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Boric acid, safe on humans?

Q. Okay I have read about using boric acid as a rinse for the eyes, the feet and a few other things. Is this truly safe? I am a daycare provider and I have heard people using 1 part boric acid with 1 part rubbing alcohol. Boric acid roach killer this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] is used to kill roaches and ants so how can this be safe for use on humans? As you see I do not know much about boric acid. I know this is about metal finishing but this is where I read the info on Boric acid so any info would be of help.

Dawn A [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Watertown, Wisconsin

A. I did a quick web search on "MSDS boric acid" and got 94 hits with plenty of info on all the fine details of the health and safety aspects.

But you're not putting rubbing alcohol in MY eyes, Dawn! I remember giving a woman a back rub with alcohol once when a few drops ran down too far. Put a drop on an open cut or a mucous membrane to just imagine what it would be like in your eyes :-)

I've used boric acid in my eyes, but certainly no rubbing alcohol. Please ask your pharmacist. Good luck.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

thumbs down sign Err...anything that ends with the word "acid" would make me very wary of putting it in my eyes!

Marc Green
Marc Green
anodizer - Boise, Idaho

(I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV)

thumbs down sign If you read the label of boric acid, it says it is an eye irritant. Rubbing alcohol, when applied to the eyes in a high enough dosage, can cause blindness. I've heard of boric acid being used as a disinfectant on a cut on your skin, but please consult your physician. Boric acid is toxic.

Anthony H [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Atlanta, Georgia

A. I know from personal history that Boric Acid is totally safe, and and is in fact medicinally beneficial for the eyes, WHEN USED IN THE CORRECT DOSAGE, which is 1.9%, or less, of total volume.

The greatest number of postings on the internet are aimed at helping consumers handle Boric Acid in its full-strength state; when properly diluted, it is not an eye-irritant. In the same way, saline solution (salt) is beneficial to eyes; in this case the salt is used in a diluted form; but full-strength salt, if put into the eye, would be very irritating.

Marynell K [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Arcadia, California

thumbs up sign I see some eyewash solution for sale on the net which say they are 2.5% boric acid, so we're in the same ballpark, Marynell. And Paracelsus long ago told us that the difference between a medicine and a poison was the dosage.

But I think Dawn should be using commercial eyewashes rather than trying to make her own from boric acid for several reasons: To get the concentration right; to be sure there aren't undissolved granules that could scratch the cornea; to be sure it's USP grade instead of some impure material made for industrial use; to be sure the water is properly preserved and bacteria won't grow in the eyewash . . . and probably a few other reasons if we thought about it a while.

I suggest that people look up boric acid eyewash solution this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] for their shopping, rather than "boric acid".

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

A. My mother would make a boric acid solution to wash our eyes with anytime we got an eye infection. Always took care of the infection and we had no problems from it at all. Also we had kittens and if they got infections in their little eyes we used the solution on them and it would clear them right up. It doesn't burn at all and feels just like having clear water put in your eyes, but it works great.

Sharon P [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Rogers, Arkansas

Q. Okay I finally saw the answer I was looking for but no useful proportions. My mother also used this eye wash for us when ever we had a "cold in our eyes" i.e., lids crusted shut. It is a home remedy in danger of being lost if we can't get the recipe. Since I am not good at math and still confuse fluid ounces with dry ounces, give me a recipe that measures ounces of sterile water to teaspoon fraction!

Judi A [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Happy Camp, California

thumbs up sign I'm all in favor of preserving the knowledge of home remedies, Judi! In this age of Frankenfood [link is to Wikipedia article], and crops engineered to produce sterile seed, and of DRM [link is to Wikipedia article]technology which may soon prevent access to any knowledge not approved by a handful of corporations, it's very important to preserve the old knowledge.

