Curated with aloha by
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET

The authoritative public forum
for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

How to Set up a Simple Home Electroplating System
Electroplating can be done at home, but there are limits to the size of the parts, and the plating metals that can realistically be used. Specifically, while zinc, copper, nickel, or gold plating of very small parts is doable by a dedicated hobbyist, silver, brass, and chrome plating should be avoided, and large parts probably are impractical for a hobbyist.
Be careful about selling plating services or plated parts, because then you may be considered a plating jobshop and subject to a host of regulations. Read on ...
RAYMOND J [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]HOLYOKE, Massachusetts
A. See our FAQs "How Electroplating Works" and plate some scraps yourself -- it will cost nothing. Then see "Introduction to Chrome Plating"; it may help you, Raymond, please give it a look! Nickel plating as a hobby is one thing, but it would be difficult for you to make a business out of plating in your garage due to OSHA safety regulations and EPA waste disposal regulations; plus the toxicity of chrome plating solutions makes chrome plating impractical.
The plating industry was the country's first EPA-regulated industry, and the burden of compliance is heavy. Further, chrome plating solution is carcinogenic (think Erin Brokovich [adv: DVD on eBay & Amazon affil links] and hexavalent chrome). So if you charge a friend a few dollars to plate something, you are starting on the slippery slope of being subject to reporting and disposal requirements. So please start by investigating the regs before buying anything and becoming forever responsible for it.
Why do we say "forever responsible"? Picture what happened in the old days when a company generated toxic waste: they would hire a contractor for disposal. But if that contractor turned out to be an evil midnight dumper who pockets the disposal fees and dissolves the corporation and disappears -- it left the public to pay the cleanup costs. To address that problem the EPA came up with a simple rule: it doesn't matter who you ship hazardous waste to, or how much you paid to get rid of it, or how long ago it was: the "generator" of the waste remains responsible for it forever! Then add their 'joint & several liability' clause and you realize that when you can't separate your waste from others' wastes it's a very bad thing :-(
So practice plating some small parts safely with kitchen chemicals, then move on to buying a quart or so of nickel plating solution and practicing with it and learning. Best of luck, but be careful to not buy chrome chemicals until you've learned a good bit!

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
$29 to $80 kits chrome plating kits
Q. Funny, I have seen chrome plating kits in motorcycle mags. One long ago for 25 bucks. Recently for more but I can't remember where or how much. I want to plate the slides in Amal carbs. I am sure that this would improve their reliability. If you have any info on who would do this, please let me know.
p.r.k [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]- g'ville, Florida
A. Hi PRK,
Yes, you saw plating kits for about $29 some years ago from J.C. Whitney -- today Eastwood offers them at around $75-$80, but these were/are zinc plating kits not chrome plating kits. Zinc is one metal, and chrome is another -- it's an intensely regulated carcinogen! If you wish to investigate entry level electroplating, you can contact a supplier of brush plating equipment and small systems like Gold Touch [a finishing.com supporting advertiser]. Or just googling "hobby plating supplier" will find them.
But if you spend some more time reviewing inquiries from earlier posters with similar interests to yours, you'll see why we urge caution and investigating the regulations before you buy the chemicals (in particular, chromic acid / chrome plating solution!) and become responsible for them. In America, once you use the plating chemicals (probably once you open the bag), you're the "waste generator" and they become your waste forever! No matter how much you pay anyone to take, treat, or dispose of them, they are still your responsibility even 50 years from now & more. So look before you leap :-)
Good luck!

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. Raymond J of Holyoke asked about a home plating system. Did anyone answer him ? If so what is the answer? I want to chrome plate my auto parts and will be 6' L x 18" W
James D [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]- Sylacauga, Alabama
A. James -- brush plating and minimal tank plating is clearly possible. But you seem to be speaking of an automobile bumper or some other very big copper-nickel-chrome plated item, and this would be a huge undertaking both in how much you'd need to learn to apply all the layers, and the effort of successfully plating such a large item. I think you may want to start much smaller and with a chrome-free plating solution. But read our Intro to Chrome Plating.
Good luck!

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Brush plating vs. tank plating
by Weiner & Walmsley

