iridite turned parts white
46781. Phosphating fails salt spray test
46782. The potentially harmful effect of Roman bronze utensils
46783. Emissivity of stainless steel
46784. TREMCLAD U.S.A.
46785. Electroplating a life size plastic deer
46786. Removal of nickel plating from Civil War pistols
46787. Looking for Copper clear coat that's heat resistant
46788. De-chroming Aluminum
46789. How can I clean/shine 1943 steel pennies?
46791. baumé Hydrometer Chart for Nickel Concentration
46793. Black Oxide finish over Brass wears off
46795. Discoloration of black zinc plated parts
46796. Acid Zinc at casting - lamellar graphite
46797. Need a process to Plate 409 Stainless Steel without a Nickel Strike?
46798. Sludge-less Phosphating
46799. Formic Acid and Sodium Hydroxide storage tanks
46802. Church needs to remove scratches or renew finish of Plexiglass mirror
46803. Methods for Rust Removal from Antique Tools without Destroying the Patina?
46804. 1928 RCA Victor Radio - brass needs pro help !
46806. What material for lab hood for chromic acid and sulfuric acid?
46807. What are temperature control needs of Chemical Lab
46808. Measurement of tool temperature in Ion Nitriding
46809. Higher fusion point with Electroless Ni or electroplated Ni?
46811. Burn spots on 304 SS after passivating
46812. Protecting copper and brass from corrosion by epoxy resin and varnish in sea water
46813. Sculptor wants advice on Distressed Mirror Finish for Aluminum
46814. High Temperature Metallization for Hybrid Circuits
46815. Black Oxide on Different Parts at the Same Time
46816. Chinese Hard Gold
46817. What should be the effect of vinegar on Zinc Chromate?
46818. Pits in Nickel/Gold Plating
46820. Need chrome plating of plastic parts
46822. How to give a watchband a brushed look?
46823. SPCC specification for steel
46824. Aged zinc finish/antique hot dipping/oxidised zinc finish
46825. Self texturing paint for metal
46826. Process know how of mild steel wire galvanising
46827. Minimizing fracturing to EN on aluminum
46828. Cyanide zinc brightener
46829. Alternatives to 'yellow passivate'
46832. Ceramic coating for acid purification reboilers
46840. Rhodium plating disappeared ...
46841. Restoring Cast Iron Stove Part
46845. Etch or Anodize aluminum nameplate, which one is suitable for winter salt environment?
46848. Sweating in sea
46849. Electroless Nickel on Sulfamate Nickel?
46850. Atomic Absorption Analysis indicates palladium
46854. Is salt spray test justifiable for zero micron coatings?
46855. Plating Tin onto Aluminum
46856. Problems in electroless Ag on glass
46857. Lime Away left milky film on glass shower doors
46858. Painting sinks, ovens, and microwaves
46859. Bronze sculpture from China, does it contain lead?
46860. Black Chromed Plastic
46863. Tin stripping from Aluminum
46864. Hot dip galvanizing adhesion superior to electroplate?
46866. Asked for Clear zinc plating but got Blue
46867. Discoloration of Titanium Anodizing when touched
46868. Passivation of aluminum used in food service equipment
46876. How do I start up PCB production for my company?
46878. Energy efficiency in galvanizing plant
46879. At Equal Thicknesses, is Hot Dipped Galvanizing Better than Electroplated Zinc
46880. Passivation and Hydrogen Embrittlement
46883. Copper plating zinc coins and souvenirs
46884. Replacement Finish for Molybdenum Disulfide On Torsion Spring for Auto Interior
46885. Non Magnetic Chrome Plating
46887. Pickling and Passivating Structural Steel
46890. Brush finishing of Stainless steel pipes
46891. Need lots of advice on products or technique to remove rust from early 50's kitchen table
46892. Removing printing from aluminum cans
46893. Best Wrap to Preserve Clean Shiny Silver
46894. Repairing patina on bronze and brass
46895. Artist asks how to do Staining on Copper
46896. AL 2024 T351 vs. AL 2024 T361
46900. Making parts for B-17; need Boeing BF3 Finishing Specs
46901. Touch-up of Black Oxide
46902. Suitable plating and their durability at sub zero temperature
46904. How to setup a small (low setup cost) electroplating system
46905. Black chrome over nickel?
46906. Chinese canister set isn't food-safe
46908. Visual verification of Chemical Film Mil-C-5541 Class 1A?
46909. DI water is pH 5.20. Is this right?
46910. Nickel striking and copper plating titanium
46912. Stripping Chromate Conversion Coating From Zinc Die Casting
46916. Uneven / Step Ag Plating
46918. Plating thickness and aspect ratio
46923. Zinc plated threaded rod: Q&As on plating and chromating
46926. Nickel Hydroxide?
46927. Removal of Carbon from Incinerator Ash to save our earth
46928. How to make cyanide-free gold brush plating solution?
46930. Painting an antique galvanized patio set
46931. Polished aluminum wheels turned milky from chrome cleaner
46932. Cleaning lacquer off tin inside copper frying pan
46934. Fire suppression regulatory requirement in a plating shop
46935. Electroplating waste composition
46936. Lime stone filter treatment
46937. Determination of Nitric acid in Hydrochloric acid
46938. Porosity testing of hard chrome plated surfaces
46940. Paint keeps peeling from railings at theme park
46941. How to hide scratches in galvanized metal?
46944. Polishing on stainless steel spec.304
46947. How to analyse a mixture by titration
46948. What makes some brass magnetic?
46949. How to keep aluminum motorcycle engines looking good
46951. Possible to chrome an aluminum casting?
46952. What is e512 per mil-f-14072
46953. Method for analyzing Zinc in rainwater
46957. Life expectancy of zinc-metal plating
46960. Hand solderability of gold finish
46961. Chem film Class 3 the beginnings
46966. Blistering in chrome plated plastic parts
46967. Unsatisfactory finish on some parts after passivation
46968. Electropolishing, Passivating, and Polishing of sanitary fittings
46969. Fastener Finish Selection Criteria
46971. Corroding stainless steel weighing platform in food processing environment
46972. Best finish to address corrosion of 356 alloy
46976. Effect of surface finish on paste and particulate heat transfer?
46978. Hot Black Oxide on firearm parts
46979. Is there anything I can do in my own garage to improve the finish on my project
46980. Fiberglass/epoxy bonding issue
46981. Feasibility of using e coating to provide corrosion resistance on mating parts that slide on one another
46982. Pitting on nickel plated aluminium
46983. Zinc Whiskers and electro galvanized steel
46991. Need Steam Plate Coated
46992. Clear Finish for Sand Blasted Mild Steel Walls at Airport
46993. Hot-dip-Galvanizing vs. Electrogalvanizing
46995. Will age turn black anodized parts to olive drab, grayish green
46996. White dot defect
46997. Passivation of carbon steel
46998. Hairline Finishing for Stainless Steels

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