This thread implies that the proper proportion is 1.9 to 2.5 percent by weight. But people shouldn't formulate something to put in their eyes from a poorly recalled highly selective particle of knowledge. If someone wants to research the subject in old books, that's great! But then stick to the old book, not an internet reposting. Internet prowlers of the sort who write ransomware should not be relied upon for what to put in our eyes. Our grandparents may have warmed the solution, filtered it through gauze, or followed other precautions. If you just mix crystals of commercial boric acid with water, with no knowledge of the old ways, maybe it's possible to scratch your cornea, make it far too strong, etc.?

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

A. Recipes copied from a bottle of Boric Acid powder.

"Boric Acid Solutions

Eye Wash
1 tsp boric acid powder
1 cup boiled water

1 tsp boric acid powder
1 pint water"

Walt Reinemer
- Chula Vista, California
June 11, 2023

"An Old Fashioned Recipe Book"

on AbeBooks

or Amazon

(affil links)
"The Old Herb Doctor"
on eBay or


or Amazon

(affil links)
"Folk Remedies That Work"
on eBay or


or Amazon

(affil links)
"Oddball Ointments, Powerful Potions, & Fabulous Folk Remedies"
on eBay or


or Amazon

(affil links)

! I had similar questions about boric acid, especially when I purchased it and saw the POISON label. However, I checked with my pharmacist who swears by it as as a "cure" for vaginal yeast infections ( this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] ). It also used to treat eye infections when diluted. You will find it in almost all eye washes, if you check the labels of those products.

I recall my mother using it when I was young for "medicinal purposes" but we also used to get rid of roaches and ants. Go figure. Strange but true.

I purchased it in powder form to use in treating ear infections in my English 'Springer Spaniel. The formula can be found at many pet sites that have forums for medical treatment of different problems. It is as follows:

Blue Power Ear Wash Recipe

16 Oz. isopropyl alcohol this on eBay or Amazon [affil links]
(or Witch Hazel witch hazel [affil links])

4 Tablespoons boric acid this on eBay or Amazon [affil links]

16 Drops Gentian Violet [affil links] Solution 1%

Mix together in alcohol bottle and shake well.

Please shake this solution every time you use it to mix the Boric Acid Powder. Either a baby ear syringe or a plastic squirt bottle work well for putting the solution in the ear.


Evaluate condition of ears before treating and if the are inflamed and sore do not attempt to pull hair or clean out ear at all. Just flush and then wait until inflammation is gone, which will be about two days. Warm the solution and shake the bottle each time before using. The dogs will accept the treatment much better if you warm it up for them.

Flood the ear with solution (gently squirt bottle).

Massage gently, wipe with 100% cotton pad.

On first treatment: flood the ear twice, wipe with a pad, and leave alone without massage.

The dog will shake out the excess, which can be wiped with a tissue. (Note: the Gentian Violet [affil links] does stain fabrics so you're best to do this outdoors.)

Treat 2x per day for the first week to two weeks, depending upon severity of ears.

After the 2nd or 3rd day you can clean out the ear with a tissue or cotton pad.

Treat 1x per day for the next 1-2 weeks.
Treat 1x per month (or even less frequently, depending on the dog).

My pharmacist also said that the poison label resulted from EPA way out of control, probably from California. LOL!

Wayne M [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Safety Harbor, Florida

A. Thanks, Wayne. But your posting does show how easily internet knowledge can become dangerous. You've told us of a boric acid and rubbing alcohol recipe as ear drops for pets; Dawn had heard of the recipe, didn't quite recall, and thought rubbing alcohol was appropriate for children's eyes :-(

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

A. Just posted a response but also wanted to include this helpful link:

You can also do a Google search for "Boric Acid Yeast Infections" and you will find a lot of information about safe use of boric acid for medical purposes.

Wayne M [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Safety Harbor, Florida

A. I was searching for a boric acid this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] eye wash recipe for my daughter's hamster. I came upon this site. Just had to post a message. My mother used to make up boric acid eye washes every time I had an eye infection (the kind on the lids & lashes--not conjunctivitis).

