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Ted Mooney, P.E. RET -- The Home Page of the Finishing Industry

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  for Metal Finishing 1989-2025


Polishing Silver with Aluminum Foil and Washing Soda

     Aluminum foil & silver in contact with each other, with a conductive solution around them, forms a battery which converts silver tarnish back to pure silver.
     The usual method is to lay a sheet of aluminum foil, or a proprietary 'silver cleaning plate' this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] on the bottom of a plastic washtub, fill the tub with warm water and washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] , and just lay the silver items on the foil.
     The action may proceed faster if the water is very hot. Sellers of the proprietary plates claim they work better or more conveniently, and some people feel that water softener salts, or Spic and Span can replace the washing soda.
     If the silver item is too large to conveniently submerge, it can probably alternately be rubbed with aluminum foil & a thin paste of washing soda.

thumbs up sign Brilliant - my wife was so pleased, she thought her silver ring and chain was ruined after dropping them in a volcanic pool - thank you.

Riverfate Fish
- chester, uk
May 23, 2024

Holy SMOKES!! Tried the baking soda, with foil, salt, half a dryer sheet, and I AM FLOORED ... it worked so, so beautifully on jewellery that kept tarnishing after repeated silver cloth polishing, after a stint in a hot springs.

Thank you, everyone!! I feel like I just won the world with this!!

Christine B
- Victoria, BC
December 31, 2024

⇩ Related postings, oldest first ⇩

Why & How It Works - The Chemistry

! I love this question!

The usual tarnish on silver is the black sulfide. The cool thing about this is that you can instantly remove the tarnish from any silver item with commonly available household items, and I do mean fast!

Aluminum is far above silver in the activity series for metals, and in a suitable solution will reduce the silver in the silver sulfide, reforming silver metal. The reaction is spontaneous and rapid in warm water:

2Al(s) + 3Ag2S(s) + 6H2O -> 6Ag(s) + 2Al2(OH)3(s) + 3H2S(aq)

So, all you have to do is get a container big enough for the silver item, partially fill it with warm water and a couple tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate, a.k.a. baking soda [in bulk on eBay or Amazon [affil links] , place some clean aluminum foil in the container and then just dunk the tarnished item in the bucket. The silver item has to touch the aluminum. It works in a few seconds, no scratches, no muss, no fuss, and then all you you do is rinse the item off. There is no adverse environmental impact, none of the ingredients are in any way toxic (they are food grade!), there is no abrasion or scratching of the silver and you can use your bare hands to remove the treated items from the solution. Just rinse and dry the silver when you are done, & pour the "used" solution down the drain! Re-use or recycle the aluminum foil.

A big old aluminum cooking pot works well as long as you use some 00 steel wool this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] on it first to remove the native aluminum oxide. This "treatment" works on silver plate, jewelry, any tarnished silver. Try it friends! Better living through chemistry!

Dale Woika
- Bellefonte, Pennsylvania

Q. My question is, if you use the baking soda [in bulk on eBay or Amazon [affil links] and aluminum mixture, can you make up some to keep in a jar to use over and over again? If so, do you leave the aluminum foil in the jar? I like to keep a jar near my jewelry and dip tarnished items before I wear them. I never have time to mix up stuff when I'm getting dressed to go out, but I do have time to open a jar and dip. I've been looking for Noxon Silver Dip too, and can't find it. It works wonderfully! Thanks!

Sally Chamberlain
- Boulder, Colorado

Ed. note: Hi Sally. Please see thread 47/85p2, "Need Silver Dip, LIQUID silver cleaner" for that portion of your question.

A. Besides the Al treatment mentioned the other formulations are approx. 50 g/l of Thiourea this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] in about 1-2% acid - sulfuric, phosphoric, sulfamic. Avoid contact with stainless steel as this will be stained or attacked

Geoffrey Whitelaw
Geoffrey Whitelaw
- Port Melbourne, Australia

thumbs down sign I tried Dale Woika's suggestion about using the baking soda and warm water....the only visible result was a bunch of baking soda saturated with did NOT work for me!

M.D. Rai
- San Jose, California

A. Hi, M.D.

If you read on, you'll see that it worked very well for dozens of readers. Perhaps your silver has a clear coat on it?

Silver is so prone to tarnishing that it can even tarnish in a jeweler's showcase, making it harder to sell. So some people will put a lacquer or some other organic clear coating on it to deter tarnish, prolonging the time before it tarnishes, but making it harder to clean. Maybe try a soft tooth brush and toothpaste.

Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Washing Soda
on eBay or


(affil links)

thumbs down sign I tried the sodium bicarbonate, water and aluminum foil. It did not work. What am I doing wrong?

John F
- Schenectady, New York

A. It should be sodium carbonate aka washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] NOT sodium bicarbonate

Stephen Young
- NSW, Australia
August 2, 2023

Ed. note: Any conductive solution should work, but Stephen is right that washing soda (sodium carbonate) is twice as conductive as baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

thumbs up sign I too tried the aluminum, baking soda and water effect with grand results; what I did was boil the water, and the coins came out "clean as a whistle".

Mary Jo Muffler
- Brick, New Jersey


Restoring Silver Artifacts & Old Coins

A. Silver:

As with gold, wash and clean in warm soapy water and dry off. Further cleaning may not be necessary, however, most detecting finds will. To clean further you need a small plastic container, lunch box style will be fine. Cover the bottom of the container with kitchen foil and put in half a teaspoon of washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] . Place the artifact or coin on top of the kitchen foil, cover with boiling water and leave to cool. Remove the item and clean again in warm soapy water with a soft toothbrush. For a final polish, dip artifacts in silver dip this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] for 1 minute, wash in warm soapy water and dry off. Polish with a soft cloth. DO NOT dip silver coins in silver dip, or polish them.

