Curated with aloha by
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET

The authoritative public forum
for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

Cleaning Blackened Banknotes
Current question and answers:
Q. Hi. I'm trying to find that chemical from long time because all want 40000 per liter. In the same time if it a scam then from all that black bills some are original which is may be 5. Note that five not only I was to recover and clean with that chemical I tried so many formula at home, by washing like clothes but still now I didn't get the right person. Please help me out I have 10000000 pound.
Bhaveen [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]- Nairobi kenya
March 3, 2021
A. Probably nobody can help you Bhaveen because, as Mark Twain said, it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled. So even though you've seen all the evidence that there is no such chemical, that it's all a scam, you refuse to believe it.
Still, your posting will hopefully help convince someone else that it's a scam before they get involved.
Sympathy & Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
March 2021
January 18, 2022
One of my Indian friends is now in Ghana for undertaking cleaning of black money to the tune of around 600m, according to him; though my intuition says it's a scam, but my mind is not ready to accept the fact because of my poverty
He expects around 10k$ investment from me for procuring machines and chemicals and promising me 20% share that is close to 120m (of 600m).
Can someone please suggest whether to go ahead with the proposal to try my luck or just drop it blindly closing my eyes.
Thanks in advance.
Business - Delhi
A. Hi James. If you don't realize by now that it's a scam, with Google available to show you the thousands of arrests around the world, the thousands of people who lost their life savings, the endless explanations of how the scam is done on youtube and on television, you never will :-(
Sorry, Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
January 2022
⇩ Related postings, oldest first ⇩
Q. I am interested in the question because I am pained by so many people who have been conned of their lifetime savings by cons and cheats in the name of cleaning their defaced currencies. I would like to know the process of cleaning defaced currencies, that is; the chemicals involved, the process undertaken and the availability of the chemicals.
Stiffin Neevets Kamandebanking student - Kenya
May 22, 2009
A. Hi, Stiffin. Sometimes I have to question the sincerity of such questions because "the black money scam" has been dealt with exhaustively on this site for more than 10 years, on many other websites, in court systems around the world, on the CBS program "60 Minutes" multiple times, on the NBC program "Dateline", and on youtube a hundred times.
But to repeat yet again: the heart of the scam involves coating a few pieces of real money with iodine [affil links] and Vaseline or Elmer's glue, and removing the blackening with oxygen bleach or crushed Vitamin C tablets, while convincing you that large piles of worthless black paper are the same blackened banknotes. They're not. They have run off with your real money and left you with nothing but black paper.
The steps involved are:
1). Find gullible people as victims;
2). Discover their prejudices, then inflame their prejudices with stories of the UN or the CIA or Iraq officials or some other group coating trunkfuls of money with secret blackening;
3). Fill trunks with cut up black construction paper or the black output of a Xerox machine, or something else black.
4). Produce by sleight of hand a few pieces of real money, which has been coated with iodine and Elmer's glue, pretending they are representative of the contents of the trunk;
5). Clean these few pieces of real money with the crushed Vitamin C tablets.
6). Tell the victims that the vitamin C tablets are a precious secret chemical designed to remove the secret defacing chemical;
7). Interrupt the cleaning by running out of solution or 'accidentally' knocking the bottle to the floor;
8). Ask for vast sums for this "secret cleaning fluid", when in fact the trunk is full of construction paper not iodine-stained money, and no chemicals can possibly turn construction paper into bank notes.
It's funny that with these trunkfuls of blackened money, they needed your money. Now you can tell me that the Vitamin C tablets aren't cleaning your "blackened currency" and we can continue to despair for humanity :-)

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
December 12, 2009
Q. Hi.
My name is okis from Eritrea. I found the same thing. I have seen the web.
A man from foreign country was here with a case of a one billion defaced USD. He told me that these are blackened money which he will give to somebody did not told in a change a machine.
I asked who sent him of this thing. And openly he said the CIA or FBI. I take thirteen pieces and them all since 2007.
What could be so be the chemical if vitamin C is not able to remove it?
chemist - Eritrea
Ed. note: Well you certainly said just exactly what we predicted, Okis. And we despair as you start your search for a chemical that can magically turn a stack of worthless construction paper, that never was bank notes, into bank notes.
Q. Dear sir,
You said that vitamin 'c ' crushed powder is clear the black money... vitamin c means pure vitamin c or any vitamin c tablet? And how much quantity we have to mix? Please tell me the procedure. First what type of vitamin c is to be used... pure vitamin c or any vitamin c?