on AbeBooks
or eBay
or Amazon
(affil links)
by Kushner & Kushner

UTL on eBay
UTL on AbeBooks
on Amazon
(affil links)
Q. I am curious how well these home brush-based chroming kits. In particular, I have an old 1970's bicycle with chrome forks and rear stays, and chrome lugs. The chrome is almost intact, but there are lots of sand-sized rust specs in places.
If I can clean off the sand-sized rust specs, what will be the result of chroming using one of these home kits ($30 from JC Whitney, etc.) I am not looking for a perfect job, I'm looking for something that looks good at 5 feet and protects the finish so it doesn't rust anytime soon.
Donald G [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]- San Diego, California
A. Hi Donald.
Our site's focus is primarily industrial, where people typically spend thousands of times that much for a plating installation. We're certainly not trying to talk you out of a small investment in learning and experimentation. But quality plating with a real plating outfit is hard. Quality plating with a toy can be a joke. To chrome plate a bumper with a plating cell like the kits referred to would require thousands upon thousands of AA batteries. Your job is smaller, but look up Faraday's Law of Electrolysis and figure out how many hundreds of batteries you would need. And then you still have the issue of preparing the substrate so that your plating won't peel off, the fact that it's a chrome substitute not really chrome and it won't quite match, etc. It's a big job.
Our concern isn't whether you spend $75 -- please do! And please try the plating experiments in our FAQ "How Plating Works", which will cost you nothing at all. Good luck; we just want you to start small and with relatively safe materials, not tempt you out onto a slippery slope that can pollute, be very costly, or possibly beset you with fines before you are ready. Good luck!

