Curated with aloha by
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET

The authoritative public forum
for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

Stainless Steel Paint for White Refrigerator?
Q. I would like to refinish an almost new white refrigerator with a stainless steel paint. Can anyone recommend a stainless steel paint for this purpose?
The stainless steel coating must blend with new cooktop, dishwasher, etc. Please advise.
- Alpine, California
A. I don't think it would be acceptable. It might pass if you only wanted a stainless steel look on something that wasn't in the presence of the real thing. I bet an object with a stainless steel paint job would not look good with the real McCoy sitting next to it.
David P [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- North Canton, Ohio
Q. Charlotte,
I wanted to try the same thing. Did it work for you?
- New Jersey
Hey, just got done painting my side by side white refrigerator stainless steel. Only painted the front because this is the only part that's showing. Used Krylon Metallic Leafing and Smoke Gray mixed, painted with a very good brush, which gave it a real stainless look. Gave it two coats. I have a stainless steel range that's not right beside the refrigerator and I think they both look great. I would recommend it highly, especially if they aren't side by side. Good luck with your painting.
Paula B [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Q. Paula:
How does this paint job stand up to cleaning?
- Seattle, Washington
Q. I'd like to know, from those of you who have refinished their refrigerators with stainless steel paint, how it is holding up. We are considering tackling this job, but don't want to proceed if it is just a temporary fix. How exactly did you do it? Thanks!
Kelly S [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- Colorado Springs, Colorado
Multiple threads merged: please forgive chronology errors and repetition 🙂
Q. I would like to know if I can make my almond fridge look stainless steel? What kind of paint should I use?
Teacher - Starkville, Mississippi
A. There is at least one brand of stainless steel paint,
Liquid Stainless Steel
[affil links], intended to offer the aesthetic look of stainless steel. I don't know if it's appropriate for the high temperatures of ovens or not.
If anyone has tried it, or tried anything else, please update us.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. Is it possible to refinish older existing double oven doors with stainless steel coating rather than buy entirely new ovens? My ovens are fine, I just want to match them with the rest of my kitchen appliances.
Barbra R [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- Redding, California
A. I was poking around the web looking for answers to this very same question and instead of finding paint, I found a stainless steel film just for use on appliances.
This self adhesive film is made to put on major appliances to look like stainless. I've used it on a cabinet in my kitchen and it looks great:
- Queens, New York
Ed. note 2023: That URL is now just a link farm and is for sale. Be careful with old links: bad actors sometimes buy them up to put their malware on, hoping to get hits from legitimate sites like finishing.com
Q. I tried the stainless film but it won't stick on "pebbly" finished appliances like most fridges are nowadays. What's the next suggestion?
I, too, want a brushable appliance paint (in black) as our kitchen is upstairs. It's too difficult to get it downstairs to paint in the garage.
- Lago Vista, Texas
Q. Hello All,
I am currently remodeling my kitchen and I am interested in finding stainless steel panels or film for my refrigerator. I find panels for dishwashers but not for the fridge.
Please help! Thanks.
Doing it all by myself in Brooklyn, NY
homeowner - Brooklyn, New York
A. I recently purchased some of the faux stainless steel film to cover my dishwasher and my fridge. It worked GREAT! The company sent me a manual with all of the step by step installation instructions. It really looks just like stainless steel! It was a little difficult to wrap around the corners, but using a blow dryer really helped. Do a search for stainless steel film.
Lori Smith- Paris, Illinois
October 14, 2010
Hi. I am also interested in painting an old fridge with a stainless steel look and just wanted to pass on some info: Rust-Oleum makes a spray paint strictly for appliances, which comes in several colors (including stainless steel). I haven't tried it yet, but will update on the results when I do. The paint is called Appliance Epoxy
⇦ this on
eBay or
Amazon [affil links]
and the stainless steel color is #7887.
Hope this helps!
- Santa Rosa, California
Q. I just purchased the Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy ⇦ this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] (which was extremely difficult to get in my area. Who knew?) I am getting ready to paint my white dishwasher that has a plastic control panel which I am going to apply a plastic primer to before painting with the appliance paint. I was wondering if anyone had success using the Rustoleum appliance paint in their projects? I would appreciate any info or tips.