She would dissolve some of the powder in boiled water. I remember washing out my eye...or using a cloth that had been dipped into the still-hot water and used as a compress.

WHAT I REALLY RECALL is seeing the undissolved crystals at the bottom of the pot. The solution w/crystals never hurt my eyes. And, knowing my mother...she never used any type of formula. She always was a 'toss in what you think is OK' type person. Maybe boric acid used to be packaged with instructions in the "old days."

Judy A [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Barrington, Illinois

A. Enough! Boric acid wash for the eye is 1/4 Tsp to 2 cups water. Boil water and add powder until dissolved. Store in an airtight and sterile container. Use an eye cup to rinse eye. Blink eye into solution so it can get under the lid.
Tried and true Since 1952 in my family.

Jill M [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Miami, Florida

Ed. note: Thanks, Jill. But if you think your "Enough!" will consolidate and terminate an internet thread, you've never tried herding cats :-)  The discussion has hardly begun! :-)

A. I have used boric acid for years to treat eye infections. My doctor was the person who suggested it to me. I also used it on one of my kittens who had gummy eyes, it works great! In my opinion the reason more doctors don't tell us about its benefits is because they don't get kickbacks from pharmaceutical co. if they don't prescribe expensive drugs. Knowledge is the best medicine!

Laura T
- Bronston, Kentucky

A. Boric acid eye wash: formula is, one level teaspoon powdered boric acid mixed into one pint of boiling water.
let cool, then use. either eye cop or sterile pad. the crystals will work as well, but take longer to fully dissolve. do not buy commercial grade borax/boric acid.
a weaker solution might be advised for youngsters. Store in air tight container; use within one week for safety.

William B
- Tucson, Arizona

I have been suffering from vaginal infection from the past 5 years. I went to a doctor who prescribed me to use boric acid powder this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] diluted.
I don't know what quantity of boric acid to be diluted in water to wash . please suggest

Preetha [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
Student - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

A. Hi Preetha. I don't know if it is available in your area, but there is a product which answers the question of what concentration to use and how to administer it: boric acid vaginal suppositories this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] .
Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Eye Wash
on eBay or


(affil links)

WOW! I didn't know that there were so many other people out there with the same questions and concerns regarding Boric Acid. My two year old has some symptoms of pink eye and has been waking up with her eyes shut with the mucus. My mom told me to go to the store and purchase some Boric Acid and put two tablespoons in some boiling water and let it cool and use it as an eye rinse. Because I love my mother I purchased the stuff; but I can't get past the word "ACID".

I think I am going to trust God and the doctor to take care of the eye issue. I know that someone out there has washed their eyes with Boric Acid and you can still see; BUT, I just don't feel right about it. I am going to throw it away or pour it outside around the grass to kill some ants.

Michelle K [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Detroit, Michigan


JUDIE T [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- BARDSTOWN, Kentucky

"An Old Fashioned Recipe Book"

on AbeBooks

or Amazon

(affil links)
"The Old Herb Doctor"
on eBay or


or Amazon

(affil links)
"Folk Remedies That Work"
on eBay or


or Amazon

(affil links)
"Oddball Ointments, Powerful Potions, & Fabulous Folk Remedies"
on eBay or


or Amazon

(affil links)

Thanks for all of the info on Boric Acid. My mom used the eye wash on me and everyone who needed treatment for eye disorders. The treatment was always successful. She died a few years ago and I could not find her recipe. Thanks for the recipes. It amazes me how difficult it can be to find recipes for natural remedies. The drug companies really put a squeeze on all of us.

Cherie C [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Orangevale, California

A doctor told me to use it when I was about 11 (now 40+) I have used it since then. If I get an eye cold or pink eye that is the cure as it works every time. I had lost the measured amounts so thanks for your help. Off to cure my eye cold. It is safe for contact wearer too but I always pop in a new pair after I treat my eyes as the lenses can reinfect your eyes and so can your makeup.