Another way to clean silver artifacts and hammered coins is with a car battery charger this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] . Put a teaspoon of washing soda in a small plastic container and fill with about an inch of boiling water. Put a stainless steel spoon in the red positive clip, and immerse it in the solution. Put the item to be cleaned into the black negative clip, and immerse it in the solution, about an inch and a half away from the spoon. Switch the battery charger on and watch it bubble around the item, lifting the contamination off the silver. If you slide the item you are cleaning closer to the spoon you will notice an increase in activity in the cleaning process. If you move the item away you will see a decrease. It is important to know and use this when cleaning very delicate items.

You only need to leave items being cleaned in the solution for 2 minutes at the most. Switch off the charger and remove the item from the solution. Clean with warm soapy water using a soft toothbrush and dry off. For a final polish, dip artifacts in silver dip for 1 minute, wash in warm soapy water and dry off. Polish with a soft cloth. DO NOT dip silver coins in silver dip, or polish them.

To tone and highlight the type and legend on silver coins, use the same battery charger solution you used to clean the coin with, but, put the stainless steel spoon into the black negative clip, and the coin in the red positive clip. Place both back into the same solution, making sure you can see the coin clearly. Turn the battery charger on, keeping your hand on the switch so that you can turn it off again quickly. Turn the battery charger off as soon as the coin goes black -- this will literally take 1 or 2 seconds at most.

Adjustable Power Supply
on eBay or


(affil links)

Remove the coin and put a small amount of any one of the modern household oven and grill cleaning pastes on your thumb. Gently rub the paste onto one side of the coin, then wash it off and check the coin. Repeat this exercise until you highlight the type and legend, toning down the black deposit, to your own satisfaction. Repeat this then for the other side of the coin.

Andrew S
- Alexander City, Alabama

Ed. note: Thanks for the excellent and thorough presentation, Andrew!

Ed. update Jan 2025: If readers have a battery charger, or want one to charge batteries, that's fine. But these days regulated power supplieswith amperage and voltage controls ⇨
are available for about the same cost and are far more useable for electroplating, electroforming, anodizing, and hobby electronics purposes.

thumbs up sign The Dale Woika tarnished silver cleaning method works great!

My wife had some very tarnished silver (probably 40 - 50 years worth) that she got after her mother passed away. We lined a bucket with foil, heated about 3 to 4 gallons of very hot boiling water and dumped in lots of good old baking soda. It was amazing, we dipped the silver in the mixture and it did a great job of getting most of the tarnish cleaned. We cleaned about 30 pieces.

Hagerty Silver Polish
on eBay or


(affil links)

There were some spots that didn't come off completely and it didn't clean some of the decorative small groves on the silver pieces but we were able to get the bulk cleaned very well.

After each piece was done, there was a baking soda coating/film left on, that was easily cleaned with silver polish. This also cleaned most of the spots and groves and sure made the silver look like new again.

I think the key is 'boiling water and lots of baking soda - we used about two and a half boxes - a few spoon fulls doesn't cut it.

Thanks for the idea - it really works and is environmentally safe.

Dave/Donna B [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Apalachin, New York

A. The trick is to use washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] , not baking soda. It works well with the aluminum plate I bought at a boat show a few years ago. Adding foil to the bottom of the glass container, then the plate, then the soda, then boiling hot water works!

Helen L [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Sarasota, Florida

! This is a thread that just keeps on going, seemingly with a life of it's own...

There are a couple other compounds of silver that can blacken the surface other than the silver sulfide (tarnish) which is typically found on household silver products. Silver oxide is possible on items which have been in corrosive or hot environments, and there are other compounds (i.e., silver cyanide) which are black or dark brown. Fortunately, silver chemistry tends to be along similar lines of bonding mechanisms, so there are potential solutions to most of these stains as well. Most of these compounds are somewhat more soluble in ammonium hydroxide than in water, and a good way to make ammonium hydroxide at home it to mix ammonia this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] with water. Ammonia, bought at the grocery store, is in fact a solution of ammonium hydroxide. If you try the tarnish removal system with aluminum reduction method and it does not work almost immediately, try soaking the parts in some warm ammonia solution first. Do this outside--ammonia fumes are nasty -- and *never* mix ammonia with any other household cleaners or disinfectants for obvious safety considerations! Keep in mind if you use ammonium hydroxide to dissolve the oxides, any silver in the oxide layer will not be reduced & the silver in the oxide will be lost (unlike the tarnish system in which the silver is actually re-deposited). However, oxide layers tend to be rather thin on silver. Ammonia solutions will not harm silver.

Soda Crystals
Cleaning Plate Activator
on eBay or


(affil links)
Silver Cleaning Plates
on eBay or


(affil links)

By the way, from an earlier response, washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] is sodium carbonate monohydrate, and baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Either "chemical" works well in the silver tarnish removal system using water & aluminum, as they are almost the same thing. Baking spda is just easier to obtain thanks to Arm & Hammer! Happy silver cleaning!

Dale Woika [returning]
- Bellefonte, Pennsylvania

A. I was searching the web trying to find a company that sells the metal plate that cleans silver (also used, I'm told, by museums). Someone else had posted a question on the internet site I was looking at asking if anyone knew where to buy one. I had bought one at the Texas State Fair a year ago, but unfortunately had lost it when I moved. I had hoped to buy one on the internet, but since I couldn't find the web site in my search and October 20th was the last day for the Texas State Fair I rushed to the fair and bought another one. For anyone interested in buying one a URL is .

JoEllen V
- Irving, Texas

Ed. note: That URL is currently only a link farm. We suggest that readers not visit it because hackers sometimes buy up old URLs.

A. You can do just as well with Aluminium flashing material sold at most building supply companies. It is thin enough to cut with heavy shears or tin snips. I see a lot of the plates in thrift stores.

Thuston E
- Albuquerque, New Mexico

Q. I have a silver sculpture in the form of a small (10" x 12") tree. No leaves just limbs and the Aluminum procedure won't work because I can't make contact with all the surfaces on the tree! Need just a solution! Any suggestions?

