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Medallion Liquid Gold electroless (immersion plating) product

Medallion Liquid Gold Plating Kit
on eBay

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     11/29/24 -- Medallion Liquid Gold was discontinued years ago. As time rolls by it seems increasingly doubtful that it will be brought back. If you are willing to buy product that may be beyond its shelf life, there are vendors offering their stocks of it on eBay ⇨

    Readers: Please don't post offers to sell because our technical/informational site would be buried under spam and traffic in a week if we offered to do for free what eBay made a billion dollars charging for last year, but if you want to buy it, you can post your inquiry as an RFQ, and sellers will be given your contact info upon request.

Q. Is Medallion Liquid Gold Plating Solution available anywhere. I've used it for years and now am unable to find it for sale.

Joyce Taylor
- Mount Shasta [California]
February 14, 2022

A. Hi Joyce.
I don't know why it was discontinued, but I suspect that the unavailability will remain permanent. You can follow the link we offered to eBay where vendors have some stocks of the product still for sale. We've received a lot of postings offering to sell small quantities but we can't post them or we'd drown under spam, but if you re-post your inquiry as an RFQ, those small sellers will be able to privately contact you.

Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

⇩ Related postings, oldest first ⇩

Q. Do you know anything about Medallion Liquid Gold? This is a gold "immersion plating" product for consumer use. (It sells for about $30-$40.) You put a ring, bracelet, etc., in a small basket with an "activator disc," and dip it in the gold solution (which has been heated in a microwave). The gold is plated to the object in a few seconds -- then you rinse it in water and buff with a cloth. The manufacturer says the plating is "24K gold" and "permanent" (it will eventually wear off, but not wash or rub off easily). Does anyone know if this product really works? Thank you.

Gary Hailey

Medallion Liquid Gold Plating Kit
on eBay

(affil links)

A. Hi Gary. Yes, "immersion/displacement gold plating" does work, and even finds application in industry. What drives the process is that gold is a "noble" metal which will come out of solution to displace other metals. A molecule of silver (or other metal in the object to be plated) dissolves into the solution, and a molecule of gold comes out of solution and deposits on the object. It is limited in thickness, thinner than electroplating, and it will wear off more quickly, but wax or lacquer based "polishes" can offer some wear protection.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Ed. note: Although I described the technology of immersion (replacement) plating, my assumption that the Medallion system is replacement plating isn't quite correct. Please see Marvin Sevilla's posting on this page

A. I can vouch for it. I purchased this thru QVC in the UK and it works so well I plan to buy more. Great for restoring luster to jewellery and changing silver jewellery to make it coordinate with real gold pieces.

Richard Müller
- London, England, Great Britain

thumbs up signI last posted a reply here two years ago. Well I have just today received my latest order and happy as ever with it. The silver plating lotion is quite good but I still think the gold plating solution is the best. It would be great if there was a white gold plating and rose gold plating system for going up other colours of gold jewellery.

Richard Müller [returning]
- London, England, Great Britain

Q. Please could you let me know how I can get hold of this product?

I too bought it from QVC many years ago, and the fluids were lost when I moved house.

I am more than happy to import, and this is for private use, not business.


Anna Williams
- Drayton, Shropshie, UK
March 24, 2008

A. Hello Anna. It is available on Amazon. It is sometimes also available on eBay . Good luck.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Ed. update 2022: That was in 2008, it's no longer available except as stocks of discontinued product from eBay and the like.

A. The product does really work - it's made by Medallion Products located in the Chicago, Illinois, USA area. You can probably call 800 # information and get the phone number.

Bruce dworsky
- St. Petersburg, Florida
August 26, 2008

A. The gold Medallion kit is available now on Pitchwell Tv, accessed via the internet at £29.00 for a whole kit of gold plate solutions. Hope this helps.

Jackie adderley
- Barnsley U.K
April 9, 2009

Q. Hi, can anyone who has used this product tell me how many items can be plated with the kit and also the size of items that were plated. Can you plate on tin/copper alloys or just on silver?


Barry smith
Casting - UK England
October 18, 2009

A. I have recently bought the Medallion gold plating system online and am very pleased with it! I thought it would do something but really didn't expect it to look as good as it does. I realize it probably won't last as long as professional plating but for my purposes--primarily doing silver jewelry as I only wear gold-tone--that is fine with me. I'm glad it is now available again in the U. S.

They say that you can do approximately 100 wedding bands' worth of gold plating with this kit. I can't speak to that as I haven't done that many items yet, but again I have been very pleased so far with the results. I have plated on sterling and silver plate thus far.

