Curated with aloha by
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET

The authoritative public forum
for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

Anodizing Titanium Alloys to Gold Color
Q. What is the best solution for anodizing titanium alloys? Also, what current and voltage ranges are appropriate to achieve a gold color.
Robert R [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]1997
A. I have seen these beautiful objects, and perhaps there are several solutions that can be used. Do you have the facilities to run some tests

Tom Pullizzi
Falls Township, Pennsylvania
A. I have heard that the color changes with the voltage rather than the amperage. The exact alloy will very probably make a large difference in the exact voltage. Try 10-15% sulfuric.
James Watts- Navarre, Florida
A. A bath that can be used for anodizing titanium is:
phosphoric acid 80 w% Room temperature
sulfuric acid 10 w%
water 10 w%
The bath is controlled, as mentioned by James Watts, by the voltage. The voltage is critical.
Good luck.
A. I have been coloring Ti for decorative use (on a small scale ) using Coca - Cola and stainless steel cathodes, powered from my anodising rectifier at ± 60 volts . The trick is in how long you dip it, the longer the darker. A couple of seconds is normally enough. It's a great party trick. By the way, the color is dependent on the lighting and finish of the part -- it is caused by diffraction of the light waves.
Dave Brackenridgeaerospace plating - Germiston, South Africa
A. Oxalic Acid, Phosphoric Acid (Coke Cola) sulphate of Ammonium (Fertilizer), TSP (trisodium phosphate ⇦ this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] )
All of the above mentioned chemicals will anodize refractory metals.
I have been anodizing refractory metals for the past 17 years and have not added sulfuric acids to my solution. Keep it simple and friendly
Bernie Wirewire works
A. Color anodizing titanium for appearance (not functional) can be achieved in most any sulfuric anodizing or hard anodizing bath by first cleaning the titanium in a nitric/hydrofluoric bath (25-35% nitric with 2-4 oz/gal hydrofluoric) for about 10-30 seconds. You then anodize the parts by slowly raising the voltage from the starting voltage. Color changes occur about ever 2-4 VDC. Color changes occur much like octaves on a piano - as you increase voltages the color changes will proceed thru several octave ranges. When you achieve the color you are seeking, record the voltage and anodize subsequent lots at that voltage - no need to raise the voltage slowly once it has been determined. If you don't like the coating, strip in the nitric/HF bath and try again. Good luck.
Kent BackusFort Worth, Texas, USA
A. Robert,
I use a trisodium phosphate ⇦ this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] solution (3% to 5% by weight) to anodize titanium and niobium. This solution is quite safe and gives excellent colors in a small scale operation. The quality of the color achieved depends on the surface finish of the part and its cleanliness, (free of dirt and all oils). Current should be low: I use about 2 amps on small parts. The bath should be kept below 80 °F. If the bath is too hot or the current too strong, the part will be etched and turn grey. The part must then be polished and anodized again. The voltage is what determines the color. I use a range of 20 to 75 volts. If I remember right, yellow occurs at about 42 volts. Also, I have read that it is best to use a cathode of the same material that you are anodizing.
Howard Bailey1998
Q. I would like to build a rectifier for anodizing titanium. I know it should be DC but the only ones I have seen go up to 200 V DC which seems quite a lot. Do I need something this powerful and are there any other specifications I should know about?
Adam Wittigmetal Merchants
Q. I an using TSP mixed with water to color small titanium parts and would like to know around what voltage would I need to get a gold color,, I'm using 3-4 9 volt batteries and have only got a really nice blue or purple. please help! What would it take to get "GOLD"
Mike wilson- California
A. Keep adding batteries in series until you get a goldish color. From a test piece on 0 to 200 volts, gold is near the middle. Unfortunately, 1 or 2 volts makes a difference in the exact shade that you get, so you will have to take what ever is near. As the batteries age, you will not get the exact color that you once did.
James Watts- Navarre, Florida
Q. When coloring titanium, what would be a better solution to use, TSP, or sulphate of ammonium (Fertilizer)? or would a combination of the two work better? It's for little titanium parts. with 9 volt batteries being my power source. Please give me any information on the topic.
Thank You
Mike wilson- California
Q. Dear sir: What is the best specification to make spinning fishing reel's bail spring? Is it possible to have black or gold color? Best regard Paul Tse
A. Dear Mr. Tse: I don't know whether titanium or stainless is a better spring material for you, although stainless steel seems much more common. Either can be effectively colorized, but I don't think that the typical decorative anodizing processes will give you consistent homogeneous gold or black. They are not among the typical diffraction (rainbow) colors; and while there are proprietary processes for obtaining it in both titanium and stainless, I personally don't know of any generic way.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. I used to anodize titanium with H2SO4 1M. To achieve Gold color I worked around 50 Volts. Now, I would like to know how I can produce hard anodizing. I tried to anodize with NaOH 1M and 10 M with pH 13, but I think that I could not achieve the dark gray that I wanted. Please, if somebody has a trick to give me about voltage, current or something to develop that process, I appreciate.
Guillermo Rueda Martinez- Bucaramanga, Colombia
December 29, 2011
A. Hi, Guillermo. I personally haven't heard the term "hard anodizing" applied to titanium. But what you are calling "hard anodizing", I have heard called "alkaline anodizing". It is described in specification AMS 2488, which will give you some good information about the process. The exact conditions for good anodizing seem to be held as trade secret, so it is hard to find hints in print. If you search the site for "alkaline anodizing of titanium" or "Tiodize" (which is a company famous for this process), however, you will find many threads from which you can glean some info. Good luck.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
January 4, 2012
April 5, 2012
Q. Hi guys!
I've been anodizing aluminum for few years now and have started anodizing titanium few months ago and have been trying all kinds of different solutions and anodization methods. I came across this Ti anodization effect recently:
source: i.imgur.com/hRwJO.png
[Believed to be hand made by Warren Thomas]
Does anyone know how this was achieved? Any tips/pointers?
Thanks in advance!
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
A. If the objects are titanium then you can anodize at 24 - 30 v,10 % phosphoric acid electrolyte (or any other electrolyte, even Coca-cola can be used). If objects are low alloyed steel then you can heat them to 300 ° C (with hot air gun). If objects are stainless steel then you can anodize them in potassium dichromate/sulfuric acid electrolyte. Good source of infos can be next download free booklet: attachments.wetpaintserv.us/ZLSnLKosv0l3CnE9hGDi7w488720 ⇩
Hope it helps and good luck!
Goran Budija- Cerovski vrh Croatia
April 7, 2012
Ed. note Jan 2017: Although wetpaintserv.us was a legitimate site when Goran posted this, it is currently a malware site. DON'T GO THERE!! Goran has been kind enough to upload his booklet to our on-line library https://www.finishing.com/library/budija/kembojen2025.pdf.
A. The item on the picture is a folding pocket knife handmade by Warren Thomas. If I'm not mistaken, it is made of a layered compound of titanium and other metals, called "Timascus" for its similarity to Damascus layered steel.
So, that effect you see is not achieved through anodization alone - the purple-violet shade is anodized titanium, but the ripples and swirls on the surface are in fact the edges of layers made of other metals. That effect is also known as "mokume" or "mokume gane".
That knife also has carbide on the edge of the blade to make it harder and longer-lasting.
- Madrid, Spain
April 10, 2012
Ed. note: Thanks for the terrific explanation, David. Thanks also for sourcing the picture so we can credit it (the pic was on a photo sharing site and we couldn't find notes of where the photo came from).
Q. Hello,
You mentioned that coloring Ti "black" is proprietary. Is the chemistry/technique available for purchase for someone on the market? If so who?
We use Niobium as a material for coloring. Can that be blackened as well?
Holly Yashi - Arcata, California
September 23, 2017
A. Hi Paul.
One vendor who I believe licenses this process is Russamer Lab [a finishing.com supporting advertiser]

