Curated with aloha by
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET

The authoritative public forum
for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

Rash from Ring? Fixed by Boiling in vinegar & Peroxide!
Thank goodness I found this site. I was ready to hock my platinum rings and look for something in a less irritating material.. like wood :). I've been suffering from the same rash (mini blisters, scaly, burning, feels and looks worse after a shower) but my rash continued up my ring finger and skipped to the side of my middle finger too. Tried cortisone but it dried things so much that my skin started to crack and bleed. I'm currently using A&D to see if that works. I plan on soaking my rings and boiling the heck out of them tonight.
Thank you for this forum. Sorry you're all suffering too but it's nice to know I'm not the only one.
- Washington, D.C.
February 11, 2008
Boy am I glad I found all of you! I got a new wedding set this Valentine's Day. I have been wearing it night and day. When I read that some of you thought it to be hormone related a light bulb turned on. I had a hysterectomy many years ago but still have my ovaries. After reading your posts I called my daughter and asked her if she was having her period and she is. We have always ovulated around the same time. I have to admit I got excited. I'm going to try the vinegar ⇦in bulk on eBay or Amazon [affil links] /peroxide thing too. I just thought I might shine a light on someone else's post.
Cheryl Bingham- Los Alamos, New Mexico
February 29, 2008
I too had the red, itching burning rash type thing on my ring finger and I have a white gold diamond engagement and wedding bands. I wore the engagement ring for almost 8 months with no problems and the wedding band for almost another year with no problems. Up until about 3 months ago I noticed the rash. It's super annoying and I thought I was allergic. I tried Cortisone, lotion and Neosporin and taking the ring off for weeks at a time but once it was put back on it aggravated it again and the rash would come right back.
I came upon this site about a week ago because I'm getting sick of not being able to wear my rings. I tried the peroxide/ vinegar boil mixture and so far no rash! in fact, my rash seems to still be healing even with the ring now back on....I dry my hands really really good and don't wear it to bed or in the shower...we'll see how it goes. but so far the vinegar/peroxide seems to be a great fix!
- Ventura, California
March 18, 2008
This site saved my ring! I, too wore my ring for 8 months no problem and then would get a rash, let it heal, then get a rash again....even after professional cleaning and polishing. I tried the vinegar/peroxide mixture and then boiled and THEN from another site they suggested just soaking the ring in peroxide. So I did all three of those things and no more rash. I've been wearing it again for a few months now no taking it off!
- Boston, Massachusetts
March 20, 2008
I had the red scaly itchy rash under my gold and diamond wedding band for several months. I scrubbed the ring with toothpaste and a toothbrush, jewelry cleaner...nothing worked. I tried the vinegar and hydrogen peroxide solution and have been rash free for months now. I highly recommend it!
- Malvern, Pennsylvania
March 24, 2008
For those of you with an itchy rash under your rings: try boiling your ring (even if it has diamonds and/or is gold - it's ok, nothing will happen to it). I kept getting the same rash over and over, I'd take my ring off, the rash would clear up, put the ring back on, rash would come back. Never ending cycle, until I found another website with similar postings, and boiling was one of the suggestions. Well, I boiled my ring for 20 minutes, dried it completely, and I've been wearing it for over a month now with no rash, no itch, no problem. Seems there was probably bacteria or something caught up in the crevices of the ring that kept bringing the rash back. Boiling it killed everything. It really works - good luck to all!
- Hazlet, New Jersey
March 26, 2008
I just wanted to follow up with everyone. It has now been 3 months since I boiled my rings (for 20 minutes, hanging them from a chain so that they don't touch the metal of the pot). Still rash free and able to wear my rings every day without a problem. Before doing anything else, I strongly urge you to give boiling a try. Not only is it free, but your rings come out extra sparkly after. Getting the rings dipped in rhodium might work, but it gets costly after a while, b/c once the rhodium wears away, you're left with whatever bacteria was trapped under there in the first place and you'll have to go back and get them re-dipped. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
Summer Olstad- Hazlet, New Jersey
June 17, 2008
Q. True Platinum Allergy? I wore my rings for 3 months, and then became pregnant. I was instructed by my doctor to take off the rings, because they were creating the same kind of rash mentioned elsewhere in these posts. I ended up having another baby 5 months after the first was born, so no rings wearing from 2004-2006. After her birth I couldn't wait to put the rings on. After 5 months I ended up with the same rash, and I ended up getting them resized, because maybe they were too tight? Nope same reaction.
Then the rash wasn't just on my finger, but the rash continued up my hand, wrist and upper arm in red bubble-like bumps that itched. So I finally went to the doctor, and he obviously said I had a platinum allergy. So I went on to the jewelry maker to take care of the problem (after-all, I had only really worn my rings for a little over 3 months!), they had a problem with the time owned, but they decided to test the medal anyway. 100% pure platinum. Then they cleaned the rings with boiling temps, and I still retained a rash.
So far I haven't gone back. But right now I'm just let down. I'm thinking of redoing my two rings into one white gold ring (so far (I think) no allergies), but I know its going to cost a lot. Has anyone else done anything so extreme? I know FOR sure to try at least a month the metal to make sure I can wear it. But on the side- NO person in ANY jewelry store believes that I am TRULY allergic to platinum! No other cases have ever been reported. Is it the water? Weather? Or self? Any help from my letter would be appreciated!
student - Boca Raton, Florida
March 28, 2008
I too have had all of the problems listed above...and thought I was the only one too! Had worn my platinum rings for 6 years with no problem then suddenly kept getting the rash. I am HAPPY to report that I tried the solution listed above, and boiled the ring for 20 minutes (which was kind of scary..) and the rash is not coming back! I am SOO happy to be wearing my rings again...I have missed them! Everyone who is having this problem should give this a try before other expensive treatments!