With request,
self employed - madanapalle, ap, India
March 26, 2010
A. Hi, Kennedy.
Sorry, VB, but you have deliberately completely misunderstood this thread! Thousands of pages of exposés, court cases and warnings have been printed. At least 3 television programs have focused on it, hundreds of youtube videos. And after I've explained the scam in detail a dozen times myself, the foolishness of people exhausts my patience :-)
Good luck in your other endeavors although I can only wish you bad luck in this one. Neither vitamin C nor anything else can ever turn black paper that never was banknotes into banknotes.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
March 26, 2010
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
January 13, 2011
Q. Hi.
This article is very important to me because I became a victim by this way.
The story started that this people has some money which is defaced and require to be cured. These africans said that they need some original banknotes in order to cure this black notes as you must put 1 original note between each 2 black notes. they did a demonstration and so on as usual.
They will supply the chemicals and I will supply the original notes.
I was in doubt so I supplied only $10,000 USD in order to make a test. After they had started the curing using a dark liquid and before completing the job by another clear liquid they stopped the procedures because they need another money to buy the materials.
I stopped this deal and kept the package which is corrupted with the dark liquid with me.
I will try to use crushed vitamin C in order to clean the original notes to take my money back.
- Egypt
Hi, Yasser.
The whole idea of this scam is to use sleight of hand to convince you that the useless black paper that you are now holding is blackened money. Good luck, but there is no real money in the package. They left with your money in their possession; they switched it and left you with worthless black paper. Sorry, but the sooner you realize it, the sooner you can stop being scammed.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
January 13, 2011
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. As you knew the process someone has done the first part of job for me and for now the monies are between aluminium and I just need the chemical to clear the money.
ali saber- tehran, iran
January 22, 2012
That's the thing, folks.
No matter that this scam has been exposed ten thousand times, and people read of the ten thousand victims who are holding worthless suitcases full of construction paper, they remain convinced that their suitcase is full of real money.
Or the scammers read the exposés themselves, change one insignificant detail, like inventing this "halfway" aluminum color, and there is a whole new group of people anxious to be scammed.
Please search youtube for "black money" and you'll see dozens of examples of these suitcases; you'll see scammers who were caught and who explain it all step by step; you'll see the crying people who left their family penniless by believing this nonsense.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. Dear Sir,
My friend has defaced currency. He tried so many times to clean it, but no success yet. So who can help him for it? Which one is the genuine agency or persons in India. He already contacted so many agencies but they got money from him and then are not coming for work and cheated him.
With regards,
- India
July 5, 2012
... as I just finished saying ...
People will remain firmly convinced that their suitcase full of worthless black construction paper is actually defaced currency, and they just have to find the right cleaning agent. And nothing will dissuade them. So they will be scammed again ... and again ... and again. Sorry for your troubles, Sudheesh, but thank you for proving my point.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
July 5, 2012
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. Hi. I am a victim of the black money scam. I was tricked and we put money together with white papers in a box and we indicated a black solution and I was told to give them money for washing the chemical. After the scammers started asking for more money I realized it was a scam. I have the same box with me and I know it's the one because it's my cell phone box; it has never left my sight when with them and now they're trying to get it. How can I clean the chemical off my money? Please help me.
Chanda Mulenga- Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
July 9, 2012
Hi Chanda.
Please stop telling yourself the same tired story that no magician can trick you. Thousands upon thousands of people keep telling themselves that they still have the real blackened money rather than worthless paper, and every single one of them is wrong and is squandering the opportunity for the authorities to apprehend the scammers. If they are still contacting you, alert the authorities while they can still be apprehended.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
July 2012
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. Dear Sir,
I read the comments on the fake defaced currency that the cheater keep only some pieces of original pieces with a very big amount of black cut pieces but the currency I have is a genuine one as it get tested by number of technicians in front of me but cleaned only two pieces each time by each technician. I have also doubt so recently I keep a vigil watch when a technician comes and cleans 2 pieces. You are requested to please inform me a genuine agency which can clean my currency as all the technicians I contacted proved cheats and grabbed my very big amount. I am a Indian and now I decided not to pay any amount of upfront money. Please guide me.
- dehradun,uttrakhand, India
July 13, 2012
Hi cousin Pawan. Apparently you don't understand that the "technicians" are part of the scam.
It is one thing to pay a couple of dollars to go to a show for amusement, and watch a magician astound you, puling a rabbit out of a hat or sawing his assistant in half. But to bet your life savings that a magician won't be able to trick you is absolute, deliberate, unforgivable stupidity :-(
The only thing that is for certain is that you are not finished being cheated yet -- because you insist on betting your money against professionals who earn their living by tricking amateurs like you who stubbornly insist that they can't be tricked. Geez I feel sorry for your family :-(

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. Hello dear sir, I read your every tag, but my uncle is a church father. He got from Switzerland some of black notes; he did not buy the notes but he got them funded to him. But still now we are searching and losing money but we not getting right chemical, some technicians coming and cleaning but notes are not cleaning fully; some are half and some are not leaving black full, but notes is 100% good notes, because he is reverend father not other people. Please tell me any solution.
ramu naidu- Hyderabad India
March 23, 2013
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
-- Mark Twain
Q. Hi Ramu,
I am in same position as like as you, somebody donate in a orphanage house some black money and just left. These all are real notes. We are trying to clean it - but no success, if you are successful please help me to clean it.