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
I know it's twenty years later but this pops up when your researching plating...Here is the title,
How to Set up a Simple Home Electroplating System
Then this is a reply that was by Ted Mooney.
"Our site's focus is primarily industrial, where people typically spend thousands of times that much for a plating installation".
Kind of defeats the purpose of asking questions, doesn't it?
December 27, 2023
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A. Hi Patrick. Thanks for visiting & reading. But, even after 20 years I see nothing wrong here. The original poster is allowed to entitle his posting "How to Set up a Simple Home Electroplating System" if he wishes, I'm allowed to find industrial plating more interesting than hobby plating, and you're allowed to help him with his questions and hold whatever opinions you wish -- including about this page, its title, or my comments :-) |
A. I use a home kit frequently to chrome aluminum pieces. Just have to treat it first - remove the oxide layer and apply a layer of zinc -- I use a zincate solution.
MW Jansen- Southern California
Ed. note: Glad you found it easy.
Q. To MW Jansen: how about some details. I want to touch up a couple spots of chrome sheet metal.
Volts, amps, source of solution, what are anode and cathode materials, temperature, etc?
- Novato, California
Dangers are overstated!
This is just a comment, you can ignore it, but I don't think you will be able to based on the NUMEROUS posts in the past.
This site DEFINITELY overstates dangers of home plating, I personally believe the reason is that if everyone found out how EASY it is to plate at home, the commercial shops would lose, LARGE...including yourselves.
I have been plating at home for years now, no problems. I find that there are dangers to EVERYTHING that a do-it-yourselfer must be careful of. Your attitude on this subject is "Don't get into woodworking at home, you could cut your hands of what with all those power tools." or "Don't get into painting at home what with all those fumes".
Honestly, RUBBISH!
How about doing us and yourself a favor and start posting educational responses to peoples questions and drop the 'tude.
Go ahead, blast me too. Oh yeah, I do take my waste to proper waste management facilities. Any "SHOP" can make mistakes as easily as a home do-it-yourselfer.
- Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Jim: we're happy to print your opinion & everybody's -- that's what public forums are for. Here's all the space you want, free, to tell people anything you want about what you've learned. But I didn't 'blast' anyone.
I don't own, manage, or work for a plating shop, never did & never will, so you just paint yourself as a petulant adolescent when you blast me with claims of ulterior motive.
This free site includes thousands of pages of information for students & hobbyists, plating book reviews, links to plating educational societies and training sessions, ASTM plating standards, free MIL standards, addresses of free plating libraries, plus tens of thousands of highly detailed responses to plating questions & problems. We never censor postings (except ads & ad-hominem remarks); please share your experience instead of whining.
Still, you don't have to believe it, but I do know two platers who served penitentiary time for environmental crime.
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
- Louisville, Kentucky
A. Hi Tyrone: This isn't the Hotel California; you can leave any time you like. Or you're welcome to tell people how to do electroplating at home. Here is all the space you want, an obviously eager audience, and it won't cost you a dime. So get to it -- unless your posting is just vacuous bitching.
Your analogy that our warnings are similar to telling people not to drive because they might get in an accident is perfect. The government requires that every driver be trained, tested, and licensed, and that every vehicle be registered, inspected, and insured. If you don't comply, you'll be fined, and in egregious cases you could get jailed.
Similarly, the government demands training, testing, and licensing of all plating shops and their employees. Operate a plating shop without the registrations, the blood tests showing that the employees are safe, the discharge permits, the testing of bath surface tensions, the ampere-hour logs, the waste accumulation records, the manifesting, the annual hazwoper certification, or without advising your neighbors of the dangerous materials that you have on hand (Community Right-To-Know law), and you are subject to fines or even jail time. I know two plating shop managers who did hard time.
Yes, you can probably operate a small plating business and stay below the radar, just as you can probably get away with driving without a license, registration, or insurance. And most regulations don't apply if it's just a hobby rather than a plating service.
But in my town we had a 'cancer cluster', so everything in the neighborhood was deeply investigated; all neighbors interviewed at length; names published in books and court records. If a child in your neighborhood contracts cancer and her parents find out that you were doing chrome plating in your garage, discharging carcinogenic fumes into the air, God help you! It's not likely to happen of course, but if it does, your life as you knew it is over.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Chrome plating in your garage! Cover ups and conspiracies!
I was born into a custom chrome plating business. I worked there as a young teenager. I'm in my mid fifties now. Custom chrome plating is all I have ever done. I run the business. I know every aspect. I have done everything. Metal stripping, polishing, bead blasting, cleaning and activating for plating, cyanide copper plating, acid copper plating, nickel plating, chrome plating, customer relations, reporting to various agencies (EPA, DNR, local sewer districts, Etc.) All accounting and payroll. I know I am missing a few things, but I think Ted will understand.
And now Tyrone says it's a big cover up to deny people a chance to make millions in their garage. Oh Lord! Maybe we need a Canadian disposal place that doesn't require permits and testing as inferred in an earlier comment. To think all the years wasted when I could have done it in my garage and made millions!
Frank DeGuire- St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Q. Could someone please tell me a very inexpensive and simple way to practice EP (electroplating) using stuff I can easily buy or find in the home? The simpler the better because I'm on break from college and I need something to do. I became interested in this when I saw that a low charge battery could electroplate a coin in gold, but I have no idea what chemicals I need or how to do anything. Please help, I think this will be interesting and fun. I am a big guitar buff, and once I learn how to do this properly, I will likely EP my Floyd-Rose bridge if at all possible, or even EP a new set of strings to make them look cool. Thanks for our time,
student, hobbyist - Otego, New York
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A. Have you ever considered taking some courses on electroplating? The AESF (enter as a keyword on your PC) has beginner courses you can take on a correspondence level. Gold plating can be done at home, but I don't advise it. Gold metal plating salts are cyanide based, and you should be experienced in the field and have a clear understanding of the dangers involved. You would not want these chemicals in your house for obvious reasons. There are some chemical solutions that can simulate gold, but you don't want them in your house either. Does your college schedule allow you to work part time in a plating shop to gain experience? You want to stay away from stovetop electroplating, I've heard some horror stories. Good luck in college. Mark Bakerprocess engineer - Malone, New York 2006 A. There are some sheets in the FAQ section of this website that describe how to set up demonstration sets for electroplating - they would, for example, let you duplicate the plating of a coin with a battery. Compton, California, USA A. Gold plating a coin, or an item that was previously nickel-chrome plated, with a brush plating machine is a reasonably practical project for a hobbyist because it's simply a matter of getting the item clean and active then plating it. Projects that require mechanical prep or nickel-chrome plating are far more difficult. ![]() Ted Mooney, P.E. Striving to live Aloha finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey |
Q. Hi to those of you who will answer questions and not whine. I was wanting to replate the pot metal parts from my 68 El Camino. What's the best way to prep the parts with moderate pitting, and should they be treated as an aluminum part in the plating process? Last but not least if you're not willing to eat it or drink it, then treat it as a nasty substance be responsible. Dumping it down the drain goes right back into your drinking water. Thanks.
Michael Waltersnovice - Water Gap, Pennsylvania
A. Hi, Michael. "Potmetal" may be zinc diecastings or aluminum diecastings (they look just about identical although aluminum is much lighter). But a 1968 car probably used zinc diecastings rather than aluminum, so zincating probably isn't necessary.
It isn't easy to fix those pits because the porosity absorbs water and plating solutions, thus causing contamination; plus the absorbed water or gases can come back as steam when the parts are heated and that causes holes and blisters. The usual way to deal with mildly pitted diecastings for restoration is to copper plate them in cyanide copper plating solution and "mush buff"; this means basically to "mush" the soft copper plating into those pits by/while buffing. After the pits are pretty much filled with copper you can go on to more copper plating, then nickel plating, then chrome plating. Severely pitted castings require a plating artist to hand-drill & hand-fill every one, and will cost hundreds of dollars each. But moderately pitted in your eyes might be mildly or severely pitted in someone else's:-)
Good luck!