- Savannah, Georgia
March 31, 2008
Wow, am I ever glad to have found this site. I was beginning to believe I was some sort of freak of nature! I had a rash one other time but it went away with Cortisone and didn't return. I just assumed I had some chemicals from cleaning trapped underneath or something. Now nearly 3 years after that one and only occurrence, I have been battling a rash (complete now with scales and cracking...ew) for nearly 2 months. I am completely at a loss! I am soaking my rings in the previously mentioned solution...wish me luck. My wedding ring means the world to me.
Amanda Janik- Mukwonago, Wisconsin
May 20, 2008
I posted a month ago about my sudden and recurring rash and am extremely pleased to report that after the hydrogen peroxide/vinegar mixture and boiling my rings, I've yet to have another outbreak! This is very exciting because before, when I'd let my rash clear up (several days), I'd put my ring back on and the rash would be back in an hour. I am so very happy to have found this site! To anyone wondering where to start with this problem, try this very cheap trick, it did wonders for me!
- Mukwonago, Wisconsin
June 24, 2008
Just found this post, and I'll say what every one else says when they find it... Thank goodness its not just me! I've had issues with my Platinum rings for 7 years. The worse was while I was pregnant. I wore them on a chain around my neck because it was so bad. And I seem to flair up around my cycle a few times a year. I have always assumed I had some sort of hormonal imbalance induced allergic reaction to the platinum. Mine comes and goes and is never as bad as it was while I was pregnant. Except now! I will try some of the things posted... garlic and cleaning of the rings also. I was thinking of getting my rings coated as well. Ill keep you posted on my findings. Heather ONeill
- Roswell, Georgia
May, 2008
I have been dealing with this rash for 2 1/2 years. It started 6 months after getting my white gold engagement ring. I would take it in to get professionally cleaned and polished. The rash would go away for about 3 months. Now, this technique does not work. The rash is on the palm side of my ring finger, flaky, dry, itchy, burning - IT HURTS!- I have tried clear nail polish, doesn't work. I recently received white gold diamond earrings - I don't know if the exposure to nickel in my earrings is contributing to my finger not healing?
I am going to get the plastic covers for earring posts and soak my ring in the 2:1 vinegar peroxide solution and see if this works. Of course, I have to wait for my finger to heal. I had contemplated upgrading to a platinum ring - but after seeing these posts - I will hold off. Thanks for all the suggestions.
- Humble, Texas
May 27, 2008
I'm so happy to see I'm not alone or crazy! I am also having the same problem. I have a 14k white gold wedding ring I have been wearing for 2 years. Last week I noticed under my ring a dry red rash. A co-worker of mine said that happened to her as well and she thought it was possibly from soap getting stuck under it. After reading these posts I'm wondering if I'm due for a rhodium dip. I haven't had one for a year. I will try that and see if it works. Thanks to all who posted.
Beth Sahadi- Willoughby, Ohio
May 28, 2008
June 5, 2008
The intent of this post is twofold: The first is to relay educational information regarding Platinum Myths that addresses why a metal as pure as Platinum can, in fact, trigger allergies despite marketing claims to the contrary. The second part of this message contains a rash treatment approach that has yet to be offered in the discussion thus far. This troubleshooting approach should be of interest to those who want to figure out if they are having a metal allergy vs. a rash triggered by a skin infection.
PLATINUM MYTHS: A Q&A with Jewelry Expert Dave West:
Summary: Jewelry owners and prospective buyers should note that Platinum and the disclosure the alloys it contains are not closely regulated in the US. Platinum is like pure gold in the sense that in its purest state it is too soft for jewelry. To increase its suitability for jewelry it must be mixed with other metals. Without regulation, consumers not have a means to determine what those metals are -- and the local jewelry store owner may not know either. For this and other info., please read:
Although sanitizing rings is always a good idea -- if only because they look better when they aren't caked with soap and lotion residues -- those who are currently experiencing a rash should consider a step not previously mentioned:
1. Remove the ring(s).
2. Take an over-the-counter antihistamine such as Benadryl or Zyrtec. An hour after taking the antihistamine apply a small amount of topical Benadryl lotion to the rash. If this combination causes the rash to itch less and the redness to dissipate over the course of the next few hours, it is likely that the skin reaction is a histamine reaction (allergy).
If the use of antihistamines enables the rash to diminish or disappear in less time than it might otherwise, this confirms that an allergy has caused the rash. Why? Because a bacterial or fungal infection will NOT diminish in response to an antihistamine. Conversely, a rash triggered by an allergic reaction will in no way respond to the antibiotic ointments or antifungal creams mentioned in previous posts.
Once a metal allergy is confirmed, you have two choices:
1. Get your white gold or platinum rings rhodium plated at your local jewelry store and re-dip them every year whether you think you need it or not. (Some people may find it necessary to do this as often as every 6 months due to lifestyle and/or skin chemistry wearing down the rhodium plating at faster rates than others.)
2. Stop wearing the rings and consider upgrading your wedding ring and/or setting. (Try Titanium, surgical steel or high-karat yellow gold, for example. Note that Palladium may not eliminate rashes for those who are allergic to Platinum because it belongs from the same family of metals.)
