Enthusiasts helping each other -- No cost, No registration, No damn popups

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A bit of history explains why finishing.com offers unparalleled advertising value ...

Loving metal finishing, and believing in sharing knowledge, Ted Mooney established the "Finishing Technology Hotline" public forum on an electronic bulletin board system (BBS) back in 1989 when he saw the rapidly developing ability to connect personal computers to the outside world. Elsevier published these forum discussions as the internationally popular "Heard on the Hotline" column in Metal Finishing magazine for many years.

mfhotline   hotline

So when the internet caught fire in 1995, we had a trove of fascinating content already available, plus 6-years experience, and launched finishing.com, "The Home Page of the Finishing Industry®". Over the years, we've posted a quarter million problems & solutions, attracted tens of thousands of authoritative answers from the luminaries of the industry (many sadly have passed), were honored with the AESF's Industrial Achievement Award, and made a successful business of it.

In 2013, after 24 years on line, Ted semi-retired and runs the website from home as a hobby. Those decades of authoritative content are still here, and continue to draw thousands of daily visitors looking for finishing answers, and products & services. With no employees or rent anymore, expenses are reduced to almost nothing and we offer this traffic & exposure for just enough to support the hobby :-)

Way more traffic than any developer or SEO resource can bring at a fraction of what they need to charge. Find out why we have customers who've advertised here for decades :-)

Ted Mooney

Advertise on this site

You know your products & services and how to promote them; we've run the World's #1 Metal Finishing destination for 35 years. Together, we can keep your company name in front of people's eyes and on their minds!

One low price includes everything we can do for you:
• Listing in our Directory with hotlinks direct to your website.
• Banner ads on hundreds of popular discussion threads related to your products & services.
• Any postings from your personnel hot-linked to your website.
• Opportunity to review RFQs and privately contact the inquirers.
• No time or effort required -- we'll use your logo & banner ad, etc.; if you don't already have a banner ad we'll make one for you.
• Log of click-thrus from your directory listing, banner ads, postings by your people, videos, etc. -- so you'll be able to see what actually attracts customers.

People in this industry love finishing.com and will appreciate your support!

Phone us at 908-910-7464 or

--------- Begin Order Form ---------

1. Choose your primary product or service from one of the 4 categories listed below:

The cost for
listings in the
Green categories
(this column)
is $540/year.

engineers, finishing consultants,
consultants, training
services, software).  View this

(plating shops,
powder coating
shops, anodizing
shops, finishing
shops).  View this

The cost for
listings in the
Red categories
(this column) is

Equipment (capital
services, etc.)  View this Directory

& Consumables
supplies, replenishables),
View this Directory

2. Choose your payment method:

You can pay by

Wire transfer / direct deposit
Credit Card (Visa, MC, AX)

(We will invoice you for a year of service, i.e., $540 if you selected a Green category (left column) for your listing, or $720 if you selected a Red category (right column). Businesses in New Jersey will be billed an additional 6.625% New Jersey sales tax. We'll put your listing on line as soon as payment is received).

3. Brief description of your products and/or services for the directory listing; about 50 words:

4. Our website address is:

5. My e-mail address is:

6. Notes to finishing.com (not to be printed on your listing)

7. How much is 5 + 1 ? Apologies -- we're drowning under spambots :-(

--------- End Order Form ---------

You may mail your check or credit card info to: Finishing.com Inc., 523 Springfield Ave., Pine Beach NJ 08741, or
For fastest service call in your credit card number and expiration date to 908-910-7464 during business hours, or text/WhatsAp it to 1-908-910-7464 any time, and we can start the service immediately. E-mail is not secure. Thanks.

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