Curated with aloha by
Ted Mooney, P.E. RET

The authoritative public forum
for Metal Finishing 1989-2025

How to remove scratches from stainless steel refrigerator doors?
Q. I recently, and accidentally, scratched someone's new Kitchen Aid double door refrigerator door. I cannot find anyone in Sacramento that does refinishing of such a problem and am afraid to take on the task myself, nor do I know how. Any suggestions? My friend's son rubbed most of the swirl scratches off with Brasso
⇦ this on
Amazon [affil links] , and there remains a little more, plus a sideways scratch above the water dispenser. Short of buying her a new refrigerator, which she wants, what can I do to rectify this problem? Is there anyplace I can contact who has refinishers of this trade?
Thank you,
- Sacramento, California
A. The first step is to determine what type of finish was used on the door. Rolled finishes are used on this type of product because they are the simplest to produce and lowest in cost. They are nondirectional and as such cannot be blended or repaired. If the product design calls for the removal of welds and the finish blended then a rolled finish is not used and this finish may be repaired using polishing methods since this is how the original finish was created. Look for a weld; it is a good place to start. The Nickel Development Institute has a web site [nickelinstitute.org] and a handbook #9012 with enough information to make you an expert on stainless steel finishes.
restaurant equipment - West Palm Beach, Florida
Q. The Nickel Development Institute info is good to know. I have not checked it out yet, but my problem is with a high polish stainless steel Kenmore range. In my ignorance, I tried to rub out a scratch with a Brillo pad
⇦ this on
eBay or
Amazon [affil links] . No major damage, but I still have scratches I would like to eliminate. The SS cream cleaner that came with the range has not helped.
Looking forward to comments and will check out the website.
Thanks, Millie
- Alto, New Mexico
Q. Hello! I am a mother of two small children who have scratched my stainless refrigerator doors beyond repair. Needless to say, I am in the market for a new Stainless Steel refrigerator and I was wondering if there is a certain type or brand I should invest in that is possibly more resistant to scratches and dents. Or are they all the same?
Allison FranklinConsumer - New Braunfels, Texas
May 1, 2008
Hi Allison, sorry to hear of your frustration. Why do you think your appliance is beyond repair. Yes, dents and dings are permanent at this time but if we're talking scratches then I introduce you to Scratch-B-Gone --
Our industry-accepted kit has helped owners like yourself work wonders with removing and refinishing Stainless surfaces to almost new. Please look to www.barrysrestoreitall.com for more information and ideas before giving up.
Yes there are products offered with protective coatings but these are not without their problems either and once these are scratches, they are scratched forever. Hoped this helped.

Barry Feinman - Chief Restoration Officer

Carlsbad, California

It appears that the stainless steel finish on my GE Profile side by side refrigerator is not stainless steel. That's right! I found out that is a plastic covered metal with an aluminum type finish and coated with varnish.
How did I find out? I scrubbed a stain off of my fridge and it lightened the stainless steel so I had to scrub off ALL of the stainless to make it the same color stainless. When I got to the sides, I scrubbed a corner piece and suddenly there was white. White? that's not stainless steel! it looked like plastic. I took a knife and peeled it off to the sheet metal below. The plastic is 1/16 inch. I am devastated. Stainless steel fridges are an illusion, at least as far as GE is concerned. What do you think?
- Stony Brook
November 25, 2008
A. Sadly you had a bad deal with this one. Actually Stainless Steel is the 'real' deal. It is just that the particular model you purchased and own is what GE calls 'Clean Steel'. This is their offering of a finger print, lower cleaning maintenance product and as you found out it is a series of coatings over a steel frame, thus it is magnetic. Unfortunately this was a costly lesson. Have a great Holiday anyway.

Barry Feinman - Chief Restoration Officer

Carlsbad, California

Hi, Mitchel. If it is plain steel masquerading as stainless to mislead and trick you, and as a result it proved unfit for the purpose (as it did), you should be compensated. Please hunt for a class action suit. You won't get much money out of it, but such suits do teach manufacturers to think twice about trying to fool buyers.
When someone tries to mislead you about what they are selling you, they are cheating you -- and it is the perpetrator of deceit, not the victims, who should be taught "a costly lesson".