Unfortunately, allergies are serious business. Once you have them they tend to get worse the more one is exposed. In effect, an allergy is an immune response your body creates to preserve itself from a perceived threat. Allergies are a manifestation of an immune system that has incorrectly identified something harmless -- like the metal in your rings -- as something serious like an infectious invader. The redness, itching and irritation is the result of the body's attempt to expel out the invader. Once the body learns to identify a substance as a threat, it almost never forgets. The word medical types use to refer to the immune system's ability to remember its foe is "antibody". Antibodies are exactly what they seem: ANTI bodies -- biological war machines to preserve and defend your health. Because of the interaction of one's genes in combination with a constant bombardment of man-made drugs and chemicals, not to mention the perfectly natural byproducts of animals and plant pollens stemming from flora and fauna found all over the world world -- often grown in just a few square miles in suburbia and often in concert with thousands of substances in our food and water -- in some individuals the immune system becomes hair-trigger sensitive. To one person this abnormal immune system response may arise in response to a food. To another a pet allergy. To another an "adverse drug reaction". And to some a jewelry allergy. Few of the substances our immune system wades through on a 24/7 basis have been tested in the real world. Pesticides, cleaners, medications -- they are studied, most often, in the relative isolation of a sterile lab -- which in no way predicts what will happen when they collide with millions of other substances, both natural and unnatural, in our environment and bodies. This is, incidentally, one reason why the epidemic of asthma, particularly among children, has skyrocketed over the past 50 years. Whatever manifestation such an allergy takes -- a rash on the finger, an asthma attack, itchy eyes or a stuffy nose -- the only solution is AVOIDANCE. Total and complete avoidance to whatever extent it is realistic to do so.
Of course, it can't hurt to keep one's jewelry as clean as possible in the unlikely event that the trouble really is bacterial or fungal in nature. To preclude that possibility, practical steps may be of use: Wash your hands with hot soapy water -- before and after eating, after arriving home, and after spending time in the kitchen, garden or bathroom. (And would you believe it -- computer keyboards have been found to contain more germs than some public restroom toilet seats!) Besides sanitation, clean jewelry sparkles more and looks much newer. Better yet, keeping your jewelry clean doesn't have to be time consuming. Simply keep an acid-free and ammonia-free jewelry cleaner in your bathroom and while you bathe, soak your jewelry in the cleaner. After you towel off, plug the sink and rinse the jewelry you have soaked with warm water. Pat dry or use a hair dryer -- they're great for getting jewelry to dry quickly without water spots.
I hope this info. helps!
- Whittier, California
Thank you very much to the manager of this website and to those who took the time to post. I was beside myself when I got an itchy, bumpy red rash on the top side of my left ring finger. I had worn a platinum engagement ring with a three-stone setting for a little under two years, and a platinum channel-set diamond wedding band for about 9 months. When I transferred my rings to the other hand, the rash followed them.
After finding this website, I cleaned my rings with the hydrogen peroxide solution discussed in previous posts. I also boiled my rings, which scared me to death, but they turned out fine. My rash disappeared.
Since then I have not worn my rings to bed or in the shower, but I still wear them when I wash my hands. I clean them once a week. I got nervous about using the hydrogen peroxide long-term, and instead use a jeweler-approved and Heloise-endorsed mixture of 1/2 water, 1/2 ammonia. I soak the rings for 15 minutes and then brush them (especially the holes underneath the channel-setting!) before rinsing with water and drying them.
It has been over a month and I have had no more problems! Thank you thank you thank you!
- Aston, Pennsylvania
June 21, 2008
Q. One thing that I am noticing as a common thread is the particular area that is breaking out. Several listings showed that the rash is on the top of the ring finger and only the side nearest the middle finger. I have that exact pattern of the rash from my ring. My ring is 14K yellow gold. Does anyone have any idea why this could possibly be a common factor?
Julie Votipka- Holt, Missouri
July 2, 2008
I also tried the vinegar, hydrogen peroxide boiling of my rings and the problem has gone away. Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to post these solutions. I have been wearing my wedding ring for 20 years next month and couldn't imagine what I would do if I couldn't keep wearing them. Good luck to all of you!
- Holt, Missouri
July 21, 2008
Triclosan is in the hand soap that we have been using forever at the office, maybe at home too! I will check that tonight. I have been having problems with my rings since July. This is the second time that I have had to treat my rings. I am going to try using regular soap instead of an antibacterial type to see if this makes a difference. We will keep trying until this is resolved. Good luck.
Julie Votipka- Holt, Missouri
November 18, 2008
Okay, this is my fourth post on this site for this subject. I have now been using only hand soap with no Triclosan and that has completely stopped the rash that I was having. I don't need to boil my rings anymore. I urge you to look into how many products that you use that have Triclosan in them and stop using them. See if this helps. I did some research on how Triclosan works. When you wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap it leaves a protective layer covering the skin. Take a minute and look at the Wikipedia site and search Triclosan. Hopefully this helps someone else with this problem.
Julie Votipka- Holt, Missouri
January 13, 2009
July 3, 2008
Yep- another victim of platinum ring-rash here... and I was just starting to think I was allergic to being married! I'm currently sitting here looking at my scaly ring finger, missing my ring- it was expensive and I hate not wearing it! After a Google search on platinum and skin rashes, here I am...
I have had my platinum ring for 4 years now and never a problem until the past year or so... I have had about 3 episodes of the itchy, painful red bumps/blisters and flaky skin. It resolved each time after taking the ring off for a few weeks, and of course the rash returns after a day or two of wearing the ring again. Cortisone seemed to help initially, but it's only over-the-counter stuff. Antihistamines don't seem to make a difference- hopefully it's not an allergic reaction with histamine release. I've never had a problem with Non-hypoallergenic earrings/watches/rings
3 factors mentioned in the above posts make me wonder...
