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  Thread 258/11

Paint Viscosity Chart / Cross-reference of Ford cups to Zahn cups

Q. Sir, how did you find that formula and what is that 3.85 value in the formula?

Deshmukh Prasad sampatrao
Student - Pune
November 22, 2021
publicly reply to Deshmukh Prasad sampatrao

"Viscosity of Liquids"
by Viswanath, Ghosh, prasad, Dutt, Rani

on AbeBooks

or Amazon

(affil links)

A. Hi Deshmukh. That formula is from ASTM D1200, and is only valid when the efflux time is between 20 and 100 seconds. It's an empirical formula for the best fit across that time range for the Ford #4 cup. The best fits for other cups use different multiplicands and subtrahends.

Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

⇩ Related postings, oldest first ⇩

Ford Viscosity Cup #4 with Certificate

on Amazon

(affil links)
Set of Zahn Cups #1-#5

on Amazon

(affil links)

Q. I am looking for a paint viscosity chart that will give me relative comparisons between a #2 EZ Zahn cup, a #3 EZ Zahn cup, and a #4 Ford cup, with the ideal temperature of the paint being 77 degrees. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to locate a chart using the resources I have available to me. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

Juliana Frush
aluminum extruder & paint shop - Girard, Ohio
publicly reply to Juliana Frush

A. You should be able to obtain tables with the conversions from the company that sold you the cups. Typically the EZ series Zahn cups come with a blue booklet that has these tables in them.

David J. Wolf
David J. Wolf
Medina, Ohio
publicly reply to David J. Wolf

Multiple threads merged: please forgive chronology errors and repetition  🙂

Q. Many times I find it difficult to convert various viscosity parameters mainly between, Ford cup, Din cup, Iwata cup etc. Can anyone help me to find out an conversion chart between various measuring cups of viscosity.

- Shanghai, Shanghai and PRC
publicly reply to SUBIR SIL


A. Not very difficult, really. I just googled "viscosity conversion chart" and got 489,000 hits. The very first one on the list.
has a comprehensive conversion chart available for free download at a click of the mouse button. No doubt there are many others among the 489,000.

Bill Reynolds
Bill Reynolds [deceased]
consultant metallurgist - Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
We sadly relate the news that Bill passed away on Jan. 29, 2010.

publicly reply to Bill Reynolds [deceased]

Q. In Ford cup the viscosity of paints is measured in terms of seconds. What is conversion factor for this to convert it into centipoise?

Lokesh Dhimole
- Bhopal, India
publicly reply to Lokesh Dhimole

A. The chart below may help you.

Chart for Viscosity Conversion for Reference

     cps    Ford#B3    Ford#B4    Zahn#2    Zahn#3
            (sec.)     (sec.)     (sec.)    (sec.)
     10                  5         16
     20      12         10         18
     30      19         14         20
     40      25         18         22
     50      29         22         24
     60      33         25         27
     80      41         31         34
    100      50         34         41         10
    120      62         41         49         14
    140                 45         58         16
    200                 58         80         23
    240                 65                    28

The comparison given is for reference purpose only.

Meghan Manjrekar
- Pune, India
publicly reply to Meghan Manjrekar

Viscosity Tester
on eBay or


(affil links)

A. Try www.visco.co.za/downloads/ford-conversion-chart.pdf for Ford cup conversion chart - efflux seconds to Centistokes - then convert CPs = cSt X S.G.

Lesley graham
- Durham, England
publicly reply to Lesley graham

thumbs down sign www.visco.co.za/downloads/ford-conversion-chart.pdf appears to be a dead link. Any recent links referring to the same problem of converting FC - 4 data to poise?

PC Sarkar
- Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
January 10, 2012
publicly reply to PC Sarkar

thumbs up sign viscositycup.com/ViscosityCupConversionChart.pdf

Atul Mishra
- Anjar, Gujarat, India
July 31, 2012
publicly reply to Atul Mishra

Ed. note: That one is broken now as well, but both the table offered by Bill Reynolds and the one offered by Meghan Manjrekar give you that comparison.