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. I have terrible scratches on my GE clean steel refrigerator. Is there anything I can use to remove them, or least make them less obvious?
Colleen Benowitz- East Brunswick, New Jersey
February 25, 2009
A. You can easily buy replacement parts rather than a whole refrigerator. The contractor redoing accidentally scratched our brand new ss french door refrigerator ($2500). To replace one door cost $125.
Much more cost effective IF the scratches can't be repaired.
- Hoover, Alabama
Q. On September 16, 2009 John S from Hoover Alabama wrote that he replaced the stainless steel door of his GE French door fridge for $125. Where did he find this? I cannot find it for less that $600. A contractor dented and scratched mine.
Lois Weber- Chicago, Illinois
October 26, 2009
! Just a thought. I have 2 not-so-small children and my fridge is always getting smudged or scratched a bit. Why with two small children would you put yourself through it again by buying another one? I think they sell coverings you can put over at least until your kids are grown and you decide if you want another stainless steel fridge. I would never buy another one.
Carol Roth- Schaumburg, Illinois
February 10, 2009
Q. Will Scratch-Be-Gone work on a small scratch on a CleanSteel refrigerator?
Nancy Harrison- Casa Grande, Arizona
September 28, 2009
A. Hi, Nancy. Sorry that you apparently misunderstood, but Barry Feinman, the developer of Scratch-B-Gone, said it won't. These are not stainless steel, they are just painted to look like stainless steel.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. Will Scratch-Be-Gone work on my GE profile stainless steel fridge? It has a shinier finish to it?
Homeowner - Wentzville, Missouri
November 6, 2010
Q. I purchased a GE Profile side by side a few years ago. All of a sudden the finish is all splotchy and the streaks where the kids spill the water on the left door no longer are removed by any stainless cleaner. How can this be repaired? It looks so bad it's embarrassing when I have company over. It's very frustrating since I paid $2,000 and Sears will not do anything for me.
Maria Ingrandobuyer - Everett, Massachusetts
September 13, 2011
A. I have removed water stains from stainless steel by spraying it with Tilex Fresh Shower Daily Shower Cleaner and letting it sit for a day. Then re-clean it with the same stuff the next day. Repeat if necessary. The EDTA in the cleaner will eat away the mineral deposits, which is the problem, without damaging the steel. I think most any brand of daily shower cleaner will work but this is what I used (I like the smell).
John Janovyak- Cleveland, Ohio, USA
January 4, 2012
Q. I have an Electrolux Icon side by side refrigerator/freezer
that has large areas that look like peeling or broad patches that have been abraded or scratched on the non-metallic stainless steel doors. this was most likely from cleaning people using an inappropriate scrubbing sponge. There are no deep linear scratches.
The Electrolux web site says the doors are 201-grade stainless steel.
Any suggestions for a remedy?
- Cardiff, California, USA
November 30, 2013
Finish stripped off brushed stainless steel refrigerator
Q. I accidentally dripped Goof Off down the front of my refrigerator. It looks like it took the finish off on two long strips from handles to bottom. Any way to repair?
Michele Mitchell- Caledonia, Michigan, USA
March 22, 2018
A. Hi Michele, if you can tell us the make/model of the refrigerator, although it might not help, it's just possible that some reader will be familiar with what the problem actually is -- staining of real stainless (directional or non-directional finish), stripping of a stainless steel colored paint, etc.
Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
A. Nor is Goof Off just one product, but a brand that encompasses several products. Which one is the culprit here?

Ray Kremer
Stellar Solutions, Inc.

McHenry, Illinois

March 28, 2018
Excellent point, Ray. Unfortunately, as soon as a brand name / trade name starts becoming recognized and thus have some marketing value, the manufacturers tend to slap that name onto every product they make :-)
To my limited knowledge, Goof Off started as an "adhesive remover" ... but now we have Goof Off concrete cleaner, toilet bowl tablets, rust stain remover, hand cleaner, spot & stain remover ... and that's just from the first few pages :-)

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Q. Have a KitchenAid stainless steel refrigerator Superba model 2004776 that may be original (year 2000) with scratches and splotch marks that we can't figure out how to get rid of. We've tried toothpaste and basic cleaners but have been afraid of trying anything more aggressive for fear of making it worse. Not sure what type of finish this has since it's so old but need it to look its best to sell house!
- Dallas, Texas
January 27, 2019

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