1. It's channel set with lots of little holes on the underside of the ring- bacteria and fungus could be up in there. I use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner
⇦ this on
Amazon [affil links] and also regularly scrub it out with a toothbrush and platinum approved jewelry cleaner. Apparently this isn't good enough? Maybe I'll just try the vinegar/peroxide boiling method and see if that helps.
2. I have a 14 month old son, I can't remember exactly when my ring rash started in relation to my pregnancy- I want to say it started about that time... the hormones of pregnancy have been blamed for lots of things, maybe metal sensitivity can be added to the list.
3. I wash my hands many, many, many times a day at work (at a hospital) with anti-bacterial soaps and Purell-type alcohol based hand gels- I thought those were the culprits (an allergy to Purell?). The increased incidence of Triclosan-containing products has grown EXPONENTIALLY and I wonder if sensitivity to these products is an issue as well. Maybe Triclosan and similar chemicals react with metal and release some metal salts or something.
I hope to get this cleared up (both the questions and the rash)- but in the meantime, someone above mentioned Titanium rings- anyone have any experience with these? They look nice and are relatively inexpensive for plain bands- I just hate to give up my platinum, but if the rash persists, I may check into a Titanium substitute ring.
- Lafayette, Colorado
I am experiencing the same rash on my ring finger with 14 kt. white gold. I have taken the rings off only to have a red blistery rash return. I will try the vinegar and peroxide before contacting a dermatologist. thanks
Maureen lizza- forty fort, Pennsylvania
July 7, 2008
Wow, I'm surprised to hear so many people with the same problem! My rash started flaring up in 2005. I thought it was because my company moved to a new building and the soap dispensers were very old and dirty, so I just chalked it up to a lot of the liquid soap getting under my rings. However, I STILL break out even when I do NOT wear my rings! The only time I've worn them is when we go away on vacation. I take some prescribed cream and for some reason it doesn't bother me as much. But when we're back home, forget about it! I'll try some of these suggestions, I hope they're the solutions to this problem.
Angela Davis- New York, New York
August 1, 2008
Q. My husband has been wearing his platinum wedding ring since 2001. Only about this year ('08) the palm of his hand started peeling. Now it's moving to the outer part of his hand. Has anyone out there had this problem?
Petula C [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- Morganville, New Jersey
August 10, 2008
A. Hi, Petula. Obviously his doctor or dermatologist would have to evaluate what is going on, but why would you suspect his ring to be the cause of this problem, fairly well removed from where the ring contacts his skin?

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
August 13, 2008
I am so glad I found this site. Like most others I developed a nasty,red, inflamed rash from my platinum wedding ring. I had it cleaned in a jewelers but the rash returned instantly. I removed my ring until the rash cleared completely and took it off every time I wet/washed my hands also but to no avail. I decided to try the vinegar/peroxide solution a week ago and it worked wonders and I have been wearing my ring with no irritation! I have a princess cut diamond on my ring and I could see some dirt behind the stone which was removed with the solution which may be the answer. It is also shining like new!
- Scotland, U.K.
September 1, 2008
After wearing my wedding rings for about a year which are platinum, I developed a rash. Red blistery burning rash. I took the rings off for a while and the rash went away. I put the rings on my white gold chain around my neck and two weeks later I had a rash on my neck. Now I have 15,000.00 worth of rings that I can't wear. I guess I'm going to replace the rings with a white gold set.
- Clewiston, Florida
September 10, 2008
I found this site while researching my rash, and I can definitely say it is caused by Triclosan.....
Yesterday at work, I went to the bathroom, then proceeded to wash my hands. From there I went to the vending machine and then back to work. Within 5 minutes of washing my hands, my finger was burning. I took my ring off and I have a red rash/burn where the ring was.
I have seen this in the past, but not nearly as bad, and I know that one of my bathrooms at home has hand soap with Triclosan. However, my guess is that the cleaning company at work has recently switched and is using a very generic hand soap with excessive amounts of Triclosan.
- Gaithersburg, Maryland
September 10, 2008
Hi, Just wanted to let you all know that the vinegar / hydrogen peroxide solution really does work! I was really upset after 3 years of wearing my platinum wedding and engagement rings that I developed the red rash. I soaked my rings in the solution overnight and it started clearing up straight away. I soaked them again over night on the second night and its nearly now gone altogether! I really recommend you try this remedy!
- Warwick, England
September 12, 2008
The vinegar/peroxide solution worked for me too. After six years of constantly wearing my platinum wedding band with no issues, I ended up with a rash on my ring finger underneath the band. It looked like dry, flaky skin.
I boiled 2:1 white vinegar & hydrogen peroxide, "boiled"
(literally, and apprehensively) my ring in the solution for about 10 minutes, and then soaked my ring for about an hour. I kept the ring off for a few days until the rash cleared up. It's been about a month, and the rash hasn't come back. I'm guessing there was some kind of irritant stuck in the diamond channels on the inside of the band that the solution was able to eliminate. I had previously tried standard jewelry cleaner, which didn't work (rash kept coming back). Can't tell you how relieved I was that this worked!
Hope this helps, good luck.
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
October 10, 2008
Q. Help! I wanted to disinfect my sterling silver jewelry, so I soaked it overnight in the white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide mixture. Now all of it is black and tarnished looking with a really rough texture to the metal. Have I completely ruined my silver? Please respond so I can know what to do. Thanks in advance.
Donna Bryant- Mobile, Alabama
October 14, 2008
A. Hi, Donna. Have you tried a silver cleaning cloth?

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
October 14, 2008
Q. This may be a silly question...But, do you boil the rings in the peroxide/vinegar solution or just soak them in the solution and boil in water? And at the risk of sounding really silly, do you just put the rings in the bottom of the pot while boiling or should you suspend them in the boil? I am nervous about the boiling, but I am desperate to heal this rash and wear my rings again.
