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Looking for Green Engraver, or parts and manuals, Model D2 or 106

Editor's Intro & Apology: --
Gentle readers, we hope you find this page interesting and useful. Please ask what you will and share what info you will! If you can offer a manual free to the readers, please attach it to e-mail to
But we do not have even a tiny fraction of the horsepower & bandwidth that would be needed to try to be a free eBay or Craigslist, and would drown under spam in a week. So apologies, but sorry we cannot post any offers to sell ( huh? why?).

Q. I just purchased a model D-2 Green engraving machine and need a manual and source for parts and cutters. Did you find a manual and could you sell me a copy if you have one?

Earl Webb
gun and knife smith - Frankewing, Tennessee
May 28, 2022

⇩ Related postings, oldest first ⇩

RFQ: I am looking for parts for a Green Pantograph Engraver D2. More specifically a Motor and Pulleys.

Joseph R [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Woburn, Massachusetts

Ed. note: This RFQ is outdated, but technical replies are welcome, and readers are encouraged to post their own RFQs. But no public commercial suggestions please ( huh? why?).

Q. I am trying to locate a source for information on a Green Engraver Model 106: operation, instruction and any other information about the company or the Machine.

Thanks in Advance,

Julian Barnes
- North Carolina

A. This model is no longer in production and parts are unavailable I still use this model at work and we are missing parts also, that's how we found out that parts are unavailable.

Dave Bell
- West Palm Beach, Florida


RFQ: I am looking for a Green Engraver Model #106 with basic set up. This includes 1 110 volt ac Dc 1 motor belt 1 tracing stylus 2 work holding clamps 1 copy carrier, for outlines 1 motor foot switch 3 H.S. steel cutters 8 Type stops 1 set of wrenches #106-95 name plate clamping fixture #F1Cb4 Set 1/2" master type, to produce characters from 1/4" down to 1/8" in five steps. Set of 144 characters includes punctuation marks, three of each numeral and type tray. #106-+63 carbide tipped cutter. This equip will be used basically for engrave name plates.

Thank you for any help,

Gene Greco
a shoe bronzing co. - Pembroke Pines, Florida

Ed. note: This RFQ is outdated, but technical replies are welcome, and readers are encouraged to post their own RFQs. But no public commercial suggestions please ( huh? why?).

Need manual for Green Engraver Model 106

Q. I recently purchased a Green Engraver, Model 106 from eBay . I was curious if you ever received an owner's manual or could lead me in the right direction to get a hold of a manual? Thanks for your help.

Robert Anderson
- Columbia Station, Ohio

Q. I have just purchased a Green Engraver, Model 106, Sn 16004 and would like to get an owners manual and a parts manual w/accessories to determine what is missing.


James Nason
hobbyist - Sabago, Maine

RFQ: I'm looking for the drive band for a Green Engraver -mn 106. Is the drive band just a standard o-ring?

John E [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Roundup, Montana, USA

Ed. note: This RFQ is outdated, but technical replies are welcome, and readers are encouraged to post their own RFQs. But no public commercial suggestions please ( huh? why?).

A. No the drive band is not an o-ring, it is a tiny belt that is no longer available from manufacturer but you might be able to get a vacuum belt that might fit. The one I use at work has a 6 inch belt on it.

David B [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- WPB, Florida, USA

Q. Here's another fine old machine that migrated to our shop minus key parts. Old machines often come with a collection of stray items and attempts to improvise ... this being another example.

Does anyone have the time to post a close up picture of the lower bearing housing cap for the cutter assembly of a Green Engraver 106? We can fabricate it, but if there are parts collectors out there, I would also like to see photos of what else might be missing.

I am taking this machine on before delving projects on a Lars Gorton Pantomill that came from the same estate sale. My work will be published in the next few years as shop manuals for advanced carvers. Some of my projects are also being prepared for bronze casting.

John Norem
carver & engraver - Eugene, Oregon
August 2, 2008

"Machinist's Bedside Reader"

on AbeBooks

or Amazon

(affil links)

thumbs up signYou are all off the hook on this now... our local machinist wizard has cast his spell and is up to date fascinated with embellishing items for the pantograph. My first test was, "BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR". Thanks for posting all the helpful elves and wizards advice. John

John Norem [returning]
Carver & Engraver - Eugene, Oregon

A. I wrote a book, The Machinist's Bedside Reader #2, in which full working drawings and how-to-make notes will be found, for a machine very similar to a Green Engraver.
Guy Lautard
- Sechelt, BC, Canada

Reassembling a Green pantograph

Q. I have a Green pantograph model D-2; my problem is that I took the arms apart to clean, and lost the order of reference. Can anyone help me with the correct instructions on how to reassemble the ratio guide arms back correctly? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Joel Weinstock
weinstock custom cues - Tulsa , Oklahoma

A. Hi - I saw your question on reassembly of a Green Engraver. I have a model 2 D that I just acquired with some other equipment. I do not know much about this equipment but I could take pictures of if that is any help.
Neil Porter
Porter Racing - Merced, California

Ed. note: We'd be happy to post the pictures here, Neil, if you'd e-mail them to

A. I am responding to another readers request as to how to put his arms back together on a Green Engraver Model D-2. I have a picture of the one I have, it might help that person.
John Best
- Victoria, B. C. Canada

Ed. note: We'd be happy to include the picture on this page, John; attach it in e-mail to please.

thumbs up signThanks anyway! I have now sold the machine and have gone with CNC, thanks anyway.
Joel Weinstock [returning]
- Tulsa, Oklahoma

Mico Engraver No. 252

Q. I'm the owner of a Mico engraver Cat. No. 252. Does anyone have any information on this company and engraver?
Thank you,
Louis Tighe
Retired - Clarksboro, New Jersey, USA
August 21, 2012

Q. Hi. I inherited a Green Engraver model 106 along with 3 sizes of brass plates and some a few bits and DC a tracer.

22174-1a 22174-1b 22174-1c

ANNE D [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
Hobbyist - MILLERSPORT, Ohio
April 5, 2020

A. Thanks for posting the pics, Anne -- people have been looking for them for a long time! If you are looking to sell this inherited item, try listing it on eBay or Craigslist ... and if no luck, you can donate it at But your pics will help people in any case!


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

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