Kenneth R [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Charlotte, North Carolina

Ed. note: Maybe we're misunderstanding, but if the item is conductive, any point on it can touch the aluminum and the rest of it should get cleaned

A. Home-made Silver Dip: Put some hot water in an aluminium pan, some water softener powder and salt. Dissolve the ingredients before dipping silver. Tarnish will dissolve immediately. Dip silver in cool water to rinse off solution when done. No need for polishing.

I do not know the exact proportions of each ingredient, you might have to try a few times before you get it right, but when you do the results are amazing. Will remove tarnish from even the most intricate areas of silver. You can mix as much or little solution as necessary for larger or smaller pieces.

Nina B [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Hamden, Connecticut, USA

Q. Have several old silver services from great grandparents and all are very tarnished. Unable to use hands due to arthritis. Is there a good dip the can be safely used without damaging my silver?

Laura S [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
hobbyist - Mobile, Alabama

Ed. note: The aluminum foil plus washing soda method does not require any handwork. Or see thread 47/85p2, "Need Silver Dip, LIQUID silver cleaner". Good luck.

A. Tarn-X tarnish remover this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] is the brand of instant, thiourea type, silver tarnish remover that I see everywhere.

Chris Owen
- Houston, Texas

Q. Why do you have to use HOT water with baking soda Al etc.., why not cold water?

Caitlin [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
student - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A. You don't necessarily "have to", Caitlin, but almost all chemical reactions occur much faster at higher temperatures because of much higher ion mobility. Further, the only portion of the washing soda which aids in the process is the part that is dissolved, and you can dissolve more into the water at high temperature than at low temperature.
Good luck.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. I have an old silver sugar dish and would like to know how much or the measurements of each ingredients to use to clean this. This was in the family for quite awhile and now I have it and would like to clean it up and display it.


Ann [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
hobbyist - Port Hope, Michigan, USA

Ed. note: Theoretically, the more washing soda the better, up to the point where no more will dissolve. But, practically, 1/2 cup in a quart of water is probably as good an answer as any  🙂

thumbs up sign My husband and I had seen someone on a talk show cleaning silver with the water softener, aluminum pie plate, salt and hot water. We didn't have everything necessary and soaked the silver in warm water and ammonia. Nothing much happened. Then I found this site. We put aluminum foil in the bottom of the sink. Added salt and then grabbed some dryer sheets. The results were fantastic.

Helen W [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Cocoa, Florida, USA

Ed. note: Happy it worked well, Helen!

Calgon water softener
on eBay or


(affil links)

A. The reason this works for only some people is hard water; you need to use equal parts Calgon water softener, from any grocery store, and same amount of it as the amount of Baking soda, like, 1/4 cup of each with the warm water.

It works real quick and sweet, only problem is Calgon is in a BIG box and costs like 10 bucks, but well worth it.

The hard minerals block the chemical action, you need soft water.

This is from a professional Jeweler. Good luck.

Jack P [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Calgary, Canada

A. I found a precious metals cleaning plate and activator on . Product number is 65593J

Judy M
- Lisle, Illinois, USA

Ed. update: Sorry, no longer available on that site.

thumbs up sign I want to thank everyone who has posted here; all the information has been extremely helpful. I'm an American residing in the coastal regions of Central Queensland, Australia. The weather here is quite humid, as I reside at the lower end of the Tropics. Much of my silver jewelry has become tarnished and regular polishes/cleaners available here were not doing the trick. So, I tried the aluminium, bicarbonate soda & boiling water, as suggested on this post, and it worked wonders. I only had to polish a few pieces that had tarnished very badly (large black sports) due to the salt air & humid temperatures. I will definitely be using this cleaning method again, as it is convenient, inexpensive and natural (no chemicals or abrasives involved).

Thank you everyone!

Doris T
- Freshwater Point, QLD, Australia

Q. This is a question for Dale Woika. From your chemical equation, I am assuming that the silver sulfide turns back to native silver and plates back onto the silver item. I have seen people suggesting you add salt to the equation. What does this do? I have some old silver plate items that I want to clean up, but don't want to remove any of the silver....

Jennifer P [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
individual - Vancouver, BC, Canada

A. Hi Jennifer.

I doubt that it's an actual problem, but you are correct that silver chloride is an insoluble salt such that under certain conditions salt could theoretically precipitate out.

Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

thumbs down sign After reading through all the postings ... can someone please just sum up the final answer ... is it boiling water, aluminum and baking soda. I tried it without the boiling water (as the original post stated) and it did not work. Thank you!

Debbie [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Crosswicks, New Jersey

A. Yep, it's getting long & ragged, but it can only be partially summed up, Debbie. Getting everyone on the internet to agree is harder than herding cats :-)

What can certainly be said from general science principles is that the process can't work without contact with the aluminum, and that boiling water will be faster & more effective than cooler water. But some readers have found warm water just fine; some readers insist that baking soda works fine while others say the process only works with washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] , and some says you need water softener if your water is hard.

But if it didn't work for you, the probabilities are that either your silver was not reliably in good contact with the aluminum, or your silver has an organic clearcoat on it.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

I finally found the combination of products to dip silver
I have silverware that is so time consuming to clean, and I remember watching a show on 13 several years ago . If you combine in a pot silver foil on the bottom several tablespoon of salt and a large amount of water softener it really works I have clean silverware to prove it.
I can't give the exact amount of water softener but if you keep dipping and it doesn't work add more

I hope this helps

Karyn F [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Bloomfield, New Jersey

A. Ted Mooney is partially right: Particles move faster at higher temperature (temperature is the average amount of kinetic energy in a substance). Faster particles mean more particle collisions per unit time. More particle collisions per unit time mean faster dissolution, reaction, and ion mobility.

Also, every reader should bear in mind that silver polishing cloths and silver cleaning dips remove silver from the object being cleaned: polishing cloths rub away the silver sulfide and some metallic silver. Commercial dips dissolve away silver sulfide. While only a small amount may be removed each dip, since silver will tarnish repeatedly, every time you dip tarnished silver, you will lose more and more silver (as the sulfide salt) to the dip.