Toni S [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Northglenn, Colorado

I've used homemade boric acid eyewash most of my life, it's also used in some commercial eyewashes, but if not mistaken, it's only effective as a bug killer in the dry form; i.e. powder or granules.

One more note: you should use ONLY medicinal grade boric acid found at your pharmacy.

Tracy S [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Tishomingo, Mississippi


*Get the powder form
*put 1/4 a teaspoon to 2 cups of boiling water
*let cool
*wash eye out....

My family doctor told us to do it when I had pink eye... It works for eye infections.

Melissa S [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
waitress - Los Angeles, California

I am not familiar with boric acid being used as an eye wash. Luckily, in my childhood, I never got any pink eye or other eye infections. However, my mother used to make a solution of boric acid and water to use as a foot soak. I grew up on a farm and always went barefooted (indoors and outdoors) whenever the weather permitted. If I stepped on a nail, got cut by glass, punctured my skin with a twig or got cut or deeply scratched by rusty barbed wire, Mom would make me soak my foot in this solution. She told me it was drawing out any irritants and was also disinfecting at the same time. It always worked well It speeded the healing time.

I have not been able to buy it where I used to get it. The pharmacist at Wal-Mart told me that they pulled it from their shelves because it was toxic. I said, "for cri-di-i- sakes, I grew up with this and it works well. I'm 50 years young and healthy." No more need be said.

Rhonda E [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Whitehall, Wisconsin

I have been searching for a Boric acid and sterile water wash. Only things I am finding are the Bausch and Lomb products, etc. I have a friend in Italy that says boric acid a sterile water can be found in some stores. WHERE? And if I were to buy boric acid, do I buy that stuff that says it will kill bugs. Or that product posted above.

June Van P [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- San Pedro, California

When my son was born in 1959 I was instructed by my doctor to use boric acid to clean out his eyes. It worked just fine, and I have used it through the years. I had cataract surgery last year and used it recently because I had trouble seeing and the eye just bothered me. In the two days I've used it the eye has improved 100%. The instructions I have on an old bottle of boric acid states as follows:
Dissolve one tablespoonful in a pint of warm water. If intended as an eyewash, prepare solution by boiling in water and store in a sterile container. Prepare sufficient quantity for one day's use and discard unused portion.

WARNING: Do not use as a dusting powder. Do not use on infants or take internally. Use only as a solution. Do not apply to broken or raw skin or to large areas of the body. In case of accidental ingestion consult a physician or contact a poison control center immediately.

Jacqualine N [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
Retired - Carmichael, California

Thrush Buster

on Amazon

(affil links)

I have a question about an unrelated use for boric acid. If anyone has horses, they know about thrush in the horse's frogs (of the hoof). Thrush treatments for horses are all over the map as afar as caustic agents that people dump on their horse's hooves, not considering avenues into the hoof coriums and their affect on the internal structures. I'm searching for something more natural and am considering boric acid, possibly mixed with Gentian Violet [affil links]. If anyone has any experience on this, please let me know.


Pat W [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Rainier Washington

I just cured an eye infection that hadn't responded to commercial eye infection drops with the good old boric acid water. Saved me before when nothing else worked. The reason I checked here was because now on the label it says "May irritate eyes, skin and mucous membrane. " I guess they mean the dry powder.
I think boric acid will come in handy for external applications against some of these superbugs that do not respond to antibiotics anymore, but then again, you can't patent boric acid, so who will promote it? Certainly NOT the drug producers, eh drug companies or their dealers, eh doctors.
To the question about the horse hooves. I think the gentian is safer, if boric acid gets into the bloodstream, micro gram amounts are beneficial (anti fungal, bone health) but large amounts are toxic. ( If it was me, I would go heavy on the gentian, they use this for nursing moms! and easy on the boric acid)
Lastly, when I lived in a moldy environment, a calcium supplement with boron (present as boric acid, in micro gram amounts) always helped me.