Lora Naron- Texarkana, Arkansas
October 14, 2008
Q. I am also glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem! I have a 14K white gold wedding set, and wore the engagement ring for 2 years without any problem. Just a few months ago, the skin under my ring finger became bumpy, itchy, and eventually painful. I suspected that I developed eczema on my ring finger, but didn't know for sure.
I will try the vinegar/hydrogen peroxide solution and boiling, and hopefully that will solve it.
I'm wondering if the common thread to this problem is rings with many grooves underneath where bacteria can thrive (eternity bands, diamonds set with channeling, etc.) Anyone have issues with solid gold bands w/diamond solitaires?
- Boston, Massachusetts
October 16, 2008
A. Boiling in regular water works for me. I get this rash every couple of months no matter how well I dry my hands or clean my ring. Just 10-15 minutes in boiling water is all it takes.
Lori Griffith- Cedar Rapids, Iowa
October 16, 2008
Q. Wow, I'm so glad to find this thread. I just had the exact same issue, a red, itchy blister/welt thing under my platinum ring. After it came back for the third time (apparently, I'm a slow learner), I finally started googling and found this page.
My welt is also on my ring finger, on the side closest to the middle finger. Right now it's in the peeling stage, once it's healed I'm going to try the vinegar/peroxide cure and hope it works.
I wonder if everyone here has similar rings? My ring has a low setting, so are more nooks and crannies for bacteria/soap buildup than a plan wedding band.
- Washington DC
October 1, 2008
Q. I have been married for 2 years and have not had any problems with my platinum wedding band or engagement rings until recently. I thought it was the new soap in my office bathroom, so I brought my own. That doesn't seem to work. Once I take off my rings and let my
"ring" finger heal, the rash just comes back. The rash is on the outside of my ring finger (next to my pinky finger). The rash is red and bumpy. I use hydrocortisone cream but all it does is dry the rash. Once the rash is dry, it peels. This has been going on for several months now...
I'm going to try the hydrogen peroxide/vinegar and boiling solution, but I don't want to boil my rings in the pot. How do you boil the rings? Do you suspend them or just allow them to lie on the bottom of the pot?
By the way, I live abroad in Okinawa, Japan so I'm not sure if it's related to the water. We've been here for a year and the rash only started about 6 months ago.
- Okinawa, Japan
October 29, 2008
I'm like the rest of you so glad I'm not alone!
I was starting to think it was an omen... or that my fingers got fat. same rash, same blisters, it comes and goes at will, but almost within 24 hrs. of putting it back on. I have that to keep it at bay I leave my beautiful eternity band off for showers, sleeping, working out, swimming, cooking and time for it to heal when I forget to take it off.. oh yeah, washing my hands too. That seems ridiculous to me for something that is supposed to be the best to be causing so much trouble that I barely get to wear it and when I do I don't show it off because its embarrassing to have the irritation stand out around the edges, not to mention how miserable it feels.
I am for sure going to boil the heck out of them this evening and soak them.
I've only had the ring since March and got married in June... grrr silly rash ever since I started wearing it. Luckily it cleared up in time for the wedding but was back at it again on the honeymoon. What a pain!
Thanks for all the support!
- Gardner, Kansas
November 3, 2008
OK, an update ... about 3 weeks ago I boiled the heck out of my wedding ring, platinum eternity band (suspended on a wire so it didn't lay on the metal surface)and then soaked it overnight in peroxide/vinegar. In the Morning I scrubbed the inside of the ring with a toothbrush... my ring hasn't sparkled like that since I got it! I reluctantly began wearing it right after and to my surprise my skin actually continued to heal up while wearing the ring. The swelling went down in a day or so, and although it took at least a week to completely heal, my finger is perfect now and I wear my ring all the time unless I'm cooking with meat since I'm pretty sure that is where the bacteria came from.
Hope that helps the others suffering from the like.
Have an Awesome Day!
- gardner, Kansas
November 18, 2008
A. This forum is fabulous! Gotta love the internet!
After reading so many posts from all of you I am deducing that there isn't one solution that is right for everyone. Some peoples' rashes are red, swollen and itchy....others are red, scaly and dry. My rash is the latter (red, scaly, dry). I had to take off my wedding ring for over a week in order to let the rash heal...only to have it come back after a few days of wearing the ring.
One person's post spoke volumes to my situation.....can't recall the poster's name but they were on page one. Anyway, she had come back from a visit with her dermatologist and found out her "rash" was actually a type of eczema. Her dermatologist prescribed a generic version of Elocon to clear it up. Well, reading that post was like a light going off for me because I actually have a couple of tiny patches of eczema on my scalp, for which my Dr. prescribes me Elocon! I am CERTAIN this is my problem because the red, scaly and dry rash is ONLY on the top of my finger (not the palm side) and it's identical to the eczema rash I get on my scalp. I'm talking IDENTICAL.
Elocon is a miracle worker for Eczema so I'm on my way to my medicine cabinet to rub some on my finger. I wanted to mention to those of you who have the red, scaly, dry rash....it could VERY well be eczema
(eczema affects many, many people). If you don't want to bother with a Dr. and prescription for Elocon you might give something else a try.....