The battery and aluminum foil methods described above reverse the silver sulfide formation, restoring tarnish to metallic silver WITHOUT removing any silver

To Jennifer P from Vancouver, the salt allows for electrons to flow easily through the solution, completing the electrical circuit needed for any electrochemical reaction such as this.

To everybody who had trouble with the aluminum foil method, make sure that a) the water is warm or hot, b) the silver item MUST be in contact with the foil, c) salt and water softener need to be added (see other posts above).
If it still looks a little tarnished or yellowish afterwards, try buffing with a soft cloth, as there may be bits of aluminum sulfide on your silver that will easily wipe off. Aluminum sulfide will either form on the aluminum foil or form flakes in the water and may coat the object but should be removable.

I found the following website, which is pretty useful:

Ph.D. candidate in chemistry, University of Michigan

David T [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Ann Arbor, Michigan

Ed. update Jan. 2025: The above link now goes to a questionable gambling site! Thankfully, the Internet Archive preserved a copy here smiley
Please consider a donation to The Internet Archive. We discourage links because it is impossible to maintain them across 60,000 pages going back 35 years, and old links are gold to hackers because legitimate sites send unsuspecting readers to them.

Spic and Span

on eBay or


(affil links)

thumbs up sign I have read this thread worth great interest. In the late 60's/70's (hard to believe I'm this old) I learned from a friend that one could line their bathtub with aluminum foil and stir a bunch of Spic and Span this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] in the powder form into the hot water as it was filling to get the tarnish off of my silver. As I slid the items into the tub they hardly had to touch the aluminum as they turned immediately into bright untarnished silver. As a middle school librarian I am aware of the science fair project of using baking soda [in bulk on eBay or Amazon [affil links] and salt with the foil and hot water and I have done that with much success but it is not nearly as fast or effective as the powdered Spic and Span this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] was. In fact nothing that I have seen since is as good but unfortunately one cannot find Spic and Span in a powder form anymore and I suppose if one did the composition of the product may have changed from the 60's/70's.

Jo C [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Charleston, South Carolina

Ed. note: Spic and Span is available on line, Jo ⇨
We can't guarantee that there have been no changes to the formulation, but I did try it on one item today and it seemed as good or better than baking soda but harder on the hands unless you wear gloves.

A. Someone said you cannot buy powdered Spic and Span anymore. YOU CAN! Try your local hardware store. NOT a Big Box store, but a local old time hardware store like Ace or True Value, or independent. I buy it all the time at a neighborhood hardware store in my city.

Diane Ipsen
- Denver, Colorado, USA
March 2, 2011

Soda Crystals
Cleaning Plate Activator
on eBay or


(affil links)

A. Thanks for the great ideas. I, too, am revealing my age as I recall a "recipe" for tarnish removal that called for a product named "Soilax". As I recall, you lined the sink with foil, threw in a couple of cups of Soilax and poured in the boiling water. Dip the silver with tongs until you can comfortably reach in with rubberrubber gloves this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] .

I just tried a formula featured on a PBS helpful home hints series recently. Called for 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon water softener to 1 quart water and hot water. Did absolutely nothing until I added tons more salt and water softener and boiling water. When I put the boiling water in and dipped the silver, the water began frothing and giving off a metallic odor. I felt like I was making a witches brew.

Has anyone heard of Soilax or have I gone round the bend?

I have a huge silver wine cooler that is so tarnished it is embarrassing. My daughter has a silver tea set (I gave it to her so I wouldn't have to polish it). It is in need of a dip. Will be trying all your fabulous concoctions!

Joyce F
Internet Service Provider - Bellevue, Washington

A. Hi Joyce.

Somewhere I heard that a good solution for large items like your wine cooler is to ball up a wad of aluminum foil and dip it in a strong solution and use it as a scrubber (try it on the bottom or other inconspicuous place to make sure the foil doesn't scratch your wine cooler).

You have not "gone round the bend" regarding Soilax. It was a very popular product but it was a l-o-n-g time ago  🙂

Soilax memorabilia on eBay (affil link)

Luck & Regards,

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

thumbs up sign I had been looking for something to clean my "intricate" silver ... and had not wanted to pay for what seemed to be so many high priced cleaners that did not do a good job. I chanced upon your website and mixed up a batch of the aluminum foil, boiling water, baking soda, salt, and added a dryer sheet for good measure since we live in Florida where the water is so darn hard.

My silver is now so shiny that I almost need my sunglasses inside the house to look at it! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will never clean silver any other way again!

Ginny S
- Orlando, Florida

Q. I recently bought a late 1800's silver plated tea set, dark black all over with tarnish. I got it for about $10, and (knowing very little about silver) thought I'd gotten a bargain, since "how hard can it be to clean some tarnish off this?"

I've now gone through an entire bottle of Tarn-X, which helped only with some of the lighter tarnish, even after keeping a cotton ball mixed with the solution on it for several minutes (the bottle says the maximum time to keep something in this solution is two minutes).

I'm in the process of trying this aluminum foil, baking soda, and salt mixture, but I have a few questions..
1.) How long do I leave it in this mixture for?
2.) Is there any way this can damage the already pitted areas? (In the sugar holder, there are some small holes in the silver, I'm hoping I can have those repaired somehow)
3.) I saw some bubbling happening when I first put the cream holder into the mixture, but now it seems to just be sitting in still, murky black it still working?
4.) How can I tell if my water is "hard" or not? I'd be happy to add some water softener, or a dryer sheet into the water, but I don't know if this is necessary.

Thanks in advance for any responses I might receive. I really want to restore this beautiful set, but I'm losing hope! I don't think it's been cleaned since it was made!