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
September 2017
Color Variation in Titanium Color Anodize
March 1, 2018Q. Hello,
We have recently started color anodizing titanium orthopedic implants and have run into an issue achieving color consistency when using our racking process (opposed to pan anodizing). We are currently only anodizing ELI titanium. The issue, specifically: one side of the part will be a slightly higher voltage color than the other side (i.e. top of the part will be gold and bottom will be dark gold).
The color disparity corresponds to the orientation of the part in the tank and on the rack. We see the issue on the top and bottom of the parts as they face up or down in the tank and as they are loaded tops/bottoms on the rack. No issue left to right.
Details of setup:
- 24"rack sits vertically in a tank of 22g/l TSP.
- We use a tiny parts pinch rack from Servisure.
- Aluminum hook with Ti rack.
- 30" solution depth.
- Maximum current is around 20A.
- Only seeing the issue at 60V and above - lower voltage colors are OK.
- Cathode plates line the front and back of the tank.
- Ramp time is approximately 10A/second.
- Hold time is 30 seconds.
We have tried extending the run time (time that the part is at max voltage) with only little improvement. The issue appears to be amplified with larger rack loads. The symptoms lead me to believe that the two parts sides (top and bottom) are ramping to max voltage at different rates which is leading to a different end point. However; I cannot confirm or explain why.
We are going to try slowing the ramp time (time to get to max volts) next.
Wondering if anyone has a take and would care to weight in on this issue.
Many Thanks,
- Lakeville, Minnesota, USA
Ed. note: This RFQ is outdated, but technical replies are welcome, and readers are encouraged to post their own RFQs. But no public commercial suggestions please ( huh? why?).
A. Matt,
You need to:
a) make sure the temperature is low - if many rounds of coloring happen prior to gold coloring, your tank may be warmed up.
b) make sure that there is mechanical swinging of holders or some electrolyte circulation - power of 60V locally heats up electrolyte, and some areas can be warmer than others.
c) better to slowly raise voltage - 30 seconds duration to reach 60V. This way you do not overheat parts locally. Most rectifiers have this option of slow voltage raise.
d) if racks surface submerged into electrolyte is significant, it is better to mask racks, so they do not attract much of the power.