Jeannie H [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- Yorba Linda , California
A. Well, here is my follow-up. Over the weekend we painted our white dishwasher with the Rustoleum #7887 stainless steel appliance paint. My advice- Don't! It turned out with a very matte, dull finish nothing like the stainless steel fridge that I was trying to match. The color of the painted dishwasher appeared to be much darker than the real stainless, almost like a graphite color. Consequently, we have decided to purchase a new stainless steel dishwasher because the look was just too hodge podge.
Jeannie H [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- Yorba Linda , California
Q. Question about the stainless steel appliance paint (Rustoleum 7887)...I have a fridge with a textured beige surface, and I think the matte finish would be best for that...did your fridge have a smooth finish? Thanks
Jon E [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- Catonsville, Maryland
A. Jon,
It was actually a dishwasher we painted and the top panel was a textured plastic and the bottom was a smooth metal. The paint job came out good on both surfaces as long as you are not looking for a shiny metal finish. I would recommend doing many coats some diagonally, horizontally and vertically and do it in a very ventilated area. The paint smell can be pretty overwhelming. Also go on the Rustoleum web site because the guy in the tech department (I think his name is John) is fantastic. They have an 800 number for tech support. Good luck.
- Yorba Linda , California
I just bought Rustoleum Specialty Paint stainless steel. It is new and I had a difficult time finding it. I painted the door of my dishwasher to match my new stove and it is too dark. It looks like graphite in color. I am contacting Rustoleum today to see if I can return it to the store for a refund. At $23.00 for less than a quart, I want my money back.
- Revere, Massachusetts
March 5, 2009
Q. I saw the question, but never the answer. Will it look natural if you have the textured refrigerator surface? If not, can that be gotten rid of with a sandpaper?
Sarah Ferris- Surprise, Arizona
April 13, 2010
A. Hi, Sarah.
Sorry, you didn't get your answer, but it's a public forum and more people are interested in having someone answer their question than in answering someone else's :-)
Although I haven't done it, so I can't really answer authoritatively, my bet is the stainless paint will look no better or worse on the textured finish than on a smooth finish. Good luck!

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
I bought the Rustoleum Specialty Stainless Steel paint, what a mistake.
I used the recommended rustoleum clear over the paint and it wrinkled.
Even if it would have turned out nice the color is a graphite look.
It might look good on a garbage can, or better yet toss it in.
- Chicago,Illinois
March 12, 2011
I work for Thomas's Kitchen Art. We have manufactured a stainless_steel_liquid for kitchen appliances.
- Brooklyn,New York, U.S.A.
February 17, 2012
Editor's update 2023
We believe that Thomas either changed their name or sold off the product line to Gianni Granite because the Liquid Stainless Steel
[affil links] name is the same, it's still in the same city as always, and Amazon automatically updated our links to the new supplier.
Luck & Regards,
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
A. In response to all the questions, the best product I found to work is Thomas Liquid Stainless Steel [affil links]. It actually works wonders. I just renovated my kitchen and did not want to replace all my appliances but the refrigerator for a larger one, the paint match perfectly. My toaster, the paper towel holder, it's lovely.
Val N [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]- Ft Washington Maryland
August 20, 2008
A. I used the Liquid Stainless Steel
[affil links] on all my kitchen appliances and they look great.
After the first coat, I wasn't too sure, but by the second coat I was convinced. It has definitely improved the look of our kitchen and has held up well. I would recommend it.
- Chesterfield, Missouri
March 6, 2009
A. I just painted the cabinet and top of my refrigerator with Thomas' Stainless Steel. I am extremely happy with the results. My refrigerator has stainless steel doors with black cabinet and top, so I was a little nervous about it matching up -- but it looks fabulous and looks like a professional job! I would recommend Thomas' Stainless Steel. Google their website and buy this product ... you'll be so happy you did!
Gina Lloyd- Jersey City, New Jersey
March 24, 2009
I watched a DIY program that showed the stainless steel paint made by Thomas Paints. It is around $140.00 to do up to 3 appliances. Look it up on DIY.
Jeff Davey- Fayetteville, North Carolina
September 6, 2009
A. Just found this video online to show how to do this and it looks awesome! This will be next project!
- Wilmington , North Carolina
September 19, 2009
Ed. note July 2023: Sorry, that link is now broken.