Katie Drake
- Castro Valley, California
November 10, 2009

Q. What is the largest item that can be plated with this system ?
I have 2 zippo lighter cases, both brass that I would like to plate.

Derrick Brown
- Northolt, Middlesex, United Kingdom
July 22, 2010

Q. Dear sir, I am retailer of quality imitation jewelry. I have seen your video. You make gold plating so easy. But about temperature of gold liquid? Time? Thickness (microns)? Quantity of gold in liquid? Different colors of gold? Longevity guarantee of plating? Price of materials without packaging? I am not clear, but want to know. Thank you.

mohammad haq
January 7, 2011
Ed. note: Per the operating instructions, the temperature is 150 °F/65 °C., Mohammad. Some of your other questions like cost in bulk rather other than kit form can't be answered by anyone but the manufacturer, and they are probably not even aware of this thread. Please contact the manufacturer for commercial questions.

Q. Hi there,

Can you tell me how much jewelry this Medallion Gold Dip can plate?

Thank you

Rani R
jewelry designer - North Hollywood, California
October 14, 2011

Ed. note: Katie Drake already answered that question above, Rani.

Q. I see electroless gold plating solutions online. Will the final gold layer plated electrolessly contain only gold atoms or will it have others as well. Essentially what I want to know is this: will the electroless gold plated parts be as resistant to chemicals as is the gold itself? As far as I know, nothing other than royal water can dissolve gold; so would the electroless plated part be equally protected from environment by "gold eggshell" as the gold itself?

Thanks ahead

igor smith
Hobbyist - Chicago, Illinois
June 1, 2013

A. Hi Igor. "Immersion" (replacement) plating processes are driven by atoms of one metal (like silver) going into solution and being replaced by atoms of the other material (like gold) coming out of solution. Or another way of looking at it is they are silver-gold batteries, not too different from zinc-carbon batteries, or nickel-cadmium. That is, two different metals with a conductive solution between them, which generates a voltage. As soon as the silver is completely covered with a very thin layer of gold, there is no battery anymore -- so the process stops.

"Electroless" (autocatalytic) plating processes have powerful chemical reducing agents in them that cause the gold to keep coming out of solution and deposit even though the item is already covered with gold; thus the thickness of electroless gold plating is not nearly as limited. But electroless gold plating is a more complicated process, newer, and can only be done by plating shops since it's not a packaged solution but a process which must be controlled, maintained, and adjusted.

I think an immersion gold plating process is not going to be thick enough and non-porous enough to protect the underlying object from corrosion. The deposit is probably essentially pure gold, but even when gold is electroplated thicker it has limited ability to seal the item away from a really aggressive environment. There is a test with nitric acid which distinguishes gold plating that is thick enough and non-porous enough from gold that isn't, but immersion gold may not pass it. Good luck.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
June 3, 2013
Ed. note Jan. 2016: Although this description of replacement plating remains correct, the Medallion solution that many are talking about is apparently not based on either replacement plating, but 'contact plating' as explained by Marvin Sevilla below.

Q. I would like to know whether the Immersion Gold Plating process will be suitable for restoration of antique watch/clock movement plates. The plates were made of base metal (brass) and gold plated, however the original plating has darkened or partially rubbed off during its life time and the refreshment of gold plating is often highly desirable.

Konstantin Levay
- Florida, USA
December 25, 2015

A. Mr. Mooney: The process Medallion uses is what I would call 'Enhanced Immersion Plating; it's a hybrid of autocatalytic and Immersion plating in one ingenious package.

Like any of you I was skeptical before I purchased the product, so I did a lot of research and one of the tools I always use is the US Patents search. I was able to locate the specific patent used for this product (Yes it has been patented, but not under medallion of course, Medallion and HSN are brands that bring such patents to market).
The product uses a conventional non-toxic immersion plating solution enhanced by a metallic reaction enhancer, this metallic reaction enhancer must be in contact with the metal being plated. It should also be a metal which does not react with the components of the composition. If you have purchased the product and you are inclined to this beautiful art (metal deposition into substrates and its many branches) you instantly know what that metal is made of.
The metallic enhancer is what makes this product capable of gold plating onto solid gold rings (10k, 14k, 18k yellow/Rose), Platinum, Palladium and rhodium. This would be impossible to do if it was a simple immersion. The plating simply does not stop until you remove the piece from the plating solution and you could deplete the entire plating solution onto a single platinum ring if you so desire which would be impractical but it illustrates the way the product works.