Anna Berkovich
Russamer Lab

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

March 2, 2018
March 6, 2018
Thank You Anna, for the good info.
We have slowed the ramp rate, as you indicated, and have some improvement. We'll be trying the other items you listed in the near future.
Thanks again,
- Lakeville, Minnesota, USA
Q. I want a kind of anodizing process, will you suggest me to how can I do anodizing effect of titanium in precious metal gold.
Raj VermaSaravsava jewels - Surat, India
April 16, 2018
A. According to Oppi Untrachts book Jewelry Concepts and Technology 5 -10 volts must be ok. Any electrolyte must work ... Hope it helps and Good Luck!
Goran Budija- Zagreb,Croatia
April 20, 2018
Q. We have been using a sodium bicarb solution for Ti anodizing and are having issues with deposits left behind no matter the amount of post rinse. Any suggestions on how to fix this or perhaps point us in a new direction for processing solution after etch.
Kristin Welcher- La Mesa, California
June 29, 2018
A. All alkaline formed titanium anodizing must be blasted to remove the common white powdery deposit.

Robert H Probert
Robert H Probert Technical Services

Garner, North Carolina

July 2, 2018
July 3, 2018

A. Robert,
Not all titanium type II anodizing processes create white powdery deposits.
adv: Our proprietary anodizing creates a smooth surface of black (if grade 5) or gray (grade 1-4) surface that does not require blasting.

Anna Berkovich
Russamer Lab

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Q. Hi,
I'm anodizing small parts of titanium to gold color using 0.1% sulfuric acid approximately at 60 V.
When I'm anodizing 4 parts at a time they get nice gold color but if I'm trying to anodize bigger batch (around 20 parts) they get grayish color.
Can't figure out why...
Can anyone give me some advice?
- Israel, Bnei Brak
July 24, 2018
July 24, 2018
A. Hi Alex,
I suspect the solution is overheated.

Anna Berkovich
Russamer Lab

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Q. Thank you very much Anna!
Is there any way to overcome this problem?
using different solution maybe or cooling down the solution?
As I understood from previous comments, solutions with bigger percentage of acid are getting the same color at a lower voltage, right? and if I'm right, is it possible that it will lower the temperature of the solution?
- Israel, Bnei Brak
July 25, 2018
A. The possible ways:
1. cooling down the solution;
2. Masking holders as much as possible, so they do not participate in the process;
3. move electrolyte by swinging holders or liquid; use larger tank.
Make sure you raise voltage very-very slow - up to 30 seconds until it reaches 60V.

Anna Berkovich
Russamer Lab

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

July 25, 2018
Q. I am anodising titanium chains.
I cleaned them with supersonic cleaner, after with 70% alcohol, then distilled water.
Put in the bath with TSP solution.
Other titanium parts anodised well, but chains either go to yellow or change colour partially. I've tried to sand them down - it worked better.
With last two I had a different issue - it coloured only near the clasp and short circuited with a bang noise at 50 A.
Any suggestions why did this happened and what could be done to improve?
Jewellery designer - HK
July 26, 2018
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