Rebecca A [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
antiques lover - Fremont, California

A. Replace the water if it's black, Rebecca. You should be able to see the process working. Maybe the silver is not in intimate contact with the aluminum anymore? The "solution" is just a conductive salt, it's the aluminum that does the magic. If you have hard water you already know it, so I wouldn't worry too much about water softness . Try again with good contact and very hot water with washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] . If you continue to meet no success, I'd guess somebody lacquered the tarnished silver -- in which case try lacquer thinner this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] Warning! highly flammable! to remove it.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. Dear Dale Woika and all on the forum,
I have been fascinated in reading this column ever since seeing someone selling the magic cleaning plates at a recent trade fair. What a great demonstration cleaning everyone's jewelry, so I had to figure out how they did it and research the process. So first off thank you for enlightening me to Aluminum foil method.

My questions to put to the forum are:

1. When looking up different websites selling the plates online they all look pretty similar, sheet of plate with holes in them, with one English company ( stating it has a worldwide patent on the system ... do you think this is so? as it sounds like a pretty old fashioned science project to me.

2. The websites and commercial vendors selling these plates state that the plate cleans brass, gold, copper and jewelry. Are they using a different process to your aluminum process? for a variety of surfaces and are the commercial versions different to household ones? Leading to my next question.

3. When I asked the presenter what sort of metal the plate was made out of they said it was 80% zinc and a mixture of 4 other secret metals. Obviously after reading your forum I think this was a sales line but do other metals work for this experiment and if yes is what is the best.

I would really enjoy hearing your views
Best Regards
Alan Parker.

PS also when I saw the demonstration they used ordinary clothes washing powder maybe it contains sodium carbonate this on eBay or Amazon] also.

Alan P [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Sydney, NSW, Australia

A. Sorry Alan, but Dale hasn't been back in years.
I don't doubt that manufacturers of cleaning plates hold some patents; the question is how important those patents are to the central issue. I have an old cleaning plate that I inherited and my personal opinion is that it seems no more effective than aluminum foil.

The tarnish on silver is apparently mainly a sulfide, whereas the tarnish on brass and copper is probably mainly an oxide, but I think pretty much the same chemistry should work to at least some degree for brass or copper -- and probably gold if it is low enough carat to tarnish in the first place. I suppose the plate you saw could have been zinc; but zinc alloys should perform pretty much the same way as aluminum.

Anything can be improved upon and perfected, so I don't absolutely rule out that those cleaning plates could be slightly quicker or more convenient in certain ways. But for my small & crowded house the greatest convenience is not having to store something away and find it; so for me, aluminum foil is the winner.

The conductive solution is probably not the principal issue -- Calgon, baking soda [in bulk on eBay or Amazon [affil links] , washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] , and Spic and Span this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] have all been reported to work. The latter seemed to be quickest to me (maybe because it's a strong detergent for cleaning and wetting, as well as a conductor, but it was harder on the hands.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

A. I've had one of those cleaning plates for years, which I use regularly on a collection of silver musical instruments. I have no idea what the 'brand name' is, but somewhere I got the idea it was primarily zinc, although on closer inspection now it does just look like aluminum. Instructions that came with it said to use washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] - good to know baking soda works also, since the washing soda can be hard to find. I'll also be trying the aluminum foil - the plate only draws tarnish within about a foot or so of it's contact point, which can be a pain on larger instruments like tubas and sousaphones!


Mikel S
- Washington, New Jersey

thumbs up sign Well, Thank you all for your most enlightening methods for cleaning silver items. I can't wait for tomorrow morning and drag out anything I own made of silver and get it clean, clean clean!

Thanks again!

Dennis G [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Merrick, New York

? Odor Eating dryer sheets?
I have read the string of suggestions on cleaning silver. I have only a few pieces that needed polishing/cleaning. I started with the aluminum foil, salt and water with little success but with an odor that made me think I was doing something wrong since I did not recall reading any odor comments. However, I believe the odor is probably where the use of dryer sheets came into play.

I was not sure if the foil had to touch every inch to be cleaned. After little success with just soaking in the solution, I took pieces of the al. foil with the solution and used it to wash the pieces. I had better luck and almost spotless silver pieces from what started out as almost black. The dryer sheets in the pan helps with the disturbing odor and good on the hands too. Without dryer sheets I wouldn't consider this "stinking" solution again.

Patsy S [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Huntsville, Alabama

thumbs up sign Interesting read I must say! I clean silver for a living and have done so for 22 years now, I'm an antique dealer and the only safe way to clean silver is to use an Electrolytic plate. if you use polish or dips you're not only damaging your silver, but your health as well because nearly all chemical based polish solutions contain 'ammonia' and lots of it too!.
Also note: that using soda crystals 'washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] ' sodium carbonate crystals, with aluminum is also very dangerous and will when mixed together create a deadly vapour. read the instructions on any packet of soda crystals and it should read 'DO NOT USE WITH ALUMINUM'

We use the "PRISTINE2U" method of cleaning all valuable metals, and they say 'this is the original electrolytic plate from 1907'; don't know if this is true or not? But we and many of our rivals in the trade use this method or similar as there are others on the market.. hope this helps and good luck

brian s [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
silver cleaners - london uk

Thanks, Brian! Although sodium carbonate is not good for aluminum because it's a medium strength alkali, and such materials do slowly attack aluminum (don't put aluminum items in the dishwasher), it's the silver we're worried about attacking not whether the aluminum foil is slowly damaged. Some smelly sulfides are probably released, but I doubt that anything really hazardous will be released from exposing aluminum & tarnished silver to sodium carbonate. And I don't see how a different cleaning material can remove the sulfides without generating similar sulfide byproducts.

Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Patsy S and Brian S commented on the smell of the solution and possible toxic vapours:

Dale Woika provided the chemistry in the second post on this thread as 2Al(s) + 3Ag2S(s) + 6H2O -> 6Ag(s) + 2Al2(OH)3(s) + 3H2S(aq)

The smell comes from the production of H2S or hydrogen sulfide in solution which is toxic as a gas or in high concentrations. Hydrogen sulfide gives off the classic rotten eggs smell that people associate with sulfur. So partly for aesthetics and partly for safety, it's best to do your silver dipping outdoors or in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling any vapours.