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. Could I electroplate with a AAA (1.5 volts)?
Joe Wilsonhobbyist - Virginia Beach, Virginia
A. For the purposes of a school science project, yes you can, Joe! Please see our FAQ: "How Electroplating Works".
For practical electroplating probably not, though. Look into Faraday's Law because plating is energy intensive and that AAA battery is only going to be able to electroplate a very thin layer of metal on an item the size of a dime before it's exhausted.
To understand why, recognize that a battery and a plating cell are actually the same thing running in opposite directions -- in electroplating we use a bigger battery or power supply to overpower the battery formed by the plating cell and force it to run in reverse. Your tiny AAA battery isn't going to win this battle of batteries except when plating a very small part.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. I have no experience with plating, but I have a great deal of experience with OSHA and EPA. The thing that would scare me the most about plating in my garage and disposing of the hazardous waste is this. Even if I did all the paperwork it requires to order, store and use the materials, then to dispose of the materials as hazardous waste, the thing that would not let me sleep another night I lived is the "Cradle to Grave" rule by EPA. Once you dispose of the material, the paperwork has to be maintained forever! And should the container you dispose of this material in should leak, then you the disposer are responsible and legally liable. The cost of a cleanup could be millions, and the fine is $25K per day until it is cleaned up. And you have to pay to reseal the junk, restore the junk and that means everyone else's junk stored with it. I just want to know, since I am just starting, what a fair price to pay for plating. I am restoring an old car and I want to plate the bumpers, etc. What would be a fair price?
Gus Weaverhobbyist - Harrodsburg, Kentucky
A. Hi, Gus. The biggest cost of most things including plating, especially replating old stuff, is labor. It would be fair for a plating shop to charge you about the same amount for their time as a plumber or mechanic would -- maybe just a little more because of the cost of material and because a plating shop's equipment costs more than a plumber's equipment.
So the real issue is how long will it take, and this will depend on the condition (how much buffing and polishing is required) and on how high quality the job is. Reworking a single old bumper involves far more labor hours than manufacturing from scratch a new mass-produced one. So, unfortunately, it usually costs at least the same as a new bumper, often more; and replating an old diecast hood ornament, with all the attendant drilling and filling of pits, can easily cost 10x-20x the cost of a new one.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
A. Ted is on the money with everything he has said. I began looking around for a home based chrome plating kit...thinking it was that easy. It costs about $500 here to strip, repair and rechrome a vehicle bumper. In my wisdom, I thought I could do it for next to nothing. I came up against ALL the hurdles Ted has mentioned. I paid the $500 and have a fantastic bumper and no headaches. I am impressed with your site and knowledge Ted...keep up the good work mate....Peter
Peter Carey- Perth, Western Australia
January 11, 2008
Thank you the kind words, Peter!
A quick aside -- some people just love working on their boats; they are happy as clams with a beer can in one hand and a scraper in the other, day after day. I ask on boating forums where I can get something done, and these folks will not tell me, instead they bend my ear about how I can do it myself. They don't comprehend that some of us scrape our boat only out of necessity, that we hate this stuff, and our only interest is in getting it repaired.
Maybe part of the "friction" here is that someone will say they're trying to electroplate something and I may read into it that they just want the darn thing plated and aren't familiar with the fact that plating jobshops are readily available to do it for them. Meanwhile enthusiasts who enjoy hobby plating believe that the person would love to electroplate it themselves and we are stomping on their joy :-)
I especially appreciate your posting because it implies that you didn't particularly like the idea of electroplating yourself -- you did it to try to save money.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. I would like information on how one would go about starting a chrome plating business on a small scale.
Any information would be helpful.
- Cherryvale, Kansas
April 8, 2008
A. Hi, Maynard. I think you'll find our previously mentioned Introduction to Chrome Plating will give you a quick but good feel for what the chrome plating business is about.
I would strongly urge people to try their best to work a summer in a plating shop before volunteering to become eternally responsible for the toxic chrome chemicals they will need to buy.
If that isn't possible, at least join the National Association of Surface Finishers (nasf.org) and attend some local monthly meetings and the annual Sur/Fin convention, take a 2 to 4-day introduction to plating through NASF or Kushner Electroplating School, read a few of the most important books, and subscribe to the monthly journals to understand what's going on. Good luck!

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Chrome-look paint, aka "Spray chrome"
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A. Hi I can give you a good answer to this. I purchased some paint called Mirrorchrome from ALSA Paints. I have never in my life seen a chrome paint that actually shines like chrome until now. It took me several tries but finally after the fifth one I figured it out. You prep your item just as you would for any paint job then spray on a Black gloss, I used an over-the-counter Base clear black. Clear coat it, then comes the tough part, wet sand it all the way to 4000 grit then polish it to a mirror shine then just spray on the chrome it takes about 15-20 min to flash over then polish it with a lint free cloth then let it cure for an hour then spray a coat of the clear over it. I did find you have to use a base clear clearcoat all others put a haze over the chrome. Anyway check out Alsa and see their videos; it does work. Scott Lancaster- Norridgewock, Maine August 10, 2008
There are many suppliers of "chrome-look paint" systems, and we try to discuss technologies here rather than bringing specific company names into it (huh? why?). Thanks again! Regards, ![]() Ted Mooney, P.E. Striving to live Aloha finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey |
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