Marvin Sevilla
- Managua, Nicaragua
January 15, 2016

thumbs up signThanks Marvin! I wasn't "skeptical" of the product in light of the positive reviews; rather I was trying to answer based on what I know about immersion plating :-)

Apparently Medallion goes beyond immersion plating and includes catalytic power as well. Bravo, all the better!


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. Hello,
I have the Medallion gold, and also the rose gold, kits from years ago. I have had great success with them. I have 1 last pendant that I want to turn rose gold and when I pulled out the kits the rose solution has stopped working (I only used it for 1 ring and a couple of beads back when I got it. The regular gold lasted much longer!). I am having no luck finding more Medallion rose gold. I do see a seller on eBay who has a rose gold solution for use in a system where you hook electrodes up to the item you are plating. Do you have any idea if I could use that with the medallion system? I guess my real question is, how many volts are being generated by the heated solution and metal disc in the Medallion system? Apparently if it's at least 5 volts the solution on eBay will work, but I don't know how to find out if it is. You appear to be very knowledgeable, so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
Thank you for any information you can share.

Lana Reed
- Deerfield Beach, Florida USA
April 29, 2016

A. Hi Lana. Sorry, I'm only slightly familiar with the Medallion gold plating solution, and have never heard of their formerly available rose gold solution. Maybe the short life you mentioned is the reason they discontinued it.

But, no, you probably shouldn't try this with an electrolytic gold plating solution. No galvanic system produces anywhere near 5 volts. I don't know for sure what their metal disc is made of but assuming aluminum, even gold to aluminum produces only about 1 volt. The chemistry of the Medallion system seems quite a bit different than the chemistry of electrolytic gold solutions and I would not attempt to mix them.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

thumbs up signThanks Ted! I was afraid that was the case. I'm really kicking myself for not buying at least 1 extra kit to have on hand. I'll just have to keep watching eBay and hope someone finds one and posts it.
Have a great weekend!

Lana Reed [returning]
- Deerfield Beach, Florida USA

Q. I just bought a Medallion solution but the seller forgot to add the metal disc. Please can I use a different metal to replace the metal disc?

Ebenezer Antwi
- New York, New York
June 6, 2016

A. Hi Ebenezer. Another possibility is that there was a misunderstanding over what was being bought & sold rather than "forgetfulness". Medallion and their resellers offer replenishment solution at a lower cost than the whole kit; apparently you received just the replenishment solution. You could try a piece of aluminum foil for activation, but I don't know how well it will work, nor whether that comprises a patent violation as I'm not familiar with the patent.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. I'm not a company. I do this for my own enjoyment. I've used the Medallion gold plating system for many years. I was glad to find it again. I have a question that you can probably answer for me.

When I've plated a few items, there's black residue stuff in the jar, probably from the disk. Does this make the solution unusable when this occurs? If not, how can I remove the residue and continue using the plating solution?


Marian Kerner
- Denver Colorado USA
February 18, 2017

A. Hi Marian. Yes, that residue probably is reacted metal from the activation disk, indicating that there is less gold in the solution now. You probably can remove it by passing the solution through a paper coffee filter. But the residue doesn't speed up or slow down the reaction; it is just a consequence of having used some of the gold, indicating that there is less (if any) useable gold left in the solution, so it will be slower if it works.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

thumbs up sign Thank you for your response. Since I posted this, I've used it again, and it did work, however, not as quickly as before. But, it still works after I removed the residue. Again, thank you.

Marian Kerner [returning]
- Denver Colorado

Q. My question is regarding the toxicity, if any, of the Medallion Liquid Gold Immersion Plating System if it is used for silverware -- knives, forks, and spoons.

We have gold plated silverware that is worn and un-plated in places so I purchased the Medallion Liquid Gold Immersion Plating Kit and would like to use it to re-plate the silverware.

When I saw the demonstration for the product on HSN they actually did silverware, but after thinking it over I want to be absolutely positive that over time the Medallion Liquid Gold plating on the silverware will not be toxic to us.

We use our gold plated silverware everyday so if there is a possibility for toxicity from the Medallion Liquid Gold, our exposure would be huge.

Any information you can give me regarding any toxicity issues or possibilities that might exist for eating with silverware plated with this product would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. For obvious reasons we do not want to eat with plated gold from the Medallion company if it would be harmful to us.

Thank you so much for any help you can give me.

Richard Huskison
- Roseville, California USA
July 20, 2018

A. Hi Richard. Once a gold plated surface has been well rinsed, it's just gold regardless of whether it was put there by electroplating or the Medallion method. Real gold is eaten as decoration on exotic candies, pastries, and foods and I have personally never heard a report of it being a problem; it is very inert to any chemical reactions and presumably passes through the body unchanged.

Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

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