Jim Hughes
- Vancouver, BC, Canada

Hi Jim. Good point, thanks! I have hardly or not at all noted a hydrogen sulfide smell ... but I suppose if someone is doing a whole bunch of silver that it very heavily tarnished with sulfides it would generate more H2S, so it might be significant.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

thumbs up sign sells the plates you are all talking about. I bought one and used it for the first time yesterday. I have a large collection of copper and brass that tarnishes over time. I usually clean them once or twice a year but it's one of those jobs that I hate to do as it takes so long. So I usually do it over the course of a week.
I did a bit of research and found a link to 'Qwicksilver' What used to take me two to three days of continuous rubbing took 2 hours! The results were unbelievable. The tarnish literally floats off and a quick dip in hot sudsy water after then a rub with a drying towel is all you need. Reading the previous posts I guess that an aluminium saucepan would do the job just as well.
The trick is.
1) Use soft water
2) Add 1 tablespoon of washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] per litre of water used.
3) Add the water to the pan, keep it on the hob until the water boils, then add the soda. Keep the water just on the boil and add the pieces to be cleaned. Leave in the solution for 30 seconds and remove.
Hey Presto! Clean.
Then just wash off the soda residue with hot soapy water and dry.

Vincent Penkul
- Essex, UK
October 29, 2008

A. I had used a metal plate with holes to clean my silver items for a long time, and as I could not find it I searched the Internet & came to this page. I read Dale Woika's comments and tried a spoonful of washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] for every litre of boiling water in an aluminum cooking pot which I previously cleaned with 00 steel wool this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] , as Dale advised, and it worked wonders. I dipped my silver forks, which had their tips quite dirty, and some silver bread plates and now they look really nice.
It certainly is cheaper than buying the metal plate!
Thank you, Dale!

Maria Radicic Garbin
- Rosario, Argentina

A. I looked this up on several websites & this is what I ended up with. I took a kitchen sink full of HOT water, a handful of Kosher salt, about half a palm full of baking soda & the aluminum foil. I did have to wrap the foil gently around one of my goblets that was black/blue in color. After about 20 minutes & a slightly stinky smell they were looking much better. However, before I rinsed in warm water, I did a trick that a jeweler taught me years ago. (This is to finish the hard to get parts). Take a SOFT toothbrush & Crest or Colgate toothpaste & clean the silver, then rinse. You can do the toothpaste trick alone, but takes longer. So I suggest the aluminum, hot water, B.S., & salt, then finishing hard to get places with the toothpaste. My black & gold looking goblets are silver again!   :)

Amber Nichols
- Charleston, West Virginia

Q. What side of aluminum foil should be placed up?

Wilma W [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]

A. Earlier Wilma asked, "What side of aluminum foil should be placed up?"

Wilma, except for their appearance, both sides of aluminum foil are identical. The shiny and dull appearance comes from the final step in the foil's manufacture. This involves two sheets of approximately .008" thick foil placed on top of each other and run through a large set of rollers set to a clearance of only .008". The result is the final product with each sheet measuring .004". The sides of each sheet that the pair of rollers pressed against comes out shiny and the sides of the sheets that were against each other will be the dull sides.

Randall McMurphy
Tampa, Florida
January 23, 2009

thumbs up sign Thanks so much Dale! It just took me two hours to polish 3 pieces of silver but after I saw your post I decided to try it and whalah! I soaked one of my candelabras for 15 minutes and it came out shining. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I'm ready for a dinner party. :-)

Malina L [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- San Clemente, California

thumbs up sign I was very skeptical about trying the aluminum foil and baking soda to remove the tarnish off of my silver ring. After successfully trying this method, I would recommend it over and over again! I was very pleasantly surprised! All of the tarnish came off of my ring and all I had to do was grab an old cotton rag and polish it back to a high shine. Thank you for saving me time and $$$$ !

DAWN H [last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- charlotte, No Carolina

Q. This is a great thread -- I cleaned all my silver yesterday -- and then thought I would run it through the dishwasher to rinse it off and dry it. Yes, I was trying to conserve time.

Now there is a film all over my 12-place silverware setting, and I am looking at some 72 pieces of ugly silverware. I can't find a solution to removal of the film. Dipping won't work, I've tried baking soda on a damp cloth, ......

Help! Does anyone have any suggestions?

Heidi Schobel
- Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
March 25, 2009

A. To the person that had the film left after this cleaning process. I did too. After removing my silver from the foil, salt, baking soda, and hot water mixture I rinse quickly in water and then swished the silver in a mixture of water and a little white vinegar in bulk on eBay or Amazon [affil links] . Then I rinsed again with water. Worked perfect to remove the tarnish and the residual film.

Karrie Stapleton
- Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

thumbs up sign Wow I found a silver hairbrush of my mother's (she has been dead for 30 years) It was as black as the ace of spades. Well I tried the foil, salt and baking soda (Bi-Carb) admittedly I had to immerse it twice but what silver. I was amazed. No more silver polishes for me.
Thanks for the info

Mary Dye
June 7, 2009

thumbs up sign Thank you all, my gold and silver plated coins have come up a treat...

I followed the bicarbonate of soda, aluminium foil and boiling water - and watched the tarnish fall off, amazing!

Sue Kemp
- London, England, UK

thumbs up sign I just finished completely cleaning ALL our silverware (8 settings) is about 15 minutes. In a plastic tub, about 12" square and 5" deep, layered on the bottom with aluminum foil, I sprinkled 2 or 3 tablespoons of washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] . Put about 1/3 of the silverware into the tub and followed with a kettle of boiling water. The silver became almost instantly clean! Fished it out and rinsed it, then dumped in the next third and again with the last third with same result The aluminum is higher on the electromotive scale and the silver sulfide (the tarnish) is converted back to pure silver. Unlike with manual polishing, no silver is lost!

Paul Collins
house husband - Burnsvllle, North Carolina

thumbs up sign Thank you, Dale! I had several pairs of intricate silver earrings that had tarnished and would be very energy- and time-intensive to clean. I took a mixing bowl, poured boiling water then poured in baking soda, put in the foil and earrings and - voila It was like magic! Thank you for this fast, easy, non-toxic and fun way to clean silver! You ROCK!