When my son was born he was diagnosed with eczema and so I searched for the best and safest product I could use on him to help clear it up. I happened upon a demonstration at a local fair for a product called Hawaiian Moon Aloe. It's basically the strongest form of aloe vera you can find...but it's got several other effective ingredients in it as well. Anyway, I bought it and it cleared his eczema up within 24 hours of my first use! It's a safe, non-medicinal way to help treat eczema and I highly recommend it to those of you with the same ring rash that I have. It has cleared the rash up for me in the past ... I just didn't know how or why my rash kept coming back. Now I do!
Good luck to everyone.
- Rocklin, California
I am sooo happy to have found this post. I also had the tiny blister rash where my engagement ring sat. It would go away when I stopped wearing the ring and came back when I put it on.I was so sad to contemplate having to replace it (the ring not the fiance). I didn't think it was due to an allergy to the platinum because my rash doesn't go all the way around my finger which happens when I wear a bracelet or necklace that I am allergic to. It was isolated at the very top where there is open filigree work surrounding the diamond.
I used the vinegar and peroxide method and boiled it to death for 30 minutes (don't worry-the 100 °C boiling water is nothing compared to the temperatures required to melt these metals and diamonds are not the strongest minerals for nothing). I just used tongs to fish them out and let it cool before I touched it. Then I had to boil it again because I forgot and used an old toothbrush to clean it and I didn't know how clean the toothbrush was so I boiled the ring and the toothbrush for 30 minutes and then used the boiled toothbrush to clean the ring. I didn't wait for the rash to disappear but put the ring back on but the rash is still going away! I have also not changed my hand washing habits or dried my hands any better than I used to but the rash is almost completely gone just 2 days after I used this method to clean the ring. So try this first before you use a more expensive method!
- Los Angeles, California
November 8, 2008
Q. I too am so relieved to have found this site! I first developed my rash during my pregnancy with my first child (last year) and thought that it was just to do with my pregnancy hormones and that it would return to normal after I had my child. My son is now 9 months and my rash is worse than ever! I don't wear my rings (both platinum) and it really depresses me. I would love to wear them again so I am prepared to try the peroxide/vinegar solution. Sorry but could someone explain the exact quantities of each and where to buy hydrogen peroxide.
Please help!
Thanks, Katie
- Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland
November 16, 2008
Hi Katie. 2 parts vinegar to 1 part hydrogen peroxide is what most people used. Peroxide is available at drug stores because it's used as a first aid antiseptic. But you can get it really cheap on-line if you prefer (price is total for 12 bottles).
You want the basic 3% kind, not the high strength or food grade specialties.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Just thought I'd offer hope to those of you out there with this horrible rash. I developed the same thing out of the blue, for no apparent reason, after 16 months of being married and wearing my wedding ring and after four years of wearing my engagement ring. Both rings are platinum and neither had ever caused me a problem before, but my finger had got so sore, blistered, flaky and swollen that I couldn't wear them at all.
I read on this forum about the boiling idea, so I bought a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from Boots, and cheap white vinegar from the supermarket, boiled both rings in 2 parts vinegar to 1 part peroxide, and then left the rings to soak in the solution overnight. It really makes the kitchen stink, and it was super-scary putting my precious rings in such a toxic-smelling solution! Billions of bubbles came pouring off the rings' surface and between the diamonds, and I was really worried the diamonds might come loose. But the rings came out perfect - extremely sparkly and clean.
The rash had started to subside a little because I hadn't been wearing my rings for a few days, so the next day I tried them back on my finger again - and it was fine. They didn't inflame the rash at all, and the rash continued to get better so that within a couple of days it was completely gone. It's about six weeks later now and my finger is still fine, no rash whatsoever.
I have no idea what scientific explanation there could possibly be for this hydrogen peroxide / vinegar thing working, but it definitely does, and it did my platinum and diamond rings no harm at all. Hope this helps. x
- Sheffield, UK
November 20, 2008
Q. My husband and I have been married for 26 years, about 2 months ago he had a rash under his ring. He put it on the right hand and the same thing happened. Why after all of those years did it suddenly happen?
Martha Greenhomemaker - Beckley, West Virginia
November 21, 2008
Hi, Martha. To be clear, is this a platinum ring, not white gold, so there is no chance it is an acquired nickel allergy? Then it may be some sort of bacteria or fungus where the cleaning method described here may help. Good luck.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
November 22, 2008
Q. I've been reading that many people have a rash as a reaction to platinum jewelry.
I've been wearing a platinum eternity band for about 6 months, on my right hand ring finger, and started having unusual pain in the joint above and below the ring. Also, that one finger swells until the ring is really tight. It didn't even dawn on me that it could be the ring until I didn't put it on one day. The finger didn't swell or I didn't have pain in the finger. Am I imagining things? Has anybody ever experienced anything like this?
reader - Newberry, Florida
December 2, 2008
I have a platinum wedding and engagement ring. I started to get a rash the first few weeks I got it. Someone told me right away that it's because I was not drying my hands enough. Water was getting under my ring and staying there and causing a rash. I started to be sure I dried under my ring really well after that and it went away. After over 2 years I'm starting to get it again and know it's the same problem.
- Napa, California
December 4, 2008
Q. I purchased a platinum ring of eBay from California, When I received it, I opened the package and tried it on for about 10 seconds. I then put it away. Roughly 12 hours later when I woke up the next morning I had a poison-ivy like rash right on the tip of my finger right where the ring rested and a few itchy blisters right above that where the ring slid across my finger. It is now the second day and the rash is about the same, maybe just a little better. After reading the posts I decided to boil the ring in the peroxide / vinegar solution and try the ring on my other hand to see if that helps. Unlike most of the other posts, my rash was very quick. I should mention that I did get one piercing over a year ago and have since removed it. If I do have an allergy to nickel or to platinum I can't believe that my reaction could be so quick. Prior to this I wore a gold ring with diamonds for 15 years with no rash other than the occasional dry spot, then another plain gold ring for a year. I was actuary thinking there was something else on the ring that I may have had a reaction to. Could there be something in the manufacturing process that I could be allergic to that maybe wasn't cleaned off the ring. It is Brand new. On a side note I do get poison Ivy very easily, although never in December before. and I was not doing any yard work for weeks prior to this.