Rebecca S [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

A somewhat harder to obtain but infinitely more effective cure for eye infections is a drop of breast milk. When my child was an infant she kept getting "pink eye" from her day care. I was breast feeding at the time and the lactation nurse suggested using a drop of milk. I could not believe the results. If I put one drop in her eye at night all signs of the infection were completely gone by morning. Not only was it extremely effective but it was soothing instead of painful like prescription medications. BTW, it is just effective on adults. If you are fortunate enough to have a family member or close friend who will donate a teaspoon of breast milk, freeze the unused portion. The live antibodies (which is what makes it so effective) will keep in the freezer for up to a month. Talk about a simple and potent remedy from the past!

Ellen H [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Tallahassee, Florida

boric acid has helped my yeast infections for years. I went to the pharmacy and asked for size 00 dissolvable gelatin capsules that were safe for vaginal inserting. I then came home and used a douche mixture to get started of 1/8th cup boric acid and water I first douched 2nd I then packed the size double zero caps with boric acid and put one pill every night in vaginally for 7 nights straight(7 pills) and my yeast infections go away . warning wear a pad to bed and next day as it does drain out and that is what coats you and makes you feel better it's always worked for me. I was told by my doctor if it doesn't then I would need to come in for her to check me as there is different things out there that can act like yeast & boric acid (pharmacy grade) won't help. I'm only speaking for myself. ask your doctor what's best for you

Randi H [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
sedro woolley Washington

The postings were very helpful. I too have used boric acid solution for years but became concerned when I read on the label that you should avoid eye contact. These comments were a confirmation of what I know works. We are currently fighting off an eye infection with my youngest "Tween". Started at 4 pm and looking better already. There seems to be some controversy over actual amount used in the above comments. I read 1/4 tsp -1 tbsp. I personally use 1 tsp to 16 oz of water and has always worked great. Looking forward to get this one behind me.

Pam S [surname deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Weatherford, Texas

Thank you all for your comments and recipes for mixing boric acid solution for eyes. After fighting an eye infection for months and getting a prescription from my eye doctor that cost me $80 for just a tiny little bottle of medicine that does not work, I am going back the tried and true cure my mom and grandmother used. I'm tired of people asking me if I am crying when it is just a persistent infection.

Jo-Ann Noort
- Henderson, Nevada
January 16, 2008


I was born in 1960 in a desolated area of Ontario, Canada.
We did not run to the doctor for every ailment. I was raised on many "folk" treatments. The one that I have used for years and also use on my children is the boric acid eye wash. 1/2 tsp to 1 cup of boiled water. Let cool and wash eye out 3 times daily. It is funny how people will run out to a physician and happily use a prescription without even knowing what is in it. We have put our trust in antibiotics so much that they are now failing us. Go back to the old ways. They worked for generations of people. PS. Rinsing orally with boric acid wash will help with canker and mouth sores.

Good Luck All

Marlene Hantho
- Great Falls, Virginia
January 31, 2008

Just another country girl raised with the folk meds of yesterday...and returning to them more and more! My folks used the boric acid in sterile water solution in all our eyes for years at first sign of irritation or 'pink eye'. None of us have any eye problems today and actually have very GOOD eye health...only reading glasses for me at almost 60. I used it for my 4 kids on occasion too with only good results. To clarify: we also used it for pest control...but in the dry powdered form. I remember my folks spreading the pwd in cracks at the back of the closets to stop crickets and ants. And the men used it in the barn in hidden places also. It worked! Another old remedy I have returned to is epsom salt [affil links] and also use hydrogen peroxide this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] for many health issues.

Barb Davis
- Napa, California
February 5, 2008

My mother used to use boric acid to help form scabs on my skinned knees, elbows, or wherever I would scrape up.

Many times I would have a band aid on a wound, and upon waking up in the morning after sleeping under the covers, the wound would be "weepy". My mom would sprinkle boric acid on and the would would form a scab, which helped. Of course, I often picked at my wounds too, and she would put it on to re-grow the healing skin.

It worked, I'm not dead, and I am over 50.