Diane Rose
- Newton, Massachusetts, USA
November 15, 2010

Q. I just received an electrolytic cleaning plate as a gift and used it to clean several pieces of my collection. I have been interested in this technology for a long time, but only knew about the commercial plates that were being sold. (I didn't know that you could achieve the same results with household items, or I would have tried it long ago.)

My plate came with instructions to use near-boiling water and either washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] or Calgon Water Softener with the plate. I tried it on a small, silverplated lid to a trinket box. There was no visible change when the item came out of the solution, but as soon as I began polishing, the black turned to bright silver!

The next day, I went to work on several other matching pieces of serving dishes. All were silverplate. I could see the solution working on the first two pieces as they sat in the plastic tub. They came out sparkling. Then, on the third, as I watched, the dish silvered, but the handle turned black. I had no idea what had happened.

I tried Tarn-x on the handle. I tried cream silver polish. I tried liquid silver polish. Nothing worked. Then I got it. I looked closer at the other pieces. The problem was that the plating on the third piece was badly worn on the handle. That was why it had blackened on contact with the electrolytic solution.

I didn't see any posts on this subject on this thread, so I thought I'd share my story. I think this is a great way to clean silver & plate quickly, efficiently, & with less environmental impact. However, when working with plate, one should be sure that the plate is intact. Otherwise, you might be surprised (less happily) with the results!

Alisa Abrams
- Sacramento, California, USA
January 18, 2011

A. Alisa Have you tried dipping the dishes in a mixture of 50/50 vinegar to water?

Chris Warfel
- Waynesville, Ohio

thumbs up sign This works well, but I did use more baking soda (approx. 1/4 cup) and as my silver pieces -- bowls, trays, etc. were quite tarnished, it required quite a bit longer than 'instant' removal; more of a bath or a soaking -- so just be patient! It does work.

Marilyn O'Connor
- Kingston, Ontario Canada

thumbs up sign I had used White King's Water Softener for years and now it is impossible to find as I think Front Loading machines have put it out of business.

I had a beloved Silver and Sapphire ring that I wore in our Hot Tub - which uses Bromine. next thing I know, I've got Silver Bromide tarnish all over it pretty bad - totally DARK GREY and FOGGY. Note to self, take off rings before going in hot tub. Silver Bromide the stuff we used to make photo sensitive Black and white photo paper on...I digress.

So I was OVERJOYED when I found Ted's Article referencing #4785 saying I could use 1T Baking Soda + 1t Salt + Aluminum Foil (Which causes the reaction) and Hot and I used boiling water. AND I don't have to buy anything!

I put the foil over a soup bowl, added the baking soda, salt and 1 cup boiling water. Dropped my ring in and stirred it about with a wooden chopstick took it out after like 30 seconds, and much cleaner but not totally to my liking yet. left it in for 2 minutes, rinsed in boiling water and VOILA! Totally beautiful.
No harsh chemicals lol it's FOOD GRADE! Just pour it down the sink and all done.

Ted and YOU ROCK! Been looking for this solution for like 3 months now! I sooo missed my ring!

Hugs TED!


Stefanie Sellars
- Simi Valley, California

Thanks, Stefanie! Actually, the aluminum foil wasn't my idea. Although, yes, it's my website, and I'm up for any hugs I can get :-)   -- Ted

thumbs up sign This worked for me on a couple of necklaces that had been exposed to hydrogen peroxide by accident. I just used excess of baking soda, a little bit of salt, boiling water and a sheet of tin foil in a tupperware container.

Kate Lewis
- Syracuse, New York, USA
January 1, 2012

Hi Kate. Thanks.

I'm betting your grandmother taught you some cooking. Because, way back when, people actually did use tin foil; but aluminum foil became available cheaper, and supplanted it. People old enough to have used real tin foil tended to continue calling the new fangled stuff "tin foil" and passed the phrase on to the next generations :-)


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

A. Washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] is usually much more effective than baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate). Washing soda is "sodium TRIcarbonate" and is more active chemically so will often clean those older 'deeper' tarnish spots. The water must be very hot and I prefer to cover the container - when convenient, so the water stays warmer longer. Washing soda is usually available in larger supermarkets. Arm & Hammer also makes washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] .

Doug Koch
- Southfield, Michigan
January 28, 2012

thumbs up sign Thanks, Doug. Good ideas! But washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] is actually sodium carbonate. The "bi" in bicarbonate doesn't mean "two", it indicates hydrogen in the compound.

Baking soda is NaHCO3, washing soda is Na2CO3.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. What is the difference between sodium carbonate this on eBay or Amazon] and baking soda to clean silver? I used washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] , but I used double the suggested proportion by mistake. It worked, but now I'm wondering if I harmed the silver plate.

Gilda Schneider
- New York, New York, USA
February 11, 2012

A. Hi Gilda. washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] is a bit more alkaline, and consequently it is both a better cleaner and more conductive -- but lots of people have had success with baking soda too. Neither washing soda nor baking soda will hurt silver.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. Hi,

I just used this method to try cleaning some old silver plate cutlery. It worked well, and I could see a visible difference in 30 seconds or so. I used Baking Soda + Aluminium foil + hot water.

However, when I got to the forks, there was black tarnishing appearing on the prongs of the forks where it touched the aluminium. I had only done 3, so stopped at this point to research more.

I put one more fork in that I was sure had no black on the end, and again after 30 seconds or so the tips became blackened.

I was able to get rid of the black tarnish with a normal silver polish cloth, however I'm wondering why this might be happening?

It's almost like the tarnish is being moved from one area to another. Should I just leave them in longer and eventually it'd all go? Any other ideas?

James Gould
- Stafford, UK
December 23, 2012

Q. I have inherited my grandmother's silver. I did the foil, salt, washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] dip method on a black with tarnish tea set. It came clean but doesn't have any shine. It almost appears to be pewter. I know it is silver plate and remember it being shiny before. What can I do?