Dan Tomlinson- Horsham, Pennsylvania
December 11, 2008
I am so glad I have found this site.
I got 2 new rings 6 months ago which I wear on the same finger, one platinum and one white gold. Within a few weeks I developed the same red itchy rash as everyone else but under the white gold ring only (which is an eternity style). I went back to the jeweler who thought I was allergic to white gold & suggested I upgrade the ring to platinum even though I can wear 9 kt & 18 kt gold & silver rings with no problems at all. I did this thinking this was the end to the problem but unfortunately the rash has persisted & still much worse under the eternity style platinum ring.
I am beginning to think that it is the style of the ring with all the little holes on the underside which is trapping bacteria & causing the problem.
I also find that my rash gets much worse when my hands are hot.
I have tried steroid cream which clears it up but the rash comes back after a day or two of wearing my rings.
This morning I VERY NERVOUSLY boiled them in the Hydrogen peroxide/vinegar solution & they are now back in their box waiting for my rash to heal so that I can try them on again.
I will let everyone know how I get on but I am so grateful to have found some options to try as I was starting to despair of ever being able to wear them again.
- Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
December 27, 2008
Well it has now been a week and my rings haven't been off my finger! I can't believe it, I've cleaned, with both cleaning gloves on & off, swam & showered & not a mark on my finger. The HYDROGEN PEROXIDE/VINEGAR solution has definitely worked!
I'm thrilled to bits!
- Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
January 4, 2009
So crazy! I have been married for seven years (I thought maybe it was the 7 year itch! haha) and my finger started itching, breaking out, all of the other issues posted above. I mentioned to a friend of mine and she said look it up on the internet that it is a really common problem. So I did and here was all the information I needed! I am going to the kitchen right now to do the boiling trick.....
Heather Miller- Phoenix, Arizona
December 29, 2008
I also have ring rash after wearing it for several years. I am a waitress and cosmetologist. my hands are always wet. I agree that this is due to having a wet warm breeding ground on my finger I am boiling my platinum ring in the solution right in the pot, and am going to practice better ring wearing habits... looks like I am not alone. Thanks
Siobhan Eileen Kinnaird- Sandpoint Idaho
February 2, 2009
I have read with great interest the man stories of people seemingly suffering the same symptoms as I have endure for almost two years. My rash (persistently dry flaky skin) appears on the back of my ring finger and little finger. Palm side is normal. I suspected it may have had something do with the wedding ring and I've not worn it for several months now. Symptoms persist however. Doctors I've seen haven't had much of a clue. Maybe it's stress.
Ken Wilson- Townsville, Queensland, Australia
February 6, 2009
I have been married 1 yr and have worn my ring all the time recently I have had a rash on my finger that went away after not wearing the ring then was back as soon as I put the ring back on. I am glad I have found this site I am relieved to know that I am not the only one. I have read all suggestions and will go with the vinegar solution. I will let you all know how it goes. Thank you so very much.
Angela Espinoza- Venture, California
February 8, 2009
I laughed at the vinegar idea because it reminded me of My Greek Wedding where Windex is the cure for everything! But I am doing it as we speak. I wanted to add that chap stick gives immediate relief to the rash and seems to speed the healing process. Every time I tried putting it back on, it came back, though, so I am working on the vinegar method...thank you People for this solution!
Nancy Watson- Santa Maria, California
April 13, 2009
So I've worn my wedding ring for six months now. when I was wearing it as an engagement ring it didn't do anything. for about 2 months every time I wear my set I get a red rash, and bumps that look like poison ivy. I do work at a restaurant where I wash my hands frequently but I do dry my hands very well. I can wear my ring on my other hand and it does nothing.
Sara mackenzie- Philadelphia, Mississippi
May 21, 2009
I used to work for a very high-end jewelry store and would gently remind clients that as with anything worn/used daily: jewelry should be properly cleaned regularly. And, based upon my personal experience with dry/flaky skin irritation under my platinum ring and stud earrings: apparently occasional sanitizing is a good idea, too.
With regards to the toothbrush and boiling liquid suggestions: for general cleaning of my hard stones (pave diamonds, sapphires, and rubies), a sudsy jewelry cleaner + soft toothbrush work great, but don't try this directly on soft/porous gems such as emeralds, tanzanite, or pearls as you'll likely ruin them. Also, be careful of dropping any jewelry with gems into boiling water as this may cause a stone to break from the sudden change in heat (even diamonds).
My own skin irritation cleared up once I started leaving these items in a small bowl of rubbing alcohol overnight once a week or so. Good luck to each of you and thanks for the very helpful advice/insight!
- San Francisco, California
June 21, 2009
Q. I am having a problem with my wedding rings which is driving me crazy. I have had my wedding band and engagement rings for four years and never had any problem. My wedding band is 10k white gold and my engagement ring is 14k white gold. They are made by two different jewelers. Also I have had a nickel allergy in my ears since I was a child but never had any reaction anywhere else on my body to any other jewelry.
