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Wearing gold rings & jewelry turns my skin black

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Q. Today, March 20th I just noticed for first time my gold ring turned my finger black. I've had this ring on my index finger for 30 years. I did, last week, change my vitamins. There are new Vitafusion gummy chewable vitamins out (delicious) and I've tried them. I've added them to my main vitamins and I suspect, this is the reason. Body chemistry has to have changed. Yes, I've been under stress lately also but I've been under stress before so I don't follow that reasoning. I'm past the hormonal phase so that's not the answer and if it was hormonal, this would have happened prior to today. Trying to think if I've done anything different today and the answer is no.

Irene H [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Demarest, New Jersey
March 20, 2009

A. I've been married almost 25 years, and have never taken off my wedding band. Never - EVER. Recently, my fingers started turning green/black. At dinner last night, I joked that time was up, a new ring was needed. My daughter said that in Science class they learned that this happens when your body is low in iron. As a test, if you take your ring off, wash it and rub it anywhere on your body, it will leave a black mark. In their high school class, 1/3 of the kids where lacking in iron.

Wendy B [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Toronto Ontario Canada
April 2, 2009

Q. Desperate, straw hair and blackened rings!

I lived in GA for 12 years moved to Connecticut a year ago; had beautiful blonde thick hair, the well water up here I think has ruined my hair, every time I wash it, after 2 days its hard like straw, can barely put a brush through it - also it turns like a very gold yellow/orange and no matter how I have had lovely color highlights it turns within 2 weeks to the yellow color again; I have tried every treatment spent literally a grand on treatments shampoo's etc for hard well water hair, acid hair, etc- we had a whole 3 grand water system put in, no change , I also started to have the charcoal black around my rings and it has not stopped, no matter if I do not put my rings anywhere near makeup, water, etc., it makes no difference, I have had all blood tests, hair analysis tests, everything is in the clear and I am extremely healthy - it is now one year exactly later and I have never had this in my life before and am desperate to solve my problem immediately!

Trish G [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Tolland, Connecticut
April 15, 2009

thumbs up signHi,

This posting was so funny to read, I have noticed sometimes that at least one of my rings (10k and 14k) turns my finger black on occasion, but I never tried to track when it happens. I am premenstrual right now and generally do have associated low iron levels, and when I read what people had written I had to try it--I took off my rings and tried to draw on my arm with them. Surprisingly it worked! And my 14k ring made a darker line than my 10k one. Not too alarmed by it but I may have them dipped in platinum one day! :)


Kimberly M [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Athens, Georgia
May 22, 2009

thumbs up signA friend showed me she could write on her face with her gold ring. It kinda freaked me out. I've wore a gold ring for about 9 years now and it has never turned my finger dark. But I tried writing on my face with it after my friend did and it left dark lines on mine as well. But it only does it on my face and my lines were darker than hers... It's crazy no one knows what's doing this. I've read through everyone's comments and I believe it may be iron or something about our diet or something chemical...?

It can't have anything to do with makeup, creams, lotions, fragrance because I just had microdermabrasion... plastic surgery, and they took the top layer of skin off of my face. So I have to use Neutrogena clean shampoo.

I can't wear make up or use anything with fragrance and the black lines still appear!

I don't believe it has anything to do with the menstrual cycle because (1)I've been on the depo shot (birth control) for the past 4 years and haven't had a period... I do believe the shot keeps you from ovulating. (2)I tried this on my little cousin, HE is 14, and I also tried it on a couple of his friends. 2/3 of the boys got the lines as well, although they were not very dark.

Someone said something about their gallbladder/liver, it happening when they were sick, and being lactose intolerant... Well I have no gallbladder, I'm not sick, and not lactose intolerant sooo all I can figure is I need to get my iron checked and watch my diet... if it's not that who knows!?

Chelsey D[surname deleted by ed. for privacy]
- Johnson City, Tennessee
June 14, 2009

thumbs up signMy 14k wedding ring does the same thing. All I know to do is coat it with clear polish until my body works out its iron issues,lol ... so glad there are others out there like me.