MISSIONERY FOR POOR - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
July 2, 2013
July 3, 2013
Hi. It's quite sad that someone would steal from a missionary for poor children, but that's what is going on. This is the cleverest scam ever because they can "give" you this "money" (actually just worthless black paper) and then get money from you for the "magic cleaning solution" again and again. Each time giving you back in real money much less than you give them for the cleaning solution, and pocketing the profits.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. Hi there
I had some of the black dollars which a technician cleaned for me and they turned into the dollars but now we were waiting for the activation powder & some chemical elements which make the dollars strong but unfortunately the technician got arrested and the whole bunch is left with me.
Can anyone suggest me what's the next procedure?
- nairobi , central , kenya
August 14, 2013
July 2013
Hi. Now that the technician has been arrested is the time for you to go to the police and make sure he stays in jail for a long time, along with anyone else involved. Some day you will realize the huge favor the police did for you.
Do you honestly think that this pile of worthless black paper that never was dollars can somehow be turned into dollars despite the fact that you've been told otherwise by knowledgable people a thousand times, and despite the fact that the criminals have confessed countless times and told you exactly how the trick is done? Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. Hey
I read all the Questions and answers. And yes I am victim too. I know I have been cheated ... but can you tell me can I recover my original dollars anyhow? Please!
- New Delhi, New Delhi and India
January 24, 2014
January 2014
Sorry Neel. The problem is you don't have your original dollars, the scammers have them. You have construction paper. All you can do is hope that the authorities can catch the scammers and get some small part of your money back, but it sounds unlikely. Sorry.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. Thanks for reply. No they didn't took the originals from inside the packet. I am sure. Because that packet was with me all the time. Whenever it open I was there with my close eyes. So I am 100% the originals are in the packet. Which after injecting chemical become black. Now I want to know how to recover the originals?? Can you tell me?
Neel Akash- New Delhi, New Delhi and India
January 26, 2014
A. Here we go again ... yet another person who claims that no magician can fool them.
I'm not trying to be mean, Neel, I'm just asking you a second time to focus on how to help the authorities quickly locate the scammers rather than being distracted with this false hope that you still have your money. You do not! Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
January 2014
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Q. The scammers tried to black some of original bills which I have had. How can I clean some of original bills which belong to me which are now black? Please advise.
Prabhu dayal- Delhi, India
October 11, 2014
A. Hi. "It's easier to fool people than convince them that they have been fooled". Sorry, you do NOT have your original bills.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
October 2014
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
I was also scammed and am picking up the pieces. They took 133 thousand.
But I just want to know how they did this. While I was watching. It's not like it was only 10k and easy to steal. How was this possible. I would like to move on in my life and rebuild my life again. I just want some answers. Thank you.
- England Birmingham
November 27, 2014
December 2014
Hi. We deleted your last name because $133,000 is enough to attract a whole 'nother round of scammers who will promise the moon: unblacken the paper, intercept the original scammers, get your money back through a secret government recovery program, or whatever.
If you go to a magic show you'll see that the magician has dozens of tricks, not just a single trick. We'll probably never know exactly how they stole your attention while so convincingly letting you believe that your money never left your sight. But if we did, all it would accomplish is to convince victims that if they watch for this one trick they won't be fooled; and that would be a disservice to them.
On the positive side, you've accepted it and can move on. Others remain firmly convinced that the pile of construction paper or black output from a xerox machine that they are holding is their original banknotes, even though there might have been a chance to catch the scammers if only they had stopped insisting they are too smart to be tricked.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
Hi, I think the hardest thing to accept for all of us who were scammed is the fact that we were with our money the whole time. When you think you're in control but you're clearly not. What I did to my family was unforgivable. The money wasn't even mine, I borrowed it. Maybe god chose to give me a lesson in my life to appreciate what I once had. I'm not going to say it's not hard to move on. I've lost an amount of money that will take a lifetime to get back. But more importantly than money it was living with being a fool and how naive I must have been. I wish I could have been more smart, but I think the thought of getting a few pounds ahead was the reason you lost my mind.
Luke c [returning]- Birmingham uk
December 3, 2014
December 2014
So sorry to hear your story, but it just might help someone else not make the mistake. So you're doing a service.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
We have since discovered that 'Black money' is a scam and a crime! So if you contact us privately it will be immediately reported to the authorities.
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