Doug Blackburn
- Cherryville, North Carolina, USA
October 15, 2013

A. Hi Doug. Even if all the tarnish has been removed, you won't have much shine if the surface is not extremely smooth. At this point it needs polishing to mechanically smooth it. The plating is thin, so you can't overdo it, but a soft buffing wheel for a battery-operated drill, and a dab of silver polish should do it.


Ted Mooney,
Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

How to get aluminum off silver

Q. Last week, I was outside with my dog, playing with the hose. Since the well water had sulfur this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] in it, it dyed my silver bracelet to a bronze color. I looked on Google and found that if you mix water, baking soda, and aluminum foil, it will take this tarnish off. It did! (for the most part) There was only a little bit of tarnish left, so I left it in for a little longer. When I took it out, part of it was now black... what do I do about this?


Can it be reversed by using sulfur again?

Elizabeth Krotov
teacher - Cape Coral, Florida, USA
May 22, 2015

A. Hi Elizabeth. Sulfur is the primary cause of this blackening, not the cure. The dark area is probably just where the bracelet was tightly touching the aluminum with no room to breathe. After removing as much tarnish (of any color) as you can by lying the bracelet on the aluminum foil in a non-metal container, and pouring a hot mixture of water and the "salt" of your choice onto it; and possibly flipping the bracelet over, then remove any remaining spots (of any color) with silver polish. Good luck.


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. My 60 year old silver plate spoon turned black after using the spoon to remove the cream of mushroom soup from the aluminum can. Immediately the spoon turned black and I cannot get it off. Please advise.

Marie Gough
- New City, New York USA

A. Hi Marie. It seems hard to believe that a silver plated spoon could be 60 years old without ever having previously required a tarnish-removal treatment. So what exactly do you mean when you say you "cannot get it off"? Please describe what you tried. Thanks!


Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Washing Soda
on eBay or


(affil links)

A. I don't know why people keep talking about "washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] ". Many years ago it was a common household item, but now it is very hard for most people to find locally, at least in the parts of the USA with which I'm familiar.

The good news is that sodium carbonate (which is what washing soda really is) is very commonly available in places that sell swimming pool supplies. It's used to raise the pH level of the water. Look for products called "pH booster", "alkalinity booster", or something similar, and read the labels. Many of them are nothing more than sodium carbonate.

If all else fails, you can turn baking soda into washing soda at home by (how's this for irony...) baking it. Pour it onto a cookie sheet and bake it at 400 °F (200 °C) for about half an hour.

Reid Kneeland
- Los Angeles, California, USA
August 6, 2015

A. Washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] is sodium carbonate, and Baking Soda is sodium bicarbonate.
Washing Soda is a stronger base than Baking Soda.
The good news is Washing Soda can be made from Baking Soda by simply heating it to drive off a CO2 molecule.
If you watch carefully, there is a very slight visual change in the consistency of the powder when it converts, it appears slightly finer grained and may flow easier.

William Johnson
- New York, USA
January 20, 2017

yup I made the mistake of soaking in a sulfur hot spring with my silver ring. It turned black. The foil baking soda method worked with a few tweaks. I boiled just enough water in a small saucepan to cover the ring. I removed the pot from the stove and placed a square of foil in the pan - it floated until I dropped my heavy ring onto it. I then dumped about three or four tablespoons of baking soda directly onto the ring. Each dose was satisfyingly bubbly. It took a couple of minutes to see results. I ended up spinning and flipping my wide band ring to get as much surface in contact with the foil as possible. I then removed the ring and washed it with an all natural dish detergent and scrubbed lightly with an old soft toothbrush. I topped it off with some silver polish. Clean as a whistle.

Michele McGinnis
- Yakima, Washington, USA
July 26, 2019

Q. MY MAIN PROBLEM IS THE WHITE CLOUDY LAYER LEFT AFTER THE TREATMENT. I bought several pieces of tarnished silver - 2 6"flat candy dishes, forks, a 4" candy type dish with lid. I also got a tea set (silver-looking tea pot, creamer and sugar), badly tarnished. They also had an artistic 'dent hammered' finish.
I did the aluminum-baking soda- hot water treatment. The tea set came out much lighter, but with a THICK layer of white residue, almost impossible to scrub or polish off with a microfiber cloth. (I don't want to scrub with anything The others have a thinner layer of white stuff. Still very hard to remove.
This has happened with a LOT of the silver I've "polished" with this method.

What can I do to prevent this, or remove it?
Also, if it's pewter would it tarnish?

Margaret McLane
Retired nurse - Fresno, California, USA
November 11, 2019

A. Hello Margaret McLane!

Remove it from what, exactly...?

Just wondering, why use baking soda or even washing soda rather than plain table salt (NaCl)? I've never heard of using, nor have I ever used, anything else.

Actually, I just get a few cheapo disposable aluminum pie pans, put the table salt and warm water into those, and skip the foil. As long as the item to be cleaned is in contact with the aluminum, even minimally, it works great. All that's left is mucky aluminum, and I still throw it into the recycle bin, since it gets cleaned up by the recycling place...

P.S. Feb. 14: As far as I know, the object being cleaned must be in contact with the aluminum. It can just be a small spot, though.

Kris Krieger
- Houston, Texas, USA

A. The reason that the process isn't working for some posters is because you need to use sodium carbonate (washing soda this on eBay or Amazon [affil links] ), instead of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Washing soda has a slightly different chemical makeup that will react better with the aluminum to remove the sulfur tarnish and re-deposit the silver ions back onto the silver item. Also, make sure the silver item touches the aluminum somewhere to complete the electrolytic circuit.

Scott Pope
hobbyist - Springfield Missouri
January 1, 2022

A. FYI ... You can make washing soda out of baking soda [in bulk on eBay or Amazon [affil links] with your oven and a cookie sheet. Look it up for instructions.

Tommy Tuto
Hobbyist - Danville, Illinois
June 26, 2023

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