Monica R [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- flower mound, Texas
July 12, 2009

A. My gold ring that I have worn for several years is now leaving a black ring around my finger a couple of days after I donate blood. It only happens then, so I'm sorry the makeup or abrasive theory doesn't work.

Victoria R [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Bristol, Tennessee
July 17, 2009

A. I have had this happen since I was around 13 or so. I had always heard it was an iron deficiency but heard that could be an old wives tale.

The black marks come and go. I have noticed that I feel a little "off" when the marks are around. I don't know how to describe it other than I don't feel well (but certainly don't feel awful).

It found a few comments interesting in this thread. One, I have never thought about it in relation to stress but I am certainly stressed today and they marks are very dark.
Two, I had never heard about any correlation with hormones or acidity which is a curious thought.

I do think it has to do with some kind of imbalance in the body. Incidentally, many women who don't think they get the black marks will get them when they rub it on their face (with or with out makeup). My face is where the marks show up the darkest.

Crystal W [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Independence, Kentucky
October 26, 2009

A. I have the same problem and I know for a fact that this happens when my iron is low. I have been taking iron supplements for about 6 months and recently have stopped and my iron dropped again. I now have the black on my finger around my ring and on the other finger beside it. This is worst on the finger that I have a 14kt gold ring. The higher the gold the worse it is. If you take off your ring and rub it on your face you can probably draw a picture. Have your ferritin and iron levels checked. Mine were low for a long time and the doctors missed it as they only were doing a cbc count.

Rosa Cole
- Salisbury, NB, Canada
January 4, 2010

A. I have two wedding rings I wear -- one is a gold comfort ring; the other is my heavy gold wedding set w/diamonds. The wedding set turns my fingers black. The gold comfort ring doesn't. I can take my wedding set off with blackened fingers and clean them and put my comfort ring on with no blackened fingers. So I guess that blows the "chemical reaction or hormonal changes" theory out of the water. I believe the gold we are buying has more alloy than it once did. I got my wedding rings at Helzberg's and I am not impressed.

Carrie Camden
- Wichita, Kansas
January 4, 2010

A. For many years I used to notice that my 18K gold wedding band turned any surrounding skin blackish. I was recently told that it was a sign that a person's body PH is acidic. In my case, this proved to be accurate. Before I learned this, I had stopped drinking alcohol, coffee, and eating sugar and processed foods (after being diagnosed with breast cancer at 51). The black hasn't been back since. I would caution anyone with blackening of their skin from gold to consider that it may be your body telling you that your body pH is acidic. Dietary changes may be needed in order for you to avoid serious health problems. For me, it was the bird in the mine, but I didn't know it.

Tess Hart
- Brick, New Jersey
January 11, 2010

A. You may want to have your Dr check your Iron levels. As I used to be amemic when I was you younger, my physician had me visit a nutritionist. There are many materials and minerals that can tell you what you may be lacking. Gold happens to be one that I was informed would help indicate that I need to boost up my iron. If you increase you intake of greens leafy vegetables regularly or take iron supplements, you will notice this will go away.

Once I increased my intake of greens my physician noticed that my iron levels were outstanding and NO stains on my ring fingers. I got lazy recently because my kids claims to be 'allergic - mentally' to greens so I haven't had much. My silver/black stains came back - so back to leafy vegetables. Hope this helps.

India Long
- Plymouth, Massachusetts
January 13, 2010

Nickel Guard
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A. Over the past 60+ years all my rings have blackened my fingers periodically. My very unscientific research indicates that some dish detergents and soaps contribute to the problem. I have also put clear nail polish on the inside of rings which helps (but does not completely eliminate because I have been careful to put polish only on the inside). The blackening has nothing to do with my periods because those days are gone forever!

Cara Kelly
- Vandalia, Illinois
January 23, 2010

thumbs up signI too have had black smudges from my 14k gold rings. I have found it to happen when I take my over-the-counter potassium for leg cramps. I will not take the potassium for a few days and see if it goes away. Wish me luck!

