Curated with aloha by
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET

The authoritative public forum
for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

- (Entries not otherwise marked are by Ted Mooney)
- 2009 --
March 6: The Sierra Club is full of shit
February 12: Why you should document your operations by Bob Utech
- 2007--
December 12: Metal Finishing group on Facebook
August 28: Hail the Age of YouTube
June 26: Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (US) required registration by Ken Vlach
January 6: "Video Club" meetings for AESF Branches
- 2006--
August 10: It's time for a Scholastic Visits Program
August 10: Report from Southern Metal Finishing Conference
July 27: The Future of Surface Finishing and the AESF
July 19: Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Jun. 23: Galvanizing Industry in Denial?
Jun. 8: Notes from the Washington, DC AESF Delegates Meeting by Paul Fisher
Mar. 22: Outsourcing to China by ensemble
- 2005--
Nov. 22: Metal Finishing November 2005 magazine review by Todd Osmolski
Aug. 18: Don't throw away 2004 Metal Finishing Guidebook by Robert Teichmann
May 5: Risky Business or Knocking Nails With a Wrench? by Martin Trigg-Hogarth
- 2004--
Sept. 16: The Question of Source Evaluation
June 28: The Times They Aren't A Changin' by Matthew Jones
- 2003--
Oct. 16: Annoyed at foreign questions! by Anonymous (dozens of replies)
Apr. 18: Report on SAE Aerospace Metals Division Committee B meeting by Lee Gearhart
Mar. 10: What are they doing with all of it? by Beverle G. Sweitzer
Feb. 11: Ask not what your Country can do for you by Frank Zemo
- 2002--
Oct. 13: May we Supersize that Salad, Sir?
Aug. 5: Lean Manufacturing for Lower Costs by Bob Utech
July 29: In Defense of In Defense of Chemistry by Tom Linehan, Alan Phillipson
- 2001--
Dec. 18: Biting my tonque
Aug. 2: Who are the extremists?
May 10: Just a Question by Marc Green
- 2000--
Sept. 29: Chrome, Cadmium, And Nickel Replacement Information Exchange by Jim Treglio
July 3: Things You See on Their Face
April 18: Wake Up and Smell the Chromate
March 17: To All Small Platers Out There by Scott Fetter
March 8: The 2nd Law of MoronDynamics
- 1999--
Sept. 1: Cobwebs Away! by Tom Pullizzi
August 16: Say Goodnight, Chrome by Ted Mooney, reply by Tom Pullizzi
August 9: Questions by Drew Nosti
July 15: Big IS Bad
May 27: OSHA Ergonomic Standards
May 23: No Loyalty Oaths by Ted Mooney, reply by Drew Nosti
April 29: Environmental Hypocrisy
- 1998--
December 8: Vote If We're Pompous and Self-Important
November 25: Sorry, But It's Offensive
October 13: The environment's deadliest enemy--Town Hall?
October 6: Get Lost, Low-life
September 1: Mapping the human genome, and other quick projects you can toss together in your spare time by Tom Pullizzi
July 7: Beating a Dead Horse
June 26: I Plate Cad and I Love the EPA by Tom Pullizzi
May 25: Trust No One?
May 8: Potentially Lethal Vapors
Apr. 22: Making Nickel Safe Again, but for Whom by Tom Pullizzi
Mar. 18: AESF Research by Ken Lemke
Mar. 14: Shamed by New Jersey
Mar. 7: My Turn to Be the D.D.
Mar. 5: The Damned Lobbyists Again
Feb. 25: To Pray Is To Work by Tom Pullizzi
Feb. 21: Enough is Enough
Jan. 27: Ford F-150: Cool!
Jan. 3: Let's Hear It for the Girls
- 1997 --
Dec. 23: Turning a Horse Chestnut into a Chestnut Horse by Tom Pullizzi
Dec. 8: Quality--Are You Kidding Me?
Dec. 5: Pollution Prevention Make-work
Dec. 4: Global Warming
Dec. 3: The Plating Meme
Dec. 2: Good News on Hex Chrome
Dec. 1: Repeat of a Sellout Nov. 28: Dirty Little Secrets
Nov. 26: First Thing We Do Is
Nov. 25: This Vehicle is Uncertified
Nov. 24: You and I are 'the experts'