Over the last few months I have developed a nasty rash underneath where my rings are on my finger. My finger swells up and becomes itchy, scaly and flaky. I had both of my rings cleaned professionally and that still did not help so I went to my doctor. My doctor said he thought it was an allergy to the rings and gave me a prescription steroid cream. He said for me to let it heal completely and then try one ring at a time. I let my finger heal completely and had my rings cleaned again. I tried only wearing my engagement ring because of the higher gold content and the smaller band. After about 10 days my finger swelled up again. I once again took my ring off and used the steroid cream until the rash cleared up and started wearing my engagement ring on the other hand. After 10 days or so nothing had happened to my right hand.
I decided to see a dermatologist. The dermatologist said he thought it was not the rings but something on the rings which was irritating my finger. He felt that if it was a genuine allergy it would irritate both hands and anywhere else the rings were placed. He gave me a nickel testing kit for my jewelry and sent me on my way. I tested my rings with the kit and they came up negative for nickel, which surprised me since I thought most white gold contained nickel. I put my rings back on and my left ring finger has once again flared up. I am at somewhat of a loss at what to do now. My rings have been cleaned repeatedly to make sure there is nothing on them. I take them off when I exercise, do any cleaning, wash my hands, put on lotion, shower or anything like that. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?
jewelry owner - Shreveport, Louisiana
August 14, 2009
A. Hi, Emily. I'd take a chance on the vinegar and peroxide cleaning that reportedly has been so successful for so many.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
August 17, 2009
Is it just me but I can't believe that for so many of us to have been wearing our jewelry for x-number of years (mine being almost 9!) that this is such a new problem? Why is this something that is happening now with a metal that has been used for generations?
I find it hard to believe the localized eczema argument and have found that the vinegar H202 solution not to work. I've been wearing metals of all sorts since a young girl - as I'm sure many of you can also say the same - and to have this just cropping up in the past few years seems to prove that there has got to be something else out there in play - what it is I have NO clue!
Yes - I'm frustrated that my wedding and engagement band burn my finger and would like to know what is causing it. I've tried everything imaginable but not gone as far as resetting them.
- Alameda, California
September 10, 2009
Skeptics of all skeptics here. But about 2 weeks after I went camping I developed a red, welty itchy rash under my wedding ring that would NOT go away. I never even wore my ring while camping so not sure if that was the cause of it or not but nonetheless, I could not wear it. I have worn it without incident for 4 years. All of a sudden I was in so much pain I couldn't put it on more than 3 hours before the rash returned. I googled the problem and came across this sight. I figured that there was no way a vinegar/peroxide bath would help but I was willing to do anything to get my gorgeous rings back on. So I boiled them for about 30 minutes in the solution, brushed it real good with a toothbrush and then did 2 coats of clear nail polish inside just in case. Miraculously, no more rash! I am thrilled, and my rings have never looked so sparkly!
- Quincy, Illinois
September 14, 2009
A. I developed the same problem after 10 years of wearing my rings, and after the birth of my 3rd child. I noticed that I can wear rings that have openings that allow the skin to breathe with no problems. My rings are 24 carat yellow gold. as soon as I put my other rings back on, the rash comes back. I think the answer for me is an open ring with spaces for my finger to breathe.
eliza riddle- miamisburg, Ohio
October 2, 2009
My husband's wedding band is white gold w/ diamonds. He has had it for 1.5 yrs. and had a continuous problem with a crusty rash towards the knuckle where the ring rests. He asked me to find a site that might suggest what the problem is. I found these folks testimonies to the same problem. I'm hoping that boiling the ring in the v/hp will solve the problem. I'm hoping that this will solve the problem. It's a beautiful ring and I would hate to have it replaced.
Lindel Duncan- Valparaiso, Florida
November 19, 2009
I'm SO thankful for the info on the rashes, metals and boiling method for cleaning the jewelry, and will be trying this tonight! HOWEVER... I wanted to double check that method before doing so because I really did not want to risk damaging my wedding rings. I found this bit of information VERY helpful. READ BEFORE BOILING YOUR RINGS:
Boil gently, cool slowly
Restrict this method of cleaning to jewelry that just won't clean up by other methods. Even though boiling is listed as safe for several stones on the accompanying Gem Cleaning Chart, I strongly suggest you restrict this method to Rubies, Diamonds and Sapphires (the colors of the American Flag). Follow the directions carefully, making sure to avoid "thermal shock" (sudden and extreme temperature change) that can fracture a stone. In other words, do not drop the jewelry in water that is already boiling!
You will need a pan of room-temperature water, and a strainer that will keep the jewelry off the bottom of the pan. A screen-like strainer will work, as will a tea strainer. Use a small amount of laundry or dishwashing detergent in the water. Put the jewelry in the strainer, and suspend in the pan. Slowly bring the pot of water to a boil, and boil for 10-20 minutes. Watch carefully, and do not leave the jewelry unattended! Do not add cold water if the water level falls: that could cause thermal shock! Remove the pan from the burner, and let cool slowly. Once the water is back to room temperature, you may give the jewelry a final brushing, rinse and dry. Your jewelry should be sparkling clean! (Remember to check for missing stones.
This was taken from www.jewelry-appraisal.com/210_Jewelry_Cleaning.htm
- Washington, DC
December 7, 2009
Thank you! I had been wearing my ring for over half a year with no problem and then developed a rash and itchiness. I did wear my ring ALL the time. Some I mentioned it to asked if I was certain it was REAL platinum but I was there when my then-fiance bought it at Mikimoto and it definitely was a platinum price. Also worried that I may have some kind of platinum allergy and I wouldn't be able to wear it anymore, but I wore it for several months and no problem. Does make sense that there may be some bacteria. Get me some vinegar and peroxide pronto. I am going to boil this bugger.
Vanessa Schulz- Washington, DC
December 10, 2009
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