Judithann rivers
- muncie, Indiana
January 26, 2010

"Meditation: Oceanic Mind"

on Amazon

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I am a 40 year old male and wear a copper ring on my left and silver ring on my right hand. skin below both rings goes black predictably when I am in the vicinity of an energy source. Energy source = spiritual energy. If you don't believe me observe yourself and the skin especially on full moon and new moon days or on days when you feel you are in the zone (feeling good, not referring to periods) or have done any activity intensely 100%. Many people unknowingly are spiritual, by spiritual I do not mean religious or going to church to socialize and have meals. I am talking about hard core spirituality from the east. Take a meditation course and see what you discover about yourself... you'll be amazed and so will people around you be.

neet josh
- boston, Massachusetts
February 17, 2010

Q. I am also having this problem with my rings and my earrings. Have not figured out what is causing it but coating the inside of your rings with clear nail polish will stop it.

Chris Mercy
- Tucson, Arizona
March 24, 2010

A. I've had the same problem off and on...and my mother always told me that it has to do with your pH like some of you said. She used to drink a weakened vinegar in bulk on eBay or Amazon [affil links] water and it cleared up! ... I'm a lot older now and that's what I do when it sporadically shows up. No problem!

T. Crum
- Virden, New Mexico
April 6, 2010

thumbs up signI have read all of the previous posts & have come to the conclusion that this problem of mine, is not only very common, but also can be the result of a million different things! I am not going to worry about it, or let it bother me, I will just deal with it & wash the area more frequently throughout the day! I LOVE MY RINGS!

Angela White
- Charlotte
April 29, 2010

Q. I read through a lot of the others' problems and I can say it makes me uncomfortable. The only thing that I can say that is always going on is having problems with my teeth. I don't have a period anymore and my husband is telling me that I should go to the doctors,I don't know what to do because I am turning 25 years old this month and just starting a new career I have six kids and I can't find time for anything...

So to go to the doctor when I just know that they will say the same thing " I have never seen this before" will just make me more upset. the rings that I put on last about two days before it turns my fingers black, I need help with this...

Margaret B [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Elmira, New York
May 12, 2010

A. Hi, Margaret. Sorry about your harried life, and hope you find a way to fix it. I wouldn't worry about black fingers, but your husband is surely right that a 24 year old woman who is no longer getting periods should see a doctor!


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
May 13, 2010

A. I have a wedding ring I wear its 14k and a 10k on the other hand. Only the wedding ring 14k turns my finger and surrounding skin black only after applying lotion to both hands. It seems to be a certain lotion, other lotions don't react and the other hand with the 10k never turned anything ever.

Mendy Deveney
- Palacios, Texas
May 15, 2010

A. For all of you out there suffering from your fingers & hands turning black, yes it's true, body acids can do that. I am sure you've met someone in your life who could not wear gold plated anything, my daughter is one of those people, her body can totally strip a lifetime guaranteed chain in a matter of's rather remarkable. She has a very acidic body. Nutrition is tremendously important and cannot be overstated for your health & well being, but equally important & never mentioned is the fact that most bodies today in our over chemical'd world are toxic...think about it. There are thousands of chemicals in our environment, your bodily processes are constantly trying to remove them, this happens regularly via your skin which is your body's largest detoxifying organ. Even if you only eat organically grown food, or grow your own, drink purified water and have the most expensive air filtration system in the world, you are still surrounded by toxic chemicals in the air. How do they get there? By use of most of the household cleaners, body products, if you use a dishwasher, if your house is heated with natural gas or you cook with gas, fumes are inundating your living space, gas= sulfuric acid fumes. The bromides & chlorine in hot tubs is also something that you not only don't want to get your jewelry into, you shouldn't be getting your body in there either. If your water source is fluoridated, you now have the 3 constituent chemicals combined for sarin gas, albeit a weak solution...(you might want to take a few minutes to research that one) The fastest way for a layman to "antique" a ring is to set it down beside your gas hot water heater. I am a jeweler & have been for almost 30 years, I have a very alkaline body chemistry & can wear solid copper rings without any discoloration at all, even on a hot day. As for trying to steam cleaner this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] the tarnish off of rings, that won't work, steam cleaning is very good at removing oils, grease & sludge, but it won't affect the oxidation on metal. A good polishing cloth with microabrasives is excellent if you can find them, but for most tarnish, a simple rouge cloth will do the trick although it can be difficult to get into deeper crevices or grooved areas. I happen to really like antiquing on gold, and most of the time produce my jewelry with oxidation solutions. I hope this allays some fears and gives a little bit of incentive to those of you who might want to research the toxins in your lives, if for no other reason than to become aware of your environment.