Q. No comments on whether the stove paint job turned out. Would the heat make that impossible?
Eric P [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]Teacher - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Q. Although I saw a few questions regarding stainless steel products (paint or film) on heat type appliances, I did not get a definitive answer. Can either of these products be put on a stove/oven and microwave?
Marla Reiter- Laguna Hills, California
September 1, 2008
A. Several times the question was asked about the durability of the faux paints on hot appliances like ovens. I painted a large toaster oven with black appliance paint. It never bubbled, chipped, or wore off. We used the oven very often for about three years.
Also, for any of you wanting to coordinate appliances, consider black with stainless trim.
- Orlando, Florida
February 26, 2009
[editor appended this entry to this thread which already addresses it in lieu of spawning a duplicative thread]
Q. I have a kitchen aid black wall oven purchased secondhand that I need to repaint white to match my other appliances as I renovate my kitchen. I have never done this before and need all information about how, the needed products/materials, and what is the best paint to purchase for proper results. Thanks for all details and how this can be done properly and look normal when completed. Is it better or easier to consider taking it to a body shop as I have seen suggested for fridge repainting, or to try purchasing appliance paint and then doing the work?
homeowner - Newport News, Virginia
May 27, 2010
A. Hi, Melanie. Dee from Orlando FL reported excellent success on a toaster oven with black appliance enamel, so I'd extrapolate to good success with white enamel on a wall oven.
Generally the prep is just to make sure the existing paint is fully adherent, then clean it well while wearing gloves, then lightly sand most of the sheen off, then spray. Good luck.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. What about gluing on some pretty fabric or vinyl or something? Or a laminated poster? I just want to make my white freezer fit in with my new kitchen full of stainless steel appliances. (They don't make freezers this size in stainless steel.)
I haven't been able to find the Krylon Paint mentioned, and some of the other faux stainless steel products don't seem to turn out very well.
- Toledo, Ohio
Q. I have an almond color textured-finish fridge (top freezer, 28 cu ft), but I'd like to paint it black. If you've had success with this, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd please let me know product and process information. And I would welcome information about things that did NOT work! I'm really quite handy (for a single older woman :-) but I just don't have the funds for a new fridge. Besides, my fridge is great.... except for the color. I have a garage so ventilation or 'dust' won't be a problem.
hobbyist/homeowner - Aurora, Colorado
Q. I am also trying to find the right paint to make my white fridge look stainless steel. The front of the fridge has ridges or small bumps. I am buying new stainless steel stove and dishwasher. They will not be next to each other. Any suggestions?
Ethel W [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]hobbyist - Shamong, New Jersey
A. I've just found a company called Frigo Design that sells stainless steel panels to fit to appliances. A full panel for a big fridge side is about $299, and you can get half-panels (either half-height or half-depth) if only part is exposed.
They look good to me.
- San Diego, California
A. After reading responses to whether to paint or film an appliance in stainless steel, I feared painting/spraying would not result in the natural shiny finish of stainless. So, I called a local fabrication business.
They made a stainless panel for my dishwasher that looks beautiful - not only does it fit perfectly, but it installed in minutes and is also shiny. Well, it's stainless! I can't recall the gauge of steel is but it was less expensive than spray paint or film. I am very pleased with the result.
- Houston, Texas
Q. To Jean from Houston.... I would be interested in the name of the fabricator that made the dishwasher panel for you. That is exactly what I need!
A. Here are the possibilities that I found for Stainless Steel paint products. Some are spray and some are roll on.
- Houston, Texas
A. Hi Marcella. Steal-It stainless steel paint
[affil links] is probably a fine product, but I don't think it is specifically intended to make stuff look like stainless steel appliances, but I think that is the exact intention of Liquid Stainless Steel
[affil links]. I haven't used any and can't comment on their success rate.
Luck & Regards,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. I would like to have some thoughts on painting the handles of our double GE oven. Our appliances are stainless except for a perfectly good double wall oven that was in the house at the time of purchase. I bought a small kit of the Thomas stainless_steel_liquid, tried it on a small plastic surface, and it really does look like stainless steel. We thought by doing the handles with the paint, we could pull the kitchen appliances all together. Any thoughts?