Q. I want viscosity chart for different temperatures in B4 Cup.

Mohan Subramaniyam
paint industry - India
September 22, 2008
publicly reply to Mohan Subramaniyam

A. Hi, Mohan.

The B4 cup offers you an estimate of the absolute viscosity of a liquid in centistokes based on its efflux time. The viscosities of liquids decrease with increasing temperature. But regardless of whether you specify the viscosity in terms of centistokes or Ford #4 efflux time or anything else, I think you would need to specify exactly what liquid you are speaking of before anyone could offer a chart to show the relationship between its viscosity and its temperature because different materials react so differently to temperature (when honey is hot it runs almost like hot water; when it's cold it's very much thicker than cold water). Good luck.


Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

Q. Dear Meghan,

Do you have conversion of 552.317 cst to Ford cup #4 - secs.


Aniruddha Oak
- Bangalore, India
February 6, 2009
publicly reply to Aniruddha Oak

Ford Viscosity Cup #5

on Amazon

(affil links)

A. Hi, Aniruddha.

Meghan's posting was from 3 years ago so he might not be around to answer.

But I think the basic issue is that there are practical limits to such rough conversions. Using a cup with a large hole to measure the viscosity of thin liquids that will drain in a flash would be like timing a jackrabbit with a sun dial; and using a cup with a tiny hole to measure the viscosity of very thick fluids would be like using a stop watch to time the lifespan of an tortoise :-)

The viscosity which you are trying to measure is beyond the workable range of an F4 cup. According to the previously referenced chart at www.visco.co.za/downloads/ford-conversion-chart.pdf, it looks like the efflux time for an F5 cup would be about 48 seconds.

Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

Q. I find that Two cups - #4 cups never give the same results. Can anyone explain to me the reasons? I can verify the volume of cup and the dia of orifice. Can you correlate these parameters to the disagreement of the cups? How do I say that a particular #4 cup is faulty and should be discarded?

A. Dear David and other friends,
Try www.viscosity.com
-- Viscosity conversion tables by Norcross Corporation. I think it has wide range of useful information.

Sushil Samvatsar
- Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
April 15, 2009
publicly reply to Sushil Samvatsar

Ed. note: Although you can buy "certified" Ford #4 cups I'm not sure that that quite answers Sushil's question. If anyone can help, please do.

Q. Sir We are using ford cup #4. Our material is viscous. We are checking its time to empty the cup in seconds. Please send us how to convert it in to centipoise.

With Regards

Manikantan Rajan
executive - Ambernath, Maharastra, India
August 31, 2009
publicly reply to Manikantan Rajan

? Hi, Manikantan. Can you clarify in what way Meghan Manjrekar's chart does not answer your question? Thanks!


Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

Q. Dear sir,

Sorry Sir I can't get the answer to the question from the chart of Mr. Meghan. My question was when the seconds is more than 200 sec how the conversion table will help. Please send me the conversion formula from seconds to centipoise at room temperature.


Manikantan Rajan [returning]
executive - Ambernath, Maharastra, India
publicly reply to Manikantan Rajan

A. Hi again Manikantan. Method ASTM D1200 covers viscosity measurement with the Ford Cup. Please also try to also get hold of the ASTM Gardner/Sward Paint Testing Manual [on Amazon affil links] as it has an excellent chapter on the subject of viscosity and its measurement with the various cups and devices. It includes a chart by Euverard showing a conversion factor of 3.7 for the Ford #4 cup. That is,

centistokes = efflux time x 3.7
centipoise = centistokes x specific gravity

But as previously explained to Aniruddha, you're using the wrong cup. A Ford cup with efflux time "more than 200 seconds", is meaningless. It's an extrapolation way off the chart :-(
A carpenter doesn't drive tacks with a sledgehammer, nor landscape spikes with his tack hammer; he uses different hammers for different jobs. Nor is there a single cup that allows good measurement of all possible viscosities. I think the basic problem is that you are trying to measure a high viscosity liquid with the wrong cup for the job; the first step would probably be to get a cup which is designed for higher viscosity liquids than the #4 cup . . . like a #55 cup. Best of luck!


Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

Q. Conversion of viscosity
We are using Dr Beck's varnish Elmotherm 97. Viscosity as per manufacturers specification is 300-400 mPa.s. We are using Ford #4 cup for checking the viscosity.of the varnish.
In how many seconds the cup should become empty. Please also specify the orifice of B4 cup. Please clarify.

V.K. Chebbi
Supplier of laminated stampings - Bangalore.India
September 10, 2009
publicly reply to V.K. Chebbi

Q. How to measure the viscosity in #4 ford cup? Is there any calculation available? Please clarify.

siva balan
Quality Engineer - Chennai , Tamil Nadu, India
December 2, 2009
publicly reply to siva balan

A. Hi, Siva. In light of the previous answers and referenced charts & tables, I'm not fully understanding wherein the difficulty lies. Can you please try to re-cast your question in terms of the answers already supplied? Sorry! I understand that the information supplied is deficient for your needs in some way, but I don't know in what way :-) Thanks!


Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

A. As per the ASTM D1200, "Standard Test Method for Viscosity by Ford Viscosity Cup", the following formula is used to convert efflux time in seconds (unit s) to Kinematic viscosity (unit cSt.) for Ford Cup Number 4:

Kinematic Viscosity (cSt) = 3.85 (t - 4.49), where t is efflux time in seconds.

Please remember that this ASTM method covers the determination of Newtonian or near-Newtonian liquid materials. For non-Newtonian, Method ASTM D2196 should be used.

Dr. Danish Jamal
- Pune, India
April 8, 2011
publicly reply to Dr. Danish Jamal

Q. From where are you all getting the factor 3.7 please tell me for the problem of manikantan.

Amit Patil
student - Maharastra
June 25, 2011
publicly reply to Amit Patil

A. Hi, Amit. Unfortunately my copy of the book I quoted is out on loan so I can't double-check but, as I recall, "3.7" is simply an empirical factor that is reasonably close for a narrow range of efflux times. If you look at the previously referenced chart at www.visco.co.za/downloads/ford-conversion-chart.pdf, you will be able to see that the centistokes is reasonably close to 3.7 times the B4 efflux time in seconds.

The ASTM D1200 formula quoted by Dr. Jamal is presumably a better fit.


Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

Q. Sir, I want the conversion of Ford cup B4 unit in second to poise.
So please tell me how can I convert this.

Pravin K.
student - Gujrat, India
October 15, 2011
publicly reply to Pravin K.

Q. Can I measure viscosity 120-130 in #4 Ford cup?

Shah j.r.
- Vadodara, India
March 3, 2013
publicly reply to Shah j.r.

A. Hi Shah. Yes. But I can't tell whether there is something here which is specifically confusing you, or whether you haven't read the page :-) Please explain what it is about Meghan's chart that you are not following, then we will be able to clarify it. Thanks!


Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

Conversion of B4 cup to Zahn cup #2

Q. I would like to compare the results of my paint with other lab for NATA.
The other lab has used B4 cup using our paint and our lab has used Zahn cup #2 for viscosity testing.
Therefore I would like to see if my instrument is giving the correct reading with other lab.
Basically I am doing the Inter-laboratory testing.

So what is the relation or conversion factor from B4 cup to Zahn cup #2?

Dinesh Chandra
- Brisbane, Qld Australia
July 30, 2013
publicly reply to Dinesh Chandra

? Hi Dinesh. Why is Meghan's chart insufficient for you? Please detail the issue for me. I am trying to understand this continuous repetition of a question that I thought was already very clearly answered several times. Please clarify what happens when you look for your answer on that chart. Thanks!


Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

Q. All I need is the conversion chart or any similar that would enable my Zahn cup to giving us the same true reading as #4 cup.
The #4 cup measured from other lab is made of Brass.

Is B4 cup same as Ford B4 CUP?