Penni Palthe
- Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
September 3, 2010

Q. I have been wearing a wide band 14K gold wedding wedding ring for 18 years with no blackening around my fingers. I have a new diamond in 14K gold engagement style ring, also 14K gold stamped inside. It turns my finger black and the wedding ring I have had for years doesn't on the same finger on the same day. What is going on with this. Is the new ring an inferior gold?

Colleen Kind
ring owner - Kansas City, Missouri
December 13, 2010

Nickel Guard
on eBay or


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Q. My fingers have always turned black when I wear yellow gold. Even 24 karat. I wear white gold jewelry and have never had a problem with blackening of my fingers. But when I got married my wedding ring was a family heirloom and it is yellow gold and my fingers in constantly black, especially if the ring gets wet. A jeweler told me to either has it flashed gold or put clear nail polish on it. I tried the clear polish but it didn't work. I have had other rings flashed and they no longer turn my finger black. I just hate doing it to this ring. My doctor told me I had too much acid in my system and that's why my fingers turn black. There doesn't seem to be a right answer. Do any of you have blackened fingers from white gold?



Jeanne Burgett
- Pittsburg, Kansas, USA
January 3, 2011

"Perimenopause Hormone Survival"

on AbeBooks

or Amazon

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A. Hello
My fingers turn black from my 14k gold rings right around the time of my period and ovulation so there must be something to the chemistry thing! I'm sure there are other reasons affecting other folks but I first noticed the problem a few years ago when I entered perimenopause. Hope this helps!

Tamra M [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- London, Ontario, Canada
February 10, 2011

A. It's funny that someone mentioned them not believing in this weird reaction having anything to do with your period, because it might not be your period at all; it may be HORMONES! My mother is pregnant and has never had an issue with it before now, she couldn't have experienced this while she was pregnant with me or my sister because she wasn't married then. She works in a hospital and said she believes it has something to do with hormones!

Lily Flyleaf
- flagstaff Arizona US
March 3, 2011

thumbs up signMy rings only turn my fingers black in cold weather! This is so strange!!

Gina Johnson
- Pine State, Arkansas
November 1, 2011

thumbs up signInteresting thread. I was trying to determine why my skin turns black around my gold rings. I have a 10k wedding band on my left hand, and a 10k college ring plus a stainless steel iron ring on the right hand. In an attempt to rid myself of problems with cracking, splitting, and bleeding skin I tried zinc oxide this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] (baby diaper rash ointment) and noticed that it turned my skin black around the gold rings but not the steel ring. As soon as I stopped using the zinc oxide compound it simply went away. Thanks to this thread it is apparent that being 10 karat rings they are not pure gold and that the blackening is most likely caused by the interaction between the zinc oxide and the ring alloys.

Thanks for the help.

Pieter Leenhouts
January 13, 2012

A. I have the black smudge issue as well. It is not consistent it comes and goes. I had a boss tell me one that it was a lack of a certain vitamin in the body. It was not iron. He explained the entire thing as a pH issue and how the alkalinity of the skin reacts to the gold. I tried it and the problem stopped. It was nearly 11 years ago and I can not remember what it was, I have been searching the web in hopes to find someone else who knows this same information. Oddly I believe it was potassium, calcium, or something that is more neutral than a metal (iron), it would be the balance to the acidity.

Kelcie Percy
- Charlotte, North Carolina
February 15, 2012


barbara wick
home - greatfalls Montana
July 30, 2012

Hi, just reading the responses there. I don't wear gold jewellery but I wear sterling silver and white gold and I too suffer with the black marks around my fingers, and on my wrist and neck from my bracelets and chains. My iron levels have always been on the low side although I'm not anaemic. For me, my skin only seems to turn black where my jewellery is when I'm cold, so my iron must be low at those times although it is especially more noticeable in the winter anyway. When I'm cold my hands and nose are coldest. I'm 34.

Joanne Keane
- Dublin, Ireland
December 18, 2012

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