Ron Oswalt- Hollywood, South Carolina
May 16, 2008
A. I painted plastic & vinyl trim of a fridge with Krylon for plastic paint. It comes in both grey and black.
Rhonda Pace- Birmingham, Alabama
! There are many great stainless look laminates on the market; various tones and textures. Any kitchen cabinet/counter fabricator can order-if they don't have samples, go online and get samples from the manufacturer (Formica, Wilsonart, Nevamar). The fabricator can cut to fit desired panels. If your flat front appliance doesn't have a frame to insert panels, you can use gorilla glue to adhere. The choices are great, pricing is reasonable, and the results are better than any film or paint I've seen. Only drawback- won't work on stoves/ovens unless they are designed to handle panel inserts.
Michael Edwards- Cincinnati, Ohio
February 15, 2009
I just was a segment on this topic on the Discovery channel's show entitled "Deconstruction". They suggest a certain brand of paint and primer. Yes, a primer. They said that was a must. The primer was $55 a gallon and the paint with flecks of steel in it was $35. The episode was all about paint. Hope that helps.
Lori Smith- Ames, Iowa
May 3, 2009
I just saw an HGTV episode and they spray painted stainless steel on a vent hood over the cooktop -- they didn't elaborate on the process but it was good enough to get the house sold on their budget. I have a small vent hood that is an unusual size and plan to spray paint with the stainless--to match new stainless steel appliances.
Carl Ramon- Dallas, Texas
September 6, 2009
A. OK, so I know this is going to sound a little "off"...we painted our fridge and dishwasher with Rustoleum silver hammered paint...it looks great! It's been over 2 months now, and no chipping.
Also, I used "Mop and Glow" floor wax on both and they are very shiny. I love the look, and our friends thought we had stainless appliances. We have a stainless microwave and oven, that are not next to either of these 2 painted appliances. A word of caution about the paint...it is very sticky (almost glue-ish). Use a roller, not a brush, and work quickly.
- Scarborough, Maine
October 17, 2009
Mary had it right with the use of Hammered Aluminium spray paint, I matched an apartment sized fridge & stove in my cabin using the Red Hammered Aluminium and the counter & breakfast bar using the Light Silver and it looks great!
- La Crosse, Wisconsin
May 26, 2010
A. Mary Gold,
Hmmm, it's interesting that you used Rustoleum silver hammered paint. I used the Rustoleum brown hammered paint on my bathroom faucets. They look like brushed nickel, very cool. I may pull my fridge out and try a sample area on the back corner using the silver. Never thought of that, thanks for mentioning your results!
- Spring Hill, Tennessee
July 5, 2010
Q. I haven't tried it yet, but someone told me that the Metallic paints sold at Lowes, work very well on appliances. This is a Valspar paint, called Brilliant Metals, and it comes in 2 different pewters and other metal colors which look like stainless. I am sure that will work just as well on the pitted doors as well as on the old style smooth doors. Has anyone here tried it? Buying door panels is much too expensive.... you might as well buy a new fridge.
Pat Morse- Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
September 2, 2010
Q. How does everyone paint the control panels when the wording on them need to show. ex. bake, timer, etc.? I have everything ready to paint my wall ovens black but I am afraid the words will not show through black appliance paint.The panel feels like a thick plastic. I have tried to just buy new control panel with the words and they no longer make it. Help! Any suggestions?
Ann Roller- Searcy, Arkansas, USA
November 14, 2010
A. Hi, Ann. High temperature appliances are sometimes finished with porcelain enamel, which is done at very high temperatures and is more like a coating of melted glass than paint. So when you refinish, you probably won't get the durability of the original factory finish. But, that said, the things that can be done for the lettering include painting them with stencils (a lot of work) or possibly applying dry transfer decals. They are available in various sizes, style, and colors; if there is not excessive heat or wear, I think they could last for an acceptable period for you. Good luck.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
A. I have painted every appliance that goes in a kitchen (I have rental Properties) I have had perfect success with all colors I have used EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL to match existing appliances. Each manufacturer's stainless concept is different and NONE match the others. I have 'tho, painted all major appliances in one kitchen the same stainless steel and it has held up well and looks good ... even in a rental property.
R Brown- Hopkins, Kentucky
September 27, 2011
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