The home page of the finishing industry
- AESF Garden State Branch library, New Brunswick,
NJ, U.S.A.
- Featuring literature relating to the metal finishing industry from 1865 to present (including everything about the history of the plating industry!) Open to all AESF members. Located at New Brunswick Plating [a supporting advertiser], 596 Jersey Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ
08901. Contact Michael Sica for room availability. Tel:
908/545-6522. Fax: 908/846-9779. If you have heirloom books, technical proceedings, etc., that you are willing to donate, please contact Doff Sica at phone/fax listed above.
Joseph Mazia Memorial Library, Brick, NJ, U.S.A.
Through generous bequeaths from Ed Knill and Joseph Mazia, has accumulated a good store of the most important metal finishing literature. We will be happy to tell you if we have a particular book or journal issue, and visitors are always welcome.
[Sorry: This library closed down in Feb. 2014].
Metal Finishing Magazine library, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Not a public library, but one of the world's foremost repositories of information related to metal finishing, and the editors have always been generous in allowing us access. 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY. Phone: 212/633-3100, Fax:
212/633-3140, Email: [Sorry: Elsevier shut down Metal Finishing in Jan. 2014].
- Riesmetall Galvano-Bibliothek, Noerdlingen,
- From the beginnings of electroplating until today, this library contains plating books in 10 languages (mostly in German). Contact: Joachim Ramisch, c/o Riesmetall, post box 1317, D-86713 Noerdlingen. tel: ++49 9081 86018, fax:++49 9081 23442. E-mail
- Voytko Library, Largo, FL, U.S.A.
- Finishing information, housed at Concurrent Technology in Largo FL. For information please contact Rob Mason at
If you know of an exceptional finishing library, please e-mail your suggestion to:
Ted Mooney, P.E.
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