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Standards & Guidelines: Electroplated Plastics
by American Society for Electroplated Plastics
ISBN 0138423024, 2nd Edition 1979, 184 pages
ISBN 0138423105, 4th Edition 1994, 152 pages

Cover and table of contents photo is from the 2nd edition, 1979.
by American Society for Electroplated Plastics

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A great reference on everything you'd want to know about chrome plated plastics, including such subjects as design of the plastic parts (wall thicknesses, ribs, bosses, draft angles), common substrates and their properties, mold design, design of the plating racks, extensive information about design for selective plating, when to include copper plating in the cycle and when to avoid it, test procedures, and over 100 references.
The 4th edition adds a chapter on automated plating machines not present in the 2nd edition.
Very hard to find! If you see a copy at a reasonable price, snap it up. If you find other sources, please let us know.