I think the pharmacists, drug companies, all of them don't want us to have access to inexpensive, natural healing products that still, to this day work better, or just as good as the over priced products we have to buy now days.

- SAN JOSE, California
April 12, 2008

I considered looking for info on Boric Acid for months now & was very pleased to find this site. My mom & dad used boric acid solution made from the powder to cure eye colds, pink eye,& crusty eye infections. It always worked & did not sting. After reading all the above ideas what I remember is: First my mom boiled a cup of tap water. She let it cool a bit & then I believe added 1/2 tsp. boric acid to that cup of water. When completely cool @ room temperature she then used a glass eye cup whereby we would look into it & then tilt our head back so the solution would wash the infected eye. Clean the eye cup out & again do the same for the other eye. This always worked & since I saw this done many times I tried to find boric acid @ pharmacies only getting the same answer from the pharmacist on duty, "We don't carry it & that would be dangerous to put into the eye." My obvious conclusion was did the chemical change over the years, or do the drug companies not want us to use an inexpensive method that has been proven for years, as I am sure that my mom learned this from her mom. I too have tried eye drops that are ridiculously expensive & am glad that this site exists to prove that this is an old time solution that works. My only caution would be to dilute to the lessor amount as I feel that 1 T boric acid to 8 oz water is much too strong. And, yes, I do believe that some larger crystals will fall to the bottom that do not dissolve. Mom kept this solution in a sterile jar (boiled the mason jar in water first) & would keep it for only 3 days, usually the infection would go away by this time anyway. And by the way Jerry Baker has suggested borax this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] powder as a use to kill ants. We just bought on older condo & found the powder in all the inside outlets. Interesting! Now---the question is where do I find the good grade stuff & not some cheap stuff that could be contaminated?

Claudia Swinteck
- W. Bloomfield, Michigan
May 6, 2008

A. Hi Claudia. Boric acid and borax are not the same thing. You want boric acid for eyes. Although you're welcome to make your own, you can buy the boric acid eyewash solution already made up this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] and not have to worry about purity or scratches from crystals, etc.

Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

I have to laugh when I see people that are so worried about boric acid. It is harmless. The bottle at the drug store has clear instructions on how to use it for cleaning cuts and clearing up eye infections. The only reason people are so afraid of it is because it is also used to kill insects. All it does is absorb moisture. Insects have an oily (moist) exoskeleton. It draws moisture out of the bug and it becomes dehydrated. It has no ill affects on humans at all. Stop letting alarmists scare you about every little thing.

This is a letter that I sent to people that were worried about using it for insect control.

Hello all! I like what you have going on here but, I have a bit of information that you may not be aware of. Because I work in the pest management industry, you may be tempted to shut me out. Don't run off so quick. I'm on your side! Just hear me out. You may be surprised about what I have to tell all of you. It's good news for those of you that care about your health and the environment. I can appreciate what you are trying to do in the way of environmentally friendly, health conscious, do it yourself pest management. What you may not know is that most, if not all, of the methods you are using, are the exact methods that have been used by the pest management industry for the last 12-14 years. In some cases, we have been practicing these methods even longer than 14 years. On the outside, my industry is perceived in a bad way. It's really sad too because, this has led to people over applying and misapplying pesticides, with the intention of reducing the negative effects associated with commercial pest management practices. We (the pest management industry) are thought of as rotten polluters and dullards, unconcerned with the health of animals and humans. This could not be farther from the truth.

There is no one person, or industry, more concerned with these issues than we are. To understand this you must realize the extreme liability that is involved with what we do. Every single day we are contracted to remove hazardous pest problems in schools, restaurants, homes, hospitals, day cares, office buildings and many other places that are concerned with, not only pests but also, they are concerned with pesticides. This is why we are the best qualified when it comes to controlling pests in a sensitive environment. Our customers don't want pests. Nor do they want to be exposed to hazardous materials. As a result, our industry has evolved into one that looks a lot like what you are all trying to do on your own. I read all about all of your, homemade, boric acid bait concoctions and other home remedies. We have been using boric acid baits for decades. (Only we apply ours into cracks and wall voids, not as big blobs that lay around for the dog to eat) I read about your use of organic pyrethrum and pyrethrins to control insects on plants. We use these things all day, every day. We have been using them for decades but we apply them at rates that are safe when applied according to the label.

