World's #1 finishing resource since 1989
Plating and Metal Finishing Books: What You Need & Where to Find Them
0. Mechanical Preparation
1. Great books for Anodizing & Aluminum Treatments

Aluminum How-To,
Robert Probert has sold a thousand copies without a single refund request !
Artists Anodizing Aluminum : The Sulfuric Acid Process,
David Laplantz
⇧ ⇦[this on AbeBooks, or eBay, or Amazon affil links]
Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Alloys by Edward W. Thrall, Raymond W. Shannon
⇧ ⇦ [this on Amazon affil links]
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by J.R. Davis
⇦ [this on Amazon affil links]
Aluminum: Technology, Applications, and Environment by Dietrich G. Altenpohl
⇧ ⇦ [this on Amazon affil links]
The Technology of Anodizing Aluminum by Arthur William Brace, P.G. Sheasby
⇧ ⇦[this on AbeBooks, Amazon, or eBay affil links]
2. The "Must Have" List for Electroplating
No plating shop or plating library should open its doors without these five books on hand :-)
3. More "Classics" on general electroplating .
4. Chrome Plating:
5. Electroless Plating:
6. Gold Plating
7. Nickel Plating
8. Plating on Plastic
9. Zinc Plating
10. Painting and Powder Coating
11. Miscellaneous
Many of the best metal finishing books are out of print and hard to find. Some are expensive but poorly described by the book sellers. will provide cover photos and book reviews of these works, and multiple source them so if one dealer is out, you'll have alternatives.
While this page is in progress, we will continue to refer you to some older pages at for other books that have not yet been cataloged to this depth:
- Our list of "must have" finishing books and finishing trade journals.
- World-class metal finishing libraries.