Our Lady of All Souls Grammar School, East Orange, New Jersey

Class of 1949

Graduating Class of 1949, courtesy of Jim Ribbe

class list 1949
class pic 1949
class poem 1949
closure 1949
sr anastasia
sr anastasia text

If you have any photos, addresses, corrections, or bio info you would like to share on this page, please e-mail it to Ted Mooney, mooney@finishing.com.
If you have any memorabilia or photos we can scan, please mail them to me at 523 Springfield Ave., Pine Beach, NJ 08741.

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Our Lady of All Souls alumni e-mail addresses are for the exclusive use of Our Lady of All Souls alumni for social contact. They are not to be used for any commercial purpose, (i.e., solicitations, corp. recruitment, retailing, spamming, etc.)