The results are as follows :

Zahn cup#2         B4 cup
Sample B : 26s         22s
Sample A: 29s         34s
How would you explain the conversion?

Dinesh Chandra [returning]
- Brisbane, QLD Australia
August 4, 2013
publicly reply to Dinesh Chandra

A. Hi Dinesh. As noted, Meghan Manjrekar has already posted the relationship between Zahn #2 Cup and Ford B4 cup on this page so you can compare your Zahn readings vs. the Ford B4 readings and decide if they are close enough. To me they don't seem to be close enough because for sample A the Zahn reading was lower that the Ford reading, which goes against the whole direction of the chart.

To my knowledge, the only B4 cup is the Ford B4 cup, but I think you can't resolve this unclear communication by asking a 3rd party what the party of the first part was thinking :-)   

To me the answer is for the two lab to use the same cups. Good luck.


Ted Mooney, finishing.com
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

Q. Hello all,
As my project work I am designing an impeller for a mixing tank for solvent based paint having viscosity 100 to 140 sec (ford cup 4).
What will be equivalent viscosity in Cps?

Thank you

Ruchir Patel
- dortmund,NRW,Germany
January 28, 2016
publicly reply to Ruchir Patel

A. Hi Ruchir. Although I am not an expert on this stuff, I am confident from simply reading this page, and looking at the several conversion charts on it, that your problem is the same as previously explained to Aniruddha and then explained again to Manikantan, i.e., that you have a cup that is designed to measure a lower viscosity fluid, and you are trying to use it to determine the viscosity of a higher viscosity fluid.

You're not finding the conversion factor that you're looking for because extrapolation will lead to huge errors and THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO EXTRAPOLATE. The charts tell you the viscosity of fluids that drain in 5-60 seconds, probably most accurately when the drain time is in the 20-40 second range. So when you ask the viscosity of a fluid that takes 140 seconds to drain from a Ford B4, the chart writers and cup makers don't want you to hazard wild & unrepeatable extrapolated guesses ... they want you to use a cup with a bigger hole :-)

Luck and Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

A. Paint viscosity is not a simple subject. Most paints are deliberately formulated to have non Newtonian characteristics. i.e. they typically contain thixotropic agents which give non drip properties. The flow rate (viscosity) depends on the shear speed so that the paint goes on thin and does not immediately flow off again before the solvent evaporates.
Ford, Zahn and similar measures are simple devices for use in the paint shop to confirm that under a very limited set of conditions the paint is thinned to a degree suitable for spraying. They are only comparators.
If you need a more accurate assessment you could start with
Welcome to the world of Rheology.

geoff smith
Geoff Smith
Hampshire, England
March 2, 2016
publicly reply to Geoff Smith

Ed. note: That link is broken now as well. Please use google to search for the conversion charts you need if you find broken links here. Hopefully the internet will stabilize soon :-)

A. From literature, I find that the kinematic viscosity (cSt) tapers off with increasing flow times in Ford cups or Zahn cups, above 40 - 60 secs flow times. So, it does not make much sense to measure flow times that exceed 60 secs, and try to correlate to cSt / cPs.

Mohan Das
Polymer Consultant - Bangalore, Karnataka, India
May 31, 2017
publicly reply to Mohan Das

Q. Kindly clarify conversion unit for viscosity from cst to KU unit.

- Trichy, India
May 22, 2018
publicly reply to PURUSHOTHAMAN Devaraj

A. Hi Purushothaman. There is a 2-step conversion process presented at https://www.gardco.com/stormer_krebsconv_PU-G271.pdf … first you convert Krebs Units to centipoise from a graph they offer you, then you convert centipoise to centistokes by dividing by the specific gravity (S.G.) of your liquid. You can work it in reverse by multiplying your centistoke value by the S.G. to obtain centipoise, then look on the graph for the corresponding Krebs Units value. As that page will warn you, and this page already warns you, such conversions are only accurate for newtonian and near-newtonian fluids (where shear force is directly proportional to speed) and within very limited ranges. Good luck.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
May 2018
publicly reply to Ted Mooney

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