Non-professionals double and triple doses until they finally fail and give up. You don't need to use more pesticides if you are trained where to put them and what to use. All of these "Green" or "Non-Toxic" products that you think are exclusive to environmentalists or specialized "Green" pest management firms are common coin throughout our industry. In fact, even if we had the desire to use a highly toxic pesticide (We don't have this desire. We don't like to get sued.), we couldn't find one simply because, the manufactures don't even make things like that anymore. Even if they did, our industry would have no use for them because we don't want a thing to do with the lawsuits that would be associated with the use of harmful products. I sit here and I read about all of these things that you are doing to safely control your own pest and I have to laugh because, you are not only using the wrong products but, you are using way too much of them and, you are putting them in the wrong locations. Your attempt to lower the environmental impact and expose yourself to fewer pesticides is resulting in the exact opposite. You talk about pouring boric acid all over the place, for roach control, when a tiny placement of a gel bait (many times boric acid based and placed in a crack) would do the trick. This is just one of many examples of over application. You should call a professional if you want less exposure to pesticides. We are just not the nasty kind folks that we are made out to be. We are way more concerned about this stuff than you are. We are concerned about it in ways that you will never understand. It is not about the environment for us. It's about that and more for us. Thanks for reading me.

Keith Gordon
- Grimes, Iowa
May 22, 2008

My cat has an eye infection so, remembering using Boric Acid on my kittens when I was little with my Mom, I began my search. I finally found Boric acid at Rite Aide. Hope this helps those in search of it.
Also, people are misinformed when they think that because it is called "acid" it's the corrosive battery acid type stuff. Acid is merely less than 7 on a pH scale. 1-14 (1-6 acid, 7 neutral, 8-14 basic)
The action of this product is that it inhibits protein synthesis in microorganisms.

Mikki Palum
- Newport, Michigan
May 29, 2008

Boric Acid eye wash has been an old remedy in my family for years. My grandparents used it and so did my parents. I also used it on my kids when they had eye infections as they were growing up. My father always used the crystals but I have been able to find only the powder for some time. My father always used a tablespoon Boric Acid to a quart of water. So one and a half teaspoons to a pint. Boil the water to sterilize it and put it in a sterilized glass container. Refrigerate and discard after a week and make more if needed.

We always used it in an eye cup to rinse out the eyes three or four times a day. I actually saved the old boric acid bottle that was in my fathers medicine cabinet when he died years ago. There is directions for making eyewash on the back of it. The bottle states a tablespoon of boric acid to a pint of boiled water. We have never used it in that strong a mixture however, I have always used my family's recipe. This stuff is poison so for crying out loud make sure nobody drinks it. Keep it out of the reach of children!

Cheryl Valentine
- Spokane, Washington
August 8, 2008

After leaving my Aug 9 response I decided to add a couple of things to clarify my thoughts a bit.

Boric Acid can be toxic if taken internally so you shouldn't drink it for any kind of internal problems, and should definitely keep it away from children. The new bottle I bought just recently reads "Poison keep out of the reach of children." The old bottle however does not claim that it is poison although it does say keep out of the reach of children. You should always buy pharmaceutical grade usually found at the first aid counter at a pharmacy. Many pharmacies no longer carry it, but I still find it at Rite Aid.

My grandmother treated canker sores and mouth sores caused by her dentures with it however, by dipping a cotton ball into the solution, squeezing out excess and holding it against the sore for a few minutes several times a day. She did that for years and didn't seem to suffer any negative side effects. Go figure.

Cheryl Valentine [returning]
- Spokane